Invisible Threads

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59 Responses

  1. I believe that the essence of Albert and Candy’s story is the fact that they were indeed tied by these invisible threads mentioned so cleverly by Mizuki. I didn’t know about this Eastern myth about red strings of fate, and I suppose that only if you are aware of that you can fully understand and accept their definite love. It is a wonderful thing to know that two people are destined to be together no matter what happens to them, that somehow, wherever they go, their paths are bound to meet. Quite the contrary with Candy and Terry’s romance, as the two of them always tried to be together but they were always driven apart. Albert and Candy’s lives were intertwined from the beginning, without any attempt from either of them. I have read many romantic novels in my life, particularly classic romances, but I think that one of the most delicate and unforgettable romances was written by a Japanese writer named Mizuki. Yes, I love Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen, Louisa May Alcott, Lucy Maud Montgomery, but it is strange that a writer of our age, still living today, has created a love story so special that can compare even to those immortal romances. I don’t know how a story based on an anime cartoon and a manga can impress so much more than great literature or great romantic movies, but there it is. Albert and Candy are more real to us than other fictional characters portrayed by real people. We never saw them as three dimensional characters, we never saw any actor or actress play their roles. However, we love them as they are, as they were created by Mizuki and as portrayed by Igarashi. Their joining forces gave us these wonderful characters. We loved the drawings of Igarashi but we also loved the story Mizuki weaved for them. That’s why, even now, with the CCFS published, without drawings, we still love the continuation of their story through their letters.
    Mizuki had a brilliant idea of creating a love story in such a clever way, that it begins along with the heroine’s story, as a little girl, but we don’t see it while reading it for the first time, and we have to reach the end of the story to realize it. Maybe not even then, because most of us had to read again and again before understanding what Albert and Candy really meant to each other. Personally I had to wait for years before discovering Candy again, after I had left her back in my childhood, and it was an amazing experience for me. I still don’t understand why I couldn’t see it before. I suppose the reason for that is the subtlety and delicacy of their story. But this is the beauty of it. I have read in another Candy blog (Beautiful Illusion) the statement about the three loves intended for Candy.
    The sweet innocent first love that ends abruptly in a tragedy (Anthony)
    The thrilling passionate second love that burns and consumes before it fizzles (Terry)
    The quiet love that blows gently, subtle like a calming, steady breeze that never ceases (Albert)
    That is the ingredient that makes their relationship so special. Fate (Mizuki) had destined them for each other from the start. (I love that Eastern legend about the red thread connecting destined lovers).

    By the way, Ms. Puddle, I found the Spanish translation of CCFS you recommended to me. As I said, I can’t read Spanish, but I have started reading with the use of Google translating machine, translating from Spanish to English. I intend to try to translate the whole novel that way if I can and save it for personal use. Anyway, it is easier than translating from Japanese. Maybe by the end of the whole process I will be able to speak Spanish too! LOL

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Fotini, yes like you I was fascinated by Candy Candy so much that I started writing fanfics and later created this blog years ago. Many people have misunderstood the essence of the story by Mizuki, and that was part of the reasons why I was motivated. It’s too bad many have chosen to remain blind to the original ideas of the author.

      As you quoted, it’s clear that Mizuki had made sure Candy and Albert were destined together right from the beginning. If, as some Terry fans have claimed, that this three love theory from Mizuki was outdated and the author had changed her mind when writing CCFS, then these people have missed the whole point of CCFS. Susanna’s death might have set Terry free, but nowhere in CCFS can we see that he returned to Candy’s side. He was but an important part of Candy’s past. The fact that she’d rather not unfold his old letters when going down memory lane (digging up her keepsakes in her jewelery box) speaks volumes of whom she had married. There are more of such subtle clues as I have discussed throughout my blog. Please feel free.

