Daddy Long Legs by Jean Webster (1912)

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15 Responses

  1. Nathanalie says:

    Hi, I’ve read both the novel and watched the anime for daddy long legs. But still I prefer candy candy more. For the anime, both the drawings and music are way better in CC. I cried almost every time I watched the show and not when I watched DDLL. As for the story, I also prefer CC though its a bit dramatic 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Nathanalie!! I have only read the book but like you I found the Candy Candy story more entertaining. Still DLL is very sweet and inspired many people! ^_^

  2. Candyfan says:

    Is the novel better than Candy Candy manga? Just curious…

  3. Guest says:

    Jervie and Judy are 14 years apart? Are you serious? My niece and I are 14 years apart, and I can’t imagine myself falling in love with a girl that young, but hey, age doesn’t matter, right?

    • Ms Puddle says:

      I think the age gap between Jo March and her husband the Professor (in Little Women) is even larger! Please correct me if I’m wrong. 😉

      • Albertfanatix says:

        Agree, Ms Puddle. I think Prof. Bhaer’s about 20-25 years older than Jo. That proves Albert is really not that old for Candy, lol, but their pure hearts are what matters to me.

        I’ve heard about this Daddy Long Legs anime and I will add that up into my to-do list. Thank you for this good topic.

  4. Guest says:

    This is very interesting comparison

  5. MN027 says:

    Funny that you mentioned the fans were left hanging by the author whether Jarvis married Judy or not, but in anime it was shown they were married. I like this kind analysis you came up with as we can see they have many similarities as our favorite couple, Candy and Albert. Unfortunately, there is no Candy-Albert marriage occurred in anime version just like Jarvis and Judy did. Do you have any answers why Mizuki didn’t allow that to happen since that book was the reason that aspired her to write Candy Candy and Albert?

    • Ms Puddle says:

      I haven’t watched the DLL anime. I wonder if Mizuki had much influence over the production of the anime adaptation, and in the CC manga the ending is open too. 😉

  1. December 24, 2013

    […] a well known fact that the author of Candy Candy, Mizuki, was inspired by the famous story “Daddy Long Legs”. In addition, as discussed in my other post, Age difference between Candy and Albert, Albert was […]

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