Age difference between Candy and Albert

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25 Responses

  1. Lovly Ardley says:

    Ms Puddle
    Yo leí en una traducción de una de las cartas que Albert le escribio a Candy contando como era su vida cuando fue niño y en esa traducción que era un poquito distinta a la que he visto últimamente Albert se refería a que habian pasado ya 17 años desde eso (refiriendose a la muerte de su padre) que aun tomaban decisiones en su nombre como el caso de casar a Candy con Neal. Haciendo cálculo con la edad que tenia mas o menos cuando su padre falleció, la diferencia de edad entre Albert y Candy sería entre 8 y 9 años. No tengo la dirección de la pagina web. Pero quizás haya sido una traduccion de la antigua novela de Candy Candy.


    Lovly Ardley

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Lovly Ardley, in CCFS (Japanese version) it’s clearly written that Albert was 17 years old when he met little Candy on Pony’s Hill, although in the manga he looked a lot younger (perhaps 15 or younger). Thanks again for reading my post. 🙂 😀

  2. grace says:

    I was one of those who devastated and frustrated by the open ending of Candy Candy. It’s annoying that the end is very ambiguous. I am very happy to find your site, Ms. Puddle. It helps me to vent my feeling. I totally believe Albert has to be with Candy since he’s the prince of the hill! From the manga, I think it’s very clear how strong their feelings are to one another. Again, sadly, they don’t even hug in the last page. The story is great just too bad the author can’t end it more decisively. Great story with sad authors who try to please too many fans by leaving out a decisive ending. Again, I am so grateful to you for the side, Ms. Puddle. At the end of the day, I think you are a much better writer than the original author…

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hi again, Grace! I agree with you that in the manga, their feelings to each other were very strong. So I was once very frustrated by the ending of Candy Candy manga (not even a hug), and yet, I still think it’s much better than the ending of the anime, which is totally disappointing. In fact, I was told that although many Terry fans didn’t like the ending of the story (or the manga), many of them figured that Candy ended up with Albert. It was only logical because Candy found her prince at long last, who had been with her all along in her life. The same man whom she had missed miserably when he wasn’t around anymore.

      Grace, thank you so much for your compliment about me being a writer… but I can’t say I’m better than the original author. 😛 Candy Candy is indeed a masterpiece, and the story still appeals to many people even after 30 years. That alone is a big achievement, don’t you think?

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