      About destined love and invisible thread, as I told you before, it should be singular, so it’s one red thread that ties Candy and Albert. The readers should understand that it’s Candy who first realized how she and her prince were tied together. Later Albert her prince was convinced by her theory and agreed with her in his letter. 😅

      In Asian culture, when a girl believed she was tied to another man by a red thread, she has undoubtedly fallen in love with him. 💕 There’s no way she still regard him as her brother. 😌 Not to mention that no girl in her right mind will call her father ‘my prince’, so much so that he had to ask her to stop… LoL… 😂 Ask the Terry fans and you will find out that they have completely avoided this prince topic. 😉😋😜

      So glad that you can read CCFS using translator!! It’s better than nothing after all. I’d urge you to read the epilogue first. The letters are full of feelings, and Albert was sincere and emotional too. ❤ This is exactly what’s lacking in Terry’s letters to Candy, in which he had only teased her all the time. I didn’t make this up. It’s what she wrote in her unsent letter to Terry. 🙄

  2. Hello. I may be late on this topic, but I discovered it just recently. I would like to say that I have also read many comments similar to those you write about. In a Greek Candy Candy forum which I have joined there have been some members (Terry fans, no doubt) who claim that Albert couldn’t possibly fall in love with Candy because she was his adopted daughter. Even about this statement of Mizuki about creating three loves for Candy, some people write that the destined love for Albert could only be love for the father she had always wanted. In other words, according to them, Candy had always wanted a father, and she found him in Albert! The adoption was never annulled, they say, so that is the proof that Candy couldn’t have married her adoptive father. Susanna died, they say, so that is proof enough that Candy married Terry. It is amazing and shocking what some people can say to prove their point, and that means they are so desperate to believe that Anohito is Terry. I blame Mizuki for this. She tried to keep all fans of Candy satisfied and not to disappoint anyone, and the result was to create such a conflict between Albert fans and Terry fans with such an ambiguous ending. Maybe it isn’t ambiguous at all, I haven’t read the novel, but I have read that if you read it carefully and let yourself think about it in the process, Mizuki lets you unravel all the mysteries and realize finally who Anohito is, and everything else too. I suppose Terry fans didn’t read that carefully, or they just couldn’t accept the fact of Albert being Anohito, so they continue claiming even to this day that Terry is the only love of Candy’s life, and what is more, they distort her relationship with Albert, which is so beautiful and so special, and that aggravates me, I must say. I really want to believe, to be sure that Albert was the man Candy married and lived with, but since I can’t read the novel in my native language, not even in English to find out, I content myself with small tidbits from spoilers from CCFS, thanks to the kindness of those people who were fortunate enough to read it and share those spoilers with the rest of us.
    Please tell me that Albert was the one!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Fotini, I know why you’re frustrated and confused by what the Terry fans have claimed, but rest assured that once you can read the entire CCFS yourself, you will know with confidence that Albert and Candy married. 😍

      Can you read Spanish? Some fans translated CCFS from Italian to Spanish and now ready for download. If you’re interested, I’ll post the links here.

      The death of Susanna is their strongest ‘proof’ that Terry is Anohito, but that argument is actually very weak. First, Candy has to keep waiting indefinitely for this to happen, which means that she has remained single when she finds out about the obituary. However, based on Candy’s reactions to reading the news (she cried and felt extremely sad), she can’t possibly be waiting for Terry to be ‘free of Susanna’. In the manga Candy knew long ago that Terry and Susanna were engaged. Why on earth would Candy wait for them to break up one day? That’s highly unlikely.

      Secondly, Candy in her unsent letter to Terry is clearly over Terry. She even wished him happiness with Susanna. A normal woman in that mindset can’t possibly be waiting for this man. It’s clear Candy had let him go in peace. No grudges.

      Finally, the epilogue, the correspondence between Albert and Candy is full of love and feelings. The fact that she called him Prince on the Hill again and again proves that he’s not a father figure to her. Not to mention that she misses him so much and wants to see him in person. Would a girl call her father with an endearing nickname like “Little Bert”? The original adjective for “Little” is used for babies or tiny little things that bring endearments.

      Last but not the least, this post was old. I had it written before I got the copies of CCFS myself. I wrote a few updated articles after reading the official copies. In Japanese, invisible thread is singular, and to those who were brought up in Asian cultures will understand right away what that means. 😘😍💕

