Red String of Fate

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11 Responses

  1. Antlay says:

    Dear Ms Puddle

    La légende dit : “Le fil peut s’étirer, s’emmêler, mais il ne cassera jamais”

    Le fil peut s’étirer, comme si la rencontre deux personnes destinés l’une à l’autre, prendrait du temps. Candy et Albert se sont rencontrés à plusieurs reprises, mais c’était des moments furtifs, il a fallu des années avant qu’ils se retrouvent à Chicago. Ce n’est qu’ à partir de ce moment là, qu’ils ont passé du temps ensemble, à vivre ensemble et à se découvrir dans cet appartement.

    Le fil peut s’emmêler, Candy est tombée amoureuse d’Anthony puis de Terry avant de tomber amoureuse d’Albert. Les fils se sont emmêlés, on ne trouve pas l’âme soeur du premier coup ! Ne croyez-vous pas ?

    Mais il ne cassera pas, persévérer, se relever des échecs, franchir les obstacles afin d’atteindre l’autre bout du fil…

    Alors on comprend mieux quand Candy dit “Maintenant je comprend mieux le sens du lien qui nous unissait avec des fils invisibles.”

    Maintenant Candy a atteint l’autre bout du fil !

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Antlay! Yes the invisible thread may be stretched, but I think it means it doesn’t matter how far the destined lovers are apart from each other. This also applies to Albert and Candy. However, your analogy is great too, that their feelings for each other didn’t grow until they began living together in Chicago.

      About the thread being tangled, indeed Candy didn’t find her true love on the first try, not until after Anthony’s accident and breaking up with Terry. She didn’t realize her soul mate had been with her all along!

      You’re right that this invisible thread can’t be broken; it perseveres until the end of time, so to speak. As you said, when Candy said she finally understood the meaning, it essentially means that she had finally reached the other end of the thread — her destined lover. 🙂

  2. Agnès says:

    Bonjour chère Ms Puddle,

    Tout d’abord, c’est un honneur d’être citée et traduite dans votre post. C’est à moi de vous remercier, je me sens rougir ! :). Très belle analyse aussi de Reeka, Albert le Prince de la Colline de son enfance, Albert le vagabond de son adolescence et Albert William Ardlay de l’age adulte! Les trois “Alberts” comme les trois stages de la vie!

    Ensuite, j’adore cette légende de “Akai Ito” et du « vieil homme sous la Lune » ça me fait penser à la dimension cosmique dont je parlais. Je préfère cette image à celle de Cupidon ! Cela a d’autant plus de sens que Mizuki est elle-même de culture asiatique, elle a donc forcément dû penser à cette légende lorsqu’elle a parlé de ce lien invisible entre Albert et Candy, ça me semble évident ! D’ailleurs, ce lien a peut-être été matérialisé une fois par la chaine de fleurs que Candy a faite pendant qu’Albert faisait la sieste, d’autant plus que c’était juste après la révélation de la véritable identité d’Albert et la rétrospective de tous leurs souvenirs ! Ne croyez-vous pas ? 😉

    Je suis complétement d’accord avec vous Ms Puddle, l’emploi du présent et du mot maintenant signifient que ces liens existent toujours, cette phrase me semble très importante !

    Quant à cette scène du Manga vraiment très touchante d’ailleurs, je pense que l’insistance de Candy pour qu’Albert reste avec elle va au-delà de la simple reconnaissance de ce qu’il a fait pour elle dans le passé. Il lui a beaucoup manqué et s’inquiète sincèrement pour lui. Cette scène magnifique m’a beaucoup émue et ce ciel étoilé… des liens cosmiques ? ;D

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour chère Agnès! No need to feel embarrassed or ashamed at all, my friend! Thank you so much for your insights indeed! 🙂 Both your comment and Reeka’s added more colors to my post, which is excellent! I should really thank you both!

      While Cupid is cute, the old man under the moon is wise. I don’t know. They both carry similar ideas that some people are destined to be together, I guess? Like you, I think although Mizuki didn’t use the color red, she must have been heavily influenced by this red thread legend because the thread was invisible and brought Candy and Albert together again and again. His letter to Candy implied that exactly. Also, you have pointed out earlier that the change from past tense to present tense speaks volume, which means that Candy is with Albert now. I strongly believe that too. 🙂

      Like you, I also think this manga scene is beautiful and touching, and Igarashi drew the starry sky more than once. Cosmic links, as you said… LOL. When I first read this scene in the manga, I couldn’t quite understand why Candy insisted to take care of Albert, and the funny thing is that even Candy herself didn’t understand why she cried so much; she just had to keep him with her to feel relieved. She told him she wanted to pay back half of his kindness, and he was more than a casual friend. She explained to Dr. Leonard that Albert was her OnJin (a Japanese term borrowed from the Chinese language, literally meaning he was a person who had bestowed grace on her), but I think there’s more to that. In fact, Candy re-used this term again in her letter to Miss Baker, telling Terry’s mother why she had gone to Rockstown in the first place (to find her OnJin).

  3. Reeka says:

    Thanks, Ma Puddle! It’s my honor to be quoted by you 🙂

    I agree with Agnes! Albert was all of wonderful yet intricate person. Especially at that time of the story.

    Your last paragraph reminded me about something. On CCFS, in her recollection, do you think it’s weird that we don’t know how Albert was at the present time ( or recently)? If Anohito was not Albert, his updated news must be appeared somewhere in Candy’s thought. The last updated we know about Albert was him doing Pony’s home reconstruction ( or going to Miami X opening?). And whenever we’re told about Albert doing, there’s always Candy there. 🙂

    If Anohito was not Albert, opposite as Terry’s case, Albert was still someone significant to Candy. I strongly doubted their relationship loosen or broken along the years. Why we’ve never been told about how Albert’s business, how Albert now dealing with post-great depression period?

    It’s like when you, Ms Puddle, said : it explained why both Albert and Candy’s letters were on Candy’s hand. 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      No, dear Reeka, I must thank you for that brilliant comment! 🙂

      Hmmm… It’s true that Candy didn’t mention anything about what had happened to Albert in recent years, but she didn’t talk about Terry either… except Susanna’s obituary, but still that seemed long time ago?

      But you’re absolutely right that whenever Albert was mentioned, either as granduncle or Albert himself, he was always with Candy. To me, their trip to Lakewood was the last event, and it ended with a beautiful note.

      I agree with you, Reeka. What Candy said about the bond or the invisible thread implies that she and Albert have remained close at the present time. If Albert has married someone else, she would have mentioned it? Like she now has a ‘step-mother’ or something?

      Yes, I’ve always thought that the fact that Candy’s got the letters of Albert’s and hers speak volumes. 🙂

  1. April 16, 2015

    […] vous voulez en savoir plus vous pouvez visiter son blog (en anglais) : Ou en apprendre davantage sur cette légende sur ce site (en […]

  2. October 25, 2018

    […] have heard of the term “invisible thread”, and some of you might have read my old post Red String of Fate. Yes, I figure that was what Candy implied. 😉 Note that it’s singular, so there was only […]

  3. October 25, 2018

    […] Pony’s Hill, and the moment he had approached the little girl, their lives had been tied by an invisible thread (his badge). Some years later, some unknown force (Nagita) caused Candy to cross Albert’s […]

  4. January 6, 2019

    […] it’s the Red String of Fate. It’s not as obvious as the above two but Candy implied that “an invisible thread still […]

  5. February 3, 2019

    […] you’re interested to know a bit more about the aforementioned legend, please read my post Red String of Fate, written back in 2015. 💘 Also, in my other post Lost in translation (Part 9), I brought up the […]

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