With love and gratitude (Part 5)

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12 Responses

  1. SweetCandyAndley says:

    And who would?

  2. CKati says:

    So true. She had a few very close friends, but it was Albert who she wanted. As you wrote in your post, it is obvious why 😉

  3. Beatrice says:

    Good points. Thank you for the clarification. 🙂

  4. Kim says:

    They really belong together

  5. 24Miles says:

    She is indeed in love with Albert who turned out to be her prince all along ♥

  6. Indeed. Candy Anthony fell in love and then Terry because (according to her) seemed to her “Prince of the Hill”. She never forgot, she was always in love with Albert (as all of us! ♥).

    I’m sorry, you know that English isn’t my native language.

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