      • Thank you for this valuable information. I suppose that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if some people insist on being blind when the facts are before their eyes and they stupidly refuse seeing them, there is nothing that the rest of us can do. I am only glad that I am one of the many who, having once favored the couple Terry-Candy, have been able to discover, after many years, the beautiful and subtle love story that was unfolding slowly between Albert and Candy.
        I am happy to know, even before reading the novel, that these two found at last their way to each other. I hope some day I will be able to read it myself too. Unfortunately I can’t read Spanish. However, I must say I have some doubts about the Italian translation. I found some information about it in some blog along with the assertion that Anohito was Terry. I’m afraid that Italian publishers might have been a bit partial towards Terry, considering the continuation Italy gave to the Japanese manga version, in which Candy and Terry ended up together. I may be wrong, but of course, if anyone who has read the original text can be sure that the Italians and consequently the Spanish stick to the original and give a faithful translation, then there is no reason to overlook these editions. I would be grateful if you could post the links, then maybe I could find myself someone to translate to English for me (some interesting and crucial excerpts, of course).
        I know about the correspondence of Candy and Albert in the epilogue, and I admit that it was very encouraging for me, with all this confusion about the everlasting question, Albert or Terry. I have found the English translation of the letters that a Japanese fan has given, and I must say that, even in an epistolary format, this is a definite love story, subtle but unmistakeable. I suppose I would like to see something more, and in a narrative style, and above all, I would like Mizuki to have pronounced clearly the name “Albert” for all the die hard Terry fans to see. I was not an Albert fan when I read the manga in my teenage years, but when we grow up we see many things we couldn’t see when we were young. Rediscovering Candy after many years and reading the manga again I discovered also Albert and saw him as I had never seen him before. Those who claim that he is the male protagonist of the story along with Candy are absolutely right. He is there on the stage, from beginning to the end. How some people can’t see this, I don’t understand, but in the end I feel sorry for them for missing the best part of the whole story.
        I know that this post is rather old, but being new in this blog, I have yet to discover many posts and topics and try to follow all your updates. I really appreciate very much all these spoilers from Candy Candy Final Story. Putting this and that together helps to understand the story better, like a puzzle you make piece by piece.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          You need not worry about the Italian version. Yes it’s not the same as the original, but I was told the translator had conversations with the author and tried to stick with the essence of the story. In fact, one interesting thing about Italian version is that Candy in her thirties referred to Albert as Albert. In Japanese she always called him Albert-san, so in Italian it’s become Mr. Albert… which is wrong… There’s no equivalent word for ‘san’ in Italian, but as mentioned above, Candy in her present dropped the ‘Mr.’😆

          Anyway, you’re right, when some people chose to turn a blind eye to irrefutable facts, we really can’t do much for them. 😂

          A Terry fan in Italy actually put a post up telling her friends that she believed Anohito was Albert. If you want the link, I can share with you.

          You can find the links to the Spanish version on my Facebook page. If not, I’ll post them there again.

          So glad to know you could read the manga and discovered the subtle love between Albert and Candy. It’s actually beautiful, and yes it’s too bad many rather not touch the manga to face the truth. Sigh…

          Please feel free to browse around my blog and read for yourself what I have written about Albert and Candy, the two main characters in Candy Candy. 😍😘

  3. Anonymous says:

    In the CCFS does albert mention the nurse that reminded him of candy from when he was in Africa? I’m just a bit curious.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      That I don’t know the answer, but probably yes because in the manga that was one of the reasons that triggered Candy to imagine herself being a nurse 🙂

  4. antlay31 says:

    Hi Ms Puddle
    Encore aujourd’hui je ne décolère pas concernant les attaques de certains fans de Terry envers Albert. Si Anohito est Albert, alors ils offensent Mizuki et ne respecte pas son choix. Que doit elle pensé en lisant ces attaques ? Je me le demande ? Pour moi ce ne sont pas des fans de Candy, car peu importe qui est Anohito, on doit respecter le choix de l’auteur. Mais j’espère que Mizuki n’a pas été influencée et qu’ Anohito est bien Albert le troisième amour de Candy qu’elle avait prévu depuis le depuis du roman.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Exactly, Antlay!! As you said, if Mizuki the author chose Albert for Candy, these people are actually attacking the author herself, not just the character in her story. However, I was told that Mizuki had been harassed/threatened many times by some of those fans over the years… Sigh!

  5. antlay31 says:

    Bonjour à tous. J’avais également lu sur différents blogs des attaques de fan de Terry concernant Albert. Avant d’utiliser certains mots, ils devraient vérifier leurs significations sur le dictionnaire ! Traiter Albert de pédophile ! Minable ! Tout le monde le sait el les fans de Terry également, si Albert est tombé amoureux de Candy c’est pendant la période où il était amnésique et pas avant. Candy n’etait plus une enfant alors et Albert ignorait qu’il avait une fille adoptive. Pourquoi les fans de Terry s’acharnent-ils ainsi ? Seraient-ils jaloux ou auraient-ils peur de la vérité, qu’Albert soit Anohito ! Il me donne l’impression du bande d’adolescents, en manque de maturité il faudrait bien qu’ils grandissent à leur tour !

