A hug so tight

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14 Responses

  1. Reeka says:

    Hehehehe yes, she must hold him so tight and cried hard on his chest. Imagining it made my heart warm. That moment must be so memorable for both of them. I mean, how often we girls, hugs a man so tight that made it crumbled :D. And Candy was petite, the position of Albert comforted her in his strong arms should be really intimate.

    Like you said, something must happened at that moment. With her face on his chest, I can safely say that Albert would put his chin on her top of head. Mmm maybe he kissed it? Or even he kissed her forehead? It wouldn’t be their first, anyway. 🙂 & as a woman myself, hugging a man, so handsome& so masculine like Albert, I can’t believe anyone that say they’re not affected. At least we know Candy enjoy it because if not, she wouldn’t embrace him that long. Hehehehe.

    And the way she recalled that time on her letters, … It was indeed a truly special moment for her.

    • Reeka says:

      Btw, the drawing made me smile. The surrounding is wonderfully beautiful and Candy’s really beautiful here. I’m glad you didn’t draw her with the pigtails. Hehehhee.

      Anyway, why had I always thought they’re hugging while sitting? I don’t know, but I always thought Candy and Albert rode the same horse to the forest and she cried on his chest while both sitting on the horse.

      • Ms Puddle says:

        In the manga Candy didn’t wear pigtails on special occasions, if you have noticed… She was slowly growing out of that hairstyle, lol. To me, she might want to look more mature and feminine for Albert too, and men in general have a thing for women letting their long hair down, you know. 😉

        Thank you for your compliments!! Riding a horse was my idea in “The Diary”, and I want to stick with CCFS when drawing this scene such that nobody can say that I have made this up! 😛

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Exactly, Reeka! It was indeed a poignant but the most beautiful scene in CCFS, I dare say! I don’t think either of them would be able to forget that afternoon in the forest.. Sigh.

      As you said, how could Candy be unaffected afterwards, especially Albert was so caring, tender and understanding? No other male character in CC could measure up to Albert. I mean he wasn’t just handsome and rich! I can’t believe the Terry fans have been so blind to see that Candy had developed romantic feelings for the man who had always cared for her.

      Yeah… Candy was just a girl, and hugging a man for so long really means a lot. The fact that she wrote it all down in detail in a letter to Albert also implies something (just like writing her feelings truthfully in her old diary). 😉 At least she would never forget that special day… and neither would Albert. 😛

  2. CKati says:

    This is beautifully done! The background is like I imagined it would be, beautiful. But more importantly, the expression and emotion on their faces reflect their feelings in this particular scene.
    I love it 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello CKati!! So happy to hear from you, and I’m very glad to know that you found this beautiful, and you also liked their facial expressions. Thank you very much for your encouragement!! 😀

  3. Antlay says:

    Waow Ms Puddle ! Votre dessin est fantastique ! C’est exactement ce que je m’imaginais quand je lisais la lettre de Candy à Albert, la forêt, les fleurs et cette étreinte pleine de tendresse…

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Merci beaucoup, Antlay! 😀 Yes, Candy’s letter was written beautifully, and the scene was just romantic and full of tenderness!

      I actually have a slightly different version in my mind, and I’ll draw that for chapter 2 of Le Journal :D. No rush though. Take as much time as you need. 🙂

  4. Anonymous says:

    Me gusta todos tus trabajos

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