The Prince Candy never forgot

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8 Responses

  1. Reeka says:

    I remember that particular part of the letter and it’s one of my faves. Candy sounded very cheerful. Something must make her in a very upbeat mood. Love, maybe? 🙂

    And you’re right, Ms Puddle, Albert was not surprised with her playful ( I would say it’s somewhat flirtatious) letter and her silly act of casting him a spell. Thus I agree, they might be already together at that time, or at least they had already been opened to each other regarding their feeling.

    • Reeka says:

      And she deliberately called him POTH on that letter. We know she liked to address Albert with many names according the purpose of her writing. This special letter, she cast the POTH. Who is POTH for her? ^_*

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Yup, just like Judy in DLL who gave various names to her daddy in her letters. Of course, Candy openly admitted Albert as her prince in her letters, and it’s obvious she had fallen in love with him already.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hi Reeka, did you mean the part when Candy mentioned her upcoming birthday? If so, yes, it’s undeniable that she fully expected Albert would do something for her that day, and she might as well demand his holiday to spend time with her. 😉 Don’t you think she acted like his girlfriend? Lol… Anyway, if that’s not flirting, I don’t know what is. 😛

      But I think they weren’t together yet. Somehow they both sensed that they had special feelings for each other though. I’ll explain more in a post later. 🙂

  2. Antlay says:

    Bonjour Ms Puddle
    C’est clair qu’elle n’a jamais oublié son Prince, avez vous remarquez quand le docteur Martin lui donne son casse tête chinois, cela lui fait penser au médaillon du POTH. Elle s’ empresse de le chercher dans son coffre à bijoux. Elle le porte à nouveau à partir de ce moment là, après sa rupture avec Terry. Quand Albert la cherche en pleine nuit après le piège de Neil, il remarque son médaillon à son cou. Pourquoi décide t-elle de le porter à nouveau ?
    Je suis d’accord avec vous par rapport à sa réaction quand il lui avoue son dernier secret. Si elle n’avait pas de sentiments pour lui elle n’aurait pas sangloté comme elle l’a fait. Elle a dû réalisér encore une fois que c’était un amour impossible. Albert son dernier amour s’ avère être son père adoptif ainsi que le Prince son premier amour !

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Good evening, Antlay dear!
      When I first read the spoilers, I didn’t understand why Candy cried so much when Albert revealed that he was her prince. After reading the spoilers again and again, then it dawned on me that Candy had feelings bottled up inside her. When Albert finally confessed, she burst into tears. It suddenly made sense. As you said, she must have feelings for him already, or else she wouldn’t be so readily accepting him as her prince.

  3. Y que bueno que nunca lo haya olvidado!!! Ya que gracias a que guardó el broche y mantuvo la esperanza de volver a verlo, a pesar de tantas vueltas y enredos de la vida, esto pudo hacerse realidad. No solo se reencontró con su principe de la colina sino que encontro al compañero con el que muchas de nosotras soñamos. Definitivamente no pudo haber tenido mejor compañero que Albert…

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Indeed Carolina!! Candy had treasured the badge for more than ten years, still hoping to meet with him one day. She just didn’t realize he had been with her all these years, and you’re so right that they found each other as partners in life! You can’t find a man better than Albert, and Candy truly cared about him when he had lost everything.

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