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Very well said, Antlay!! Indeed you’re so right about Albert falling in love with Candy not knowing his identity or background. I guess you’re right that those fans who can’t accept Albert as Anohito are more than defensive. It’s just too bad they even insult other fans. 🙁

  6. Reeka says:

    Ms Puddle,

    I’ve seen a response from WAA page admin, he explained how Mizuki used different word ( in Japanese kanji) to describe the love for this 3 persons. I realised why I missed this simple fact!! I’ve also learnt Japanese last year, very little though and my knowledge hasn’t reached those kanji word, only hiragana and katakana. Anyway, I googled it, and YES, only for Albert where Mizuki used the word “AI”. And for the others, she used “KOI”.

    AI = True Love.
    KOI = Love, Like, Affectionate love, Compassion, Infatuation, Crush, Passion, Kindness.

    Japanese are very reserved in term of using the word LOVE. Well in fact, they are commonly known as reserved people in general. You all can research it. They prefer using “KOI”, even for parents or girlfriend/boyfriend. Often they still use “KOI” for spouse/husband/wife. Weird? You would feel weirder when I tell you that husband and wife often sleep in separate rooms. So, when they use “AI”, you guess … it’s like an eternal love, the love you know you can’t live without that person, the love you know that it can never be replaced. As they probably only use the word “AI” less than a handful times during their life.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Yup! Similar to Chinese too… Lol! Asians in general are less expressive when it comes to emotions… As you said, more reserved. I’ll also combine this into a post :-). Thanks again for reminding me!

  7. Reeka says:

    Eughhh … Google Translator is indeed very frustrating, no? Sometimes I got better translation and most of the time they were confusing. I guess it depends on how grammatically correct the writer do it.

    In Indonesia, we also recognise “the red string of fate”. What was predestined for you will become yours eventually, no matter what happens. It’s like the whole universe will always conspire to help you get there. We believe that there’s 3 predestined things in someone’s life : life-mate, death, and wealth ( i believe the word “sustenance” is a truer meaning).

    You are very true my friend, we don’t say “hey, you know what, fate has brought us here” to any people. She and He, must imply something by saying that. So when the universe always help them to cross path, on the other hand the universe also always conspire to separate Terry from Candy. Put ourselves on Candy’s shoes, won’t you think that the universe is telling you something?

    In some senses, I guess eventually our heroine implicitly admit it, that she and Terry didn’t meant for each other. I quote what Candy said in her letter (in mind) to Anthony at the end of CCFS : ” from this person ( whom she met in London), I had learnt different kind of love. And that there’s something we couldn’t restore in life. I had learnt there’s a fate that made it impossible to meet someone although he was still alive” —- well, it’s roughly like that, i am just writing what i remember.

    Noted that she said that at the very end of CCFS. We know candy had hard times to write a letter to Anthony, not like what she did to Stear. And at the end, she managed to do it and on that letter she told Anthony the above quote about her feeling to Terry. I take that as her final closure to her past loves. Why Mizuki put the letter to Anthony at the end? Why not in the beginning as memory of Anthony should’ve been on her earlier chapter of life? Why Mizuki put it just after pile of Candy & Albert’s letters? 🙂

    & from your quote on Candy’s recollection at Albert’s amnesiac period, she used past tense to recall her memory but then she said “Now I can understand the meaning of …”. 🙂 Well, didn’t it tell you who Anohito was?

    Some claimed that Terry was Candy’s grand love. This term, I can agree with, at certain degree. But it’s not necessary that we want our grand love to be our last love and our life partner.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Using machine translator is a pain, so after reading a few comments, I simply stopped… Lol! Reeka, we are on the same boat!

      So I think “red string of fate” is another Asian thing/trait that those Terry fans probably don’t want to understand/admit.

      I think Candy had got over Terry for long, and he was never her grand love. Just infatuation that sparked for a short time. What happened after to both of them were just agonies and heartbreaks. Some people just chose to turn a blind eye on that and blamed it all on Susanna/Albert. As one of my readers I quoted above, she thought Terry and Candy were incompatible with each other. It’s so true!

      I totally agree with you about Anthony’s letter, and I’m going to talk about it in my next post, dear Reeka! Great minds think alike!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    I have this interview in Japanese. I’ll share it with you. I’ll read this post more carefully later, ok?

