To my friends in France

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10 Responses

  1. SweetCandyAndley says:

    Let’s keep faith and hope up! Let’s pray so that peace comes back to France! I agree with all of you, after all, the French spirit must survive, Liberté, Egalité et Fraternité! My heart is with you!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Yes it’s true, SweetCandyAndley!! That is indeed the spirit, not just for people in France, but for people around the world who treasure freedom and equality. 🙂

  2. Antlay says:

    Dear Ms Puddle

    Desolé de ne pas avoir laissé un commentaire plus tôt mais vous en connaissez les raisons…
    Bien, je vous adresse toute ma gratitude pour avoir poster ce commentaire. Cela réchauffe le coeur de savoir que partout dans le monde, des personnes comme vous pense à nous. En effet des lâches s’en sont pris à des journalistes, dessinateurs, civils et policiers. Depuis mercredi beaucoup trop de personnes ont été tués Ils se sont attaqués aux valeurs que représente notre pays la France, à la liberté d’expression, à la liberté tout court.
    Les terroristes qui ont commis ces crimes mercredi et jeudi ont été tués par les forces de l’ordre aujourd’hui. Espérons que cela soit terminé, l’année n’a pas très bien commencé. Mais si les français restent unis, alors demain nous seront encore plus fort ! Pour que plus jamais cela ne se reproduise. Comme Agnès, mes pensées vont à leurs familles et proches.

    Bien, votre dessin comme toujours fantastique ! Albert a le regard si tendre, ils sont si beaux tous les deux. J’adore vraiment ce dessin ! Merci encore de nous le dédier Ms Puddle. De la douceur dans ce monde de brutes, cela fait du bien au moral.

    Hugs and kisses.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear Antlay, what a relief the terrorists have been killed… The security forces in France are highly efficient and courageous, but I’m afraid it may take some time before people in Paris and its surrounding areas can feel peaceful and secure again. 🙁 In fact, this incident not only unite the people in France, but also people around the world (also, many cartoonists have drawn comics in response to this brutal attack). Yes, we should protect our rights and freedom of speech, so we are not to succumb to terror or fear.

      Thank you so much about your encouraging words of my new drawing. I wanted to draw something warm and tender to cheer up my friends and/or supporters.

      Hugs and kisses to you, my friend! Have a good rest!

    • Agnès says:


      Je partage complètement l’avis d’Antlay. Ils ont voulu nous mettre à genoux mais c’est bien le contraire qu’ils ont obtenu. La folie meurtrière perpétrée par ces fanatiques aveuglés par la haine n’entravera pas nos esprits, ne musélera pas nos mots et ne tarira pas l’encre de nos stylos!

      Quant à votre dessin, Ms Puddle, je l’adore: c’est vrai qu’il y a tant de douceur et d’amour dans les yeux de ces deux là que ça met du baume au cœur et permet d’estomper un peu toutes ces visions d’horreur et ces scènes de guerre que nous avons vues ces trois derniers jours! Encore merci, Ms Puddle pour votre empathie 🙂

      Big hugs! ♥

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Bonjour Agnès et Antlay,

        I can’t agree with you both more. That’s why a lot of people around the world expressed their strong opinions against this brutal massacre. The terrorists think that they can use violence to threaten us into silence, but we should stand up and defend ourselves.

        Thank you both for the compliments for my drawing. As I said, I did what I could to cheer up my friends. Have a restful weekend, you two.

  3. Agnès says:

    Dear Ms Puddle,

    At first, big THANKS for your kindness and your concern in your post, I’m deeply touched! Your stunning drawing has softened my soul and lightened my heavy heart. Thank you, Ms Puddle, and as you can see, I’m safe! Terrorists who had holding hostages just have been killed. The hostages are fortunately safe!

    We, french people are terribly shocked with two horrible attacks! Yet, we are profoundly moved by compassion and solidarity manifested from all over the world! THANK YOU! These dreadful massacres, committed by cowards against cartoonists, journalists, policeman … is terrible and unthinkable! I’m speechless… All my thoughts are with the families and the friends of victims.

    However, I would want to say: keep calm! No confusion, no more violence, let’s be better than this murderous madness!

    “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” -Mahatma Gandhi-

    • Agnès says:

      The last I just heard, some hostages have been unfortunately killed! :'(

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear Agnès, I got your comment while reading the morning news… so glad to hear from you, and you’re safe!
      Yes thank God the cruel suspects had been killed. There was another separate incident in which the gunman who had killed a female police officer on Thursday was holding hostages in a kosher market. I heard that at least one hostage had been seriously wounded. 🙁

      I wish orders can be restored in Paris and its suburbs. I’m still waiting for a friend to respond, but like you said, I feel bad for the victims and their families/friends. I give my high regards to the police officers who had sacrificed their lives protecting the people as well.

      Gandhi’s quote is so true. Revenge is never the answer. Sigh… these terrorists… sometimes I just don’t understand them 🙁

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