Rockstown Incident (Part 3)

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6 Responses

  1. Albertfanatix says:

    This good image is what should be like as the cover of the last volume. Well done and everything you said. Keep it up.

  2. CKati says:

    This drawing definitly belongs to the Rockstown scene. Terry and Candy with tears, what heartbreaking moment that was, snif snif …
    But in the end there really is no other explanation than the one you described above.
    I totally agree with you, but I cannot help feeling sorry for Terry. He still loves her and she is moving on. One cannot blame her though; I mean we are talking about Albert 😀

    • Thanks CKati!! Yes, it was a sad episode, but we readers got to see the obvious change in Candy. I agree with you about Terry, and I’ll talk about him soon.

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