  9. Ana says:

    I agree I agree! and yes, there is an intense debate over there! but really, I cannot understand why they keep saying the same!!! They say Mizuki said that for the old novel, CCFS changed evertything… argh… anyway, we know the truth… 😀

    And the invisible thread, I guess in our culture we cannot understand the true meaning of this, it is an oriental concept and we just have a clue about it, anyway, I do my best to try to understand it but I guess many took their own concept.

    You’re welcome my friend, 🙂 I have read every single comment on FFnet and took them as mine… lol… :p

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Yes, Ana dear. We know that CCFS didn’t change very much, and the idea of invisible threads only confirm that Albert and Candy are destined to be together.

      To help you understand more, it’s like “fate” or some invisible force that bind those who are tied. No matter what happens or wherever they are, they are bound together (or will end up together).

      Of course, you deserve the praises in the comments too in 😀

      • Ana says:

        oh my! I’m just reading what they are saying on the debate and cannot believe my eyes! It is incredible!

        They based their theories because Terry’s name appears more times than Albert’s, prince on the hill and uncle william all together, that Mizuki was not happy with the old novel, because it and the manga, were written by her and Igarashi, so in CCFS she wanted to write her own story because she noticed that Terry’s character got stronger with the time,…. where is that???? I mean, that she wanted to write her own story???

        Also they are taking ONE poem where Terry is huging Candy and the poem contains the word Anohito… Also they keep mention the adoption.

        Seriously, it is a never ending story…

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Wow!! Thanks Ana for giving me a summary! Honestly, I did try to understand what’s going on, but I soon lost interest. They were using the same arguments over and over. Can’t believe that!

          Terry more than Albert? What about the epilogue? Lol

          • Ana says:

            they are crazy! They even called Albert pedophile… and yes, they mentioned the letters at the epilogue but just selected fragments of them, “your beautiful adoptive daughter’ and ‘with love and GRATITUDE’

            They even say that Mizuki changed the letters in the 2 novels because in the old one they seemed to be more romantic and because of that, there is a confusion. Misuki corrected that in CCFS because Candy’s spouse is Terry so she didn’t want any misunderstanding.

            Can you imagine that???

            Now they keep saying lots of things. The jewelry box belonged to Terry’s family because he is an aristocrat, it couldn’t belong to Albert because his family belongs to the new rich people and his Great Grandfather was the one who made fortune, the he could not told Candy to do with it whatever she wants because it belonged to rosemary and he loved her so much…

            They are crazy…

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Oh no… Typical behavior when they have nothing else to say other than attacking!

              More romantic in the old novel? So are the ones in CCFS epilogue! Why is Terry not mentioned at all in the epilogue except about the diary? Oh my!!

              They are really crazy… Ignoring many critical facts like Terry already relinquished his family last name Grantchester! How would his spouse get an heirloom?

              But why Rosemary? She’s not the heir, give me a break!

              • Ana says:

                mmm they said because they are living in England, Candy encouraged him to reconciliate with his father… as she did in the past with Eleanor… can you believe?

                About Rosemary, they say Albert loved so much his late sister so he couldn’t be Anohito by telling Candy to do whatever she wants with the jewelry box, because it has a special meaning to him because it belonged to Rosemary… so he cannot allow to being used in that way…

                The administrator already told us that she will respond them with a solid argument.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  I was told that in CCFS Terry’s father announced that Terry would not be the heir. Even the duchess wouldn’t let him. Terry was an illegitimate child. Too bad I lost the source already, so I’m not 100% sure.

          • Reeka says:

            Like what we’ve discussed Ms Puddle, the damascened jewellery box was telling us Anohito was Albert. Didn’t they read that a few times Mizuki stated on CCFS that Terry was no longer using Grandschester name. He was simply Terrus/Terrence Graham. They were imagining things when they said Terry made peace with the Duke with Candy’s effort. Geez! They ignored the evidences on CCFS and created imaginary ones.

            And the Andrew was a new rich family? In the US Albert was mmm about the fourth generation? But we also know that his ancestor was Scottish. They had castle/mansion in Scotland and London.

            Even in this fictional story, it’s easier for me to imagine Aunt Elroy as a previous matriarch gave Candy the box, or Albert as the patriarch who kept his parents’ heirlooms. I couldn’t even imagine the Dutchess of Grandchaster gave it to Candy. Remember, Terry was a bastard child. By rule, he couldn’t inherit Grandchester’s heirlooms. And the Duke had children with the Dutchess.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Exactly!! Their arguments were based on fabricated details while ignoring the significant facts in CCFS. Terry had no intention to go back, and that was why he relinquished the family name. He never cared about that family anyway.

