Candy Happy Maker

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9 Responses

  1. CKati says:

    Dear Ms Puddle, you are doing all the work by finding all these clues and writing about them. And it all makes sense too. Not that I’m surprised. I really enjoy reading this, even though I don’t have the thorough knowledge of CC like you do.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      You know what, CKati, I read all these spoilers long time ago while writing LNF and other short stories. It’s just that I didn’t have time to write down my thoughts or “discoveries”. But many thanks for your encouragement! 😀

  2. Antlay says:

    Et au fait le badge du prince de la colline, où se trouve t-il, est-il dans la boîte à bijoux ?

  3. Antlay says:

    Oui bravo Ms Puddle encore un indice de plus, la musique qui s’ arrête et le dessin d’Albert qui la fait sourire. Je pensais si elle ne vivait pas avec Albert, aurait-elle souri, elle serait peut-être triste en voyant le dessin, Albert vivant loin d’elle, elle serait plutôt nostalgique je pense. Mais là elle sourit spontanément, elle est heureuse, il ne doit pas être bien loin ! En voyage d’affaire probablement, d’où ses mots à son retour “Bievenue à la maison” !

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour! You read my mind, dear Antlay!! I’m going to talk further about this, and the badge of Prince on the Hill as well. Have a great evening!! 🙂

  4. Quevivacandy says:

    oh my goodness!!!! I never had thought about it Ms Puddle! I mean, about the fact Albert took some object inside the box after being thinking in certain person! like when he was thinking about anohito then she picked Albert portrait up! 😀

    As for me, I have no idea when she played the music box. In my mind I always had thought it was while she still was at Pony’s Home, longing for him and It’s just my guess, that he found out the music box was broken and then fixed it. In the present, the music box was stored inside the jewerly box and she was far away from Pony’s home. In the anime the happy maker broken after Stear’s death but have no idea how it broke up in the novels, maybe from using it as you say.

    about that men can fix anything, I do NOT agree at all!!!! Some people thinks just because they are men, they can do everything but nah nah! My sister-in-law husband is a clear example of that! They use in their shower electrical heater (ones that you installed right up in the shower) and they were taking cold showers because he hadn’t installed it after 2 weeks of have bought a new one, why? He didn’t know how to… so it was me whom installed it! I know, weird but I love those kind of things, my grandpa and father were electrical engineers. 🙂

    So I know it was Albert the one who fixed the music box. As you say, Terry hired a lady to help him while Albert did it by himself. Also in the anime there is a scene where he was fixing a chair. (I don’t recall if it is also in the manga)

    Sooooo, Albert is the one who always is fixing things… 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      That’s right, QuevivaCandy! I personally know quite a handful of men who do not like fixing things, and among my friends, only ONE of them enjoys breaking things apart to repair. So you are one of those lucky people who are great with hands? Good for you!

      Yes, in CCFS, Candy was playing the music box while remembering why it had broken before and her husband later fixed it with no sweat. The moment the music box stopped playing, she noted the portrait, and that alone made her smile. Didn’t that imply something, right?

      You’re right about the manga showing Albert fixing a chair too, and near the end of the manga, he also fixed the swan boat. Think about it, Albert was able to understand Stear’s design without his nephew’s explanation, and even Stear had given it up, but Albert had attempted to fix the spout. 😛 He thought he couldn’t get it working, but the spout suddenly “worked” and soaked them both later. That was a funny scene, wasn’t it?

  1. November 12, 2014

    […] Candy Happy Maker […]

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