My Response to your Reviews for LNF 45

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2 Responses

  1. Nilva says:

    Hi there! You are right about Tom not appearing in the manga but having many appearances in the anime. Sometimes I confuse events between the two. To me Tom was like a big brother when Candy was growing up and that is why I developed some affection for the character. He was a lot like Candy, rough around the edges. Anyway it makes sense he is not mentioned now as he is not in the manga much. I always joked that he was the guy that Eliza was going to fall for and he was going to take her to the farm to clean the stables and milk the cows with him. Can you imagine what a funny ending for that snotty girl would that be! Then I thought he was a good candidate for Patty when she stayed at Pony’s at the end, but happily we don’t need that sad ending for Patty in your awesome story!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Nilva! Nice to hear from you! Crazy at work today I can’t answer you till now! 😉 Yes I know Tom is not a small character in the anime, and his cowboy image is charming! 😀 So no Eliza… She doesn’t deserve any lol!!! You’re not the only one who pairs him up with Pat, though I myself don’t see them as a pair at all. She’s perfect for Stear, so poor Patty for losing him in the original story!! :'(

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