              Where did they get the fact that Albert’s family was new rich family? An heirloom for a few generations is still an heirloom. Give me a break!

              Good points about Duke/Duchess… Of course they conveniently disregarded the fact that Terry was an illegitimate child. Sigh.

          • Guest says:

            Ms Puddle that is what my friend and I discussed last night. We were very sad that they called Albert a pedophile and even compared him to Woody Allen. She was so mad she had to give them a word to at the debate session. :'(

            But like I said in another thread… I keep myself blind and won’t get affected easily. 😉

            • Ms Puddle says:

              These people could really go overboard and insult others at all cost. While I understand why they wanted to argue, they should at least be polite… Sigh!

          • Guest says:

            Agree. We respect who they like to ship… at least they should respect ours as well. : (

            Good thing I made a fanart to piss them off more lol 😛 It was a gift for you to make up my misdeeds… but after the insult they said about our charming, blonde prince… I will use it as revenge. ( devil smiles ) kidding.

          • Guest says:

            Aw thanks for your interest, Ana. I hear some Albertfans are planning to draw more A and C fanarts ( or edits ) to irritate them.

            And I think Ms Puddle should join the war. Don’t you agree, Ana and Reeka? 😉

            CKati, if you’re reading, please help me to convince Ms Puddle to draw, lol. I know she has caption contest going, but still…. we want to defend Albert. 😀

            • Ms Puddle says:

              No I won’t join the war or have no interest in doing anything to irritate anybody. I hope you understand that I draw because I enjoy the process, and of course I want to show people my imagination trying to illustrate some scenes in my stories. 😛

          • Guest says:

            Yes, Ms Puddle. I was only kidding. Let them act like uncivilized kids all they want. At least we all know the truth and we will not stoop to their level. 😉

          • Reeka says:

            Hahahaha this is fun. Honestly I would do the same as Ms Puddle if I was her. We’d better ignored them. I might have give some counter arguments every now and then, but not in attention of irritating the other side. I like Terry. His character was already a sad one, I won’t do anymore harm to him.

            By keeping on what she’s been doing, I think Ms Puddle has already implicitly given a slap to their faces. No better revenge to them than spreading the proofs of what we believe in graceful manner. They keep barking because they themselves are not so sure of what they think of. 🙂

            They need some chill pills, I guess.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              You made me laugh, Reeka dear! Slapping their faces? Lol… Yes, I’m just trying to state the facts in CCFS. Not many people like to read spoilers, but at least we got enough evidence. I think sometimes they overreact exactly because of what you said–they are unsure themselves. They have my pity. 😉

          • Reeka says:

            OMG I did a lot of typos on the first paragraph.

            **I MIGHT GIVE some counter arguments ….**
            ** …, but not in INTENTION of irritating the other side.**

          • Guest says:

            Hi Reeka, nice to meet you. If I remember right… you were the person who defended QueVivaCandy when someone ranted about her fanfic in FFnet. I was the one who said ‘WAY TO GO’ to you 😉

            Yep agree. Better leave those Terryfans and they can’t do a thing to change our minds 😀

            • Ana says:

              Oh you were that Guest, Guest? (sorry, don’t know your name) lol… I just read your review comming out of the blue… :p As I told Reeka before, she took the words out of my fingers… to be honest while I was thinking if I should had to remain quiet or not. 🙂

              Anyway, I would love to see your fanart, and I never have seen an Albertfan to do something to irritate them, they just react to their provocations.

          • Guest says:

            Worry not about the typos, I made few mistakes, too and I didn’t bother to correct them. After all, Ms Puddle is very understanding 😉

          • Guest says:

            Ladies, have you read the latest message to the admin of William Albert Andrew El Principe De La Colina page? The one named Candy Candy Nation appeared to be so upset and refused to obey the admin to leave her page and Albertfans alone. I’m beginning to feel sorry for her. Poor Albert… Well I can’t blame the admin for being mad. After all, it’s for Albertfans’ haven and those Terryfans started the drama. : (

          • Reeka says:

            Ah I’ve read it :(. Not fully understand it, but I got it. I feel bad to WAA page admin. Candy Candy Nation is the famous her, she’s been everywhere.

            They said that we’re Alberfans really like to analyse things. I could see that it’s sarcastic statement. Oh well, we do analyse CCFS! That’s Mizuki’s intention, to make the reader think.

            They keep attacking by saying the page is for public, so they have right to give opinion ( which from what we saw they did insult, attack, and offend Albertfans.). It’s like saying : Oh sorry, you walk in public street so you have to accept if somebody throw you stones or shoot you and kill you.

            They definitely don’t understand the basic rule of human rights. We have freedom of speech. But freedom itself has some constraints.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              I think many of them think that the page is public so that they can say whatever they like. While we have freedom of speech, we should be polite when we express our opinions. I thought we had all learned that in kindergarten 😛

          • I’m surprised those fiery Terry fans haven’t attacked me yet, considering I have been posting Candy and Albert images more than Candy and Terry. Is it because my page is not Spanish and afraid to rant without writing wrong English grammar? Seriously, I pitied that page and those fans should leave it alone and allow the fans to exchange views with their fellow fans in peace. Maybe one of these days, I’d share that page to show my support. Few of them had attacked my other page and even called Albert rude names, but I ignored them. All we can do now is give the admin of the page of our support.

            Have a great day, ladies!

        • Reeka says:

          Ladies, can I join this interesting conversation? Hi Anna! Nice to meet you here.

          I did read in one of comments in Bequi’s about Terry name was mentioned more than Albert/Uncle William/POTH. They even stated the numbers. God! For me, the easy answer to their absurd fact is Candy was not necessary to mention Albert that much. She was with him at that time. The same thought I think about why Candy-Albert’s letters were on epilogue ( apart from epilogue is a conclusion), just before Anohito came home. She didn’t need to read it first, because he’s living with her. Candy was on a state of missing America and her loved ones there, so it made a perfect sense that she thought of those who were far away first.

          When I have time, I would like to read those debates. LOL just for entertaining myself. I assume they keep repeating what they wrote in Bequi’s. Well, I hope I’ll keep my fingers off the keyboard at that time :).

          • Ms Puddle says:

            So far I heard of nothing new from these arguments, and they basically repeat the same points over and over. Apart from what you said above, that Candy was reading her letters with Albert last because she was married to him. That can be a reason, and another reason is that epilogue is meant to conclude or give readers glimpses of the future of main characters. If that’s the case, the simple fact that Terry’s name was hardly mentioned speak volumes. Even when mentioned about Candy’s diary, she told Albert to keep it for her. She didn’t touch it because it belonged to her past.

          • Reeka says:

            I’ve just read some recent one. I copy here the translation of part of Friditas (an Albertfan, a FF writer) :

            “7 Misuki provides us with all the main characters identity cards, except Albert. It is the only one that is in his words “a mystery”, words that describes Anohito. Albert is surrounded by questions and different personalities. Throughout history, we are asking: who is the Prince of the Hill? Who is Uncle grandfather William? and brilliantly, when he is amnesiac, Misuki makes us question who is actually Albert? To finally in the novel, ask who is anohito? The answer to all these questions is the same. No other character makes us ask ourselves anything, nor responds to the profile.”

            MsPuddle, remember I told you my opinion about Anohito being a mystery and related the use of word Anohito in CCFS with different characters of Albert we knew in manga/anime? — Friditas got the point here. She probably explained it better than I did to you.

            Well, sure Mizuki probably never thought of that correlation, but what if she called the husband as Anohito purposely. We’re talking about probability and what-if situation based on what we got from all sources, despite our guess that Mizuki did it for marketing reason.

            • Ana says:

              I keep saying she did it for marketing reasons, I mean Misuki. :p

              Friditas wrote an excellent argument and as she said, Albert’s character roles are the only ones who are a complete mistery, so why not Misuki did the same with Anohito?

              • Ms Puddle says:

                Exactly! Ever since his first appearance in the manga, his character was always a mystery! That’s brilliant indeed! 😀

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Excellent arguments, and bravos! It was so true, and kudos to her indeed!
              Marketing reason?! LOL…

          • Ana says:

            Hi Reeka!!!

            Be welcome! I already read everything you all have said and I agree with you, It is just they will remain the same forever, you can ask the impossible… they will never give up and will try to say everything they can, including silly things.

            Remember the review I told you? It was the same, is not that they are only arguing about something but begin to insult… same subject both times… the wiser thing to do in these cases is to take no notice of the stupid things people say… hard to but not impossible.

  1. September 15, 2014

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