Candy’s poem of Albert

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27 Responses

  1. SweetCandyAndley says:

    Hi Ms Puddle

    It is very interesting every thing you all shared in this post.
    I agree mostly with Reeka and like her I also thought about a song and its lyrics, but it is different one.

    Please watch this one

    “there’s the chance I’ll meet that gentle person, I love tomorrow”

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you dear SweetCandyAndley! That’s a nice song, and I probably will share this one too later! Thanks for your suggestion, my friend! 🙂

  2. Antlay says:

    Bonjour Agnès
    Merci pour cette précision, je pensais que c’était Mizuki qui avait écrit les paroles. Je suppose qu’elle avait un droit de regard sur les chansons, donc on peut espérer que cela l’a inspirée en écrivant CCFS.
    Ah ! et cela fait très plaisir de rencontrer une fan française, je me sens moins seule maintenant ! 🙂

    • Agnès says:

      Bonjour Antlay,

      Oui, je ressens exactement la même chose, Antlay car je me sentais seule aussi ! Surtout qu’autour de moi je ne peux pas partager car on considérerait que c’est complétement régressif mais ça fait tellement de bien! Lol ! 😀

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Bonjour Agnès et Antlay! Glad to read these comments from you! I’m happy for you both indeed, and you can think of my blog as Candy Candy book club 🙂 😛

  3. Antlay says:

    Chère Ms Puddle
    Oui c’est toujours un honneur d’être cité dans vos post.
    Bon dimanche.

  4. Antlay says:

    Bonjour à toutes !

    Le poème est très beau en effet et très bonne analyse d’Agnès du ruban et des fameux fils invisibles.
    Au Japon, le papillon qui évoque grâce et légèreté est un emblème de la femme, deux papillons figurent le bonheur conjugal, ceux sont des esprits voyageurs. Le papillon se métamorphose et symbolise la renaissance.

    La réponse de Candy à Albert concernant son invitation à voyager, comporte des similitudes avec l’épilogue de CCFS. Candy ne parvient toujours pas à trouver le sommeil, alors qu’elle dort habituellement beaucoup. Elle dit qu’elle ne sera pas capable de dormir dans sa lettre à Albert après sa révélation comme étant le POTH, puis dans sa dernière lettre après avoir passer la journée à Lakewood. Cela est bien un comportement amoureux !
    Dans sa lettre à Albert elle écrit “After the several hours in Lakewood, I fell like something inside me revived” puis Since then, I feel I was given a new life” Un peu comme une renaissance, “le papillon”…

    Concernant la chanson, je la connaissais mais ne parlant pas japonais, je ne comprenais pas les paroles. Merci pour la traduction. Il me semble avoir entendu et lu le mot “Ano hito” cette personne en français ! 😉 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Beautiful analysis, Antlay!! May I quote you on a new post?

    • Agnès says:

      Je ne connaissais pas cet emblème du papillon, la culture japonaise est vraiment raffinée et cela prend encore plus de sens dans ce poème sachant cela.

      Pour ano hito, vous avez tout à fait raison Antlay, ce mot apparait bien dans la chanson et même plusieurs fois « …au sujet de cette personne que j’ai rencontrée sur la Colline », « …pour cette personne gaie que j’ai rencontrée sur la Colline » alors j’ai fait une recherche et les paroles ont été écrites a priori par Toshio Oka mais c’est quand même une sacrée coïncidence, non ? 😉 🙂

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Really, Agnès? I thought it was written by Mizuki too! But for sure the lyrics of the ending song of CC was written by Mizuki, and in that song, Anohito referred to Prince on the Hill.

        Yet, Mizuki had also written another poem about Terry, and Mizuki used Anohito as well.

        After all, Anohito simply means ‘that person’, and Candy liked using this term to refer to the man she loved. Sigh.

  5. Reeka says:

    It’s beautiful, isn’t it?

    I’m not sure this poem intended to be for which timeline. Was it for when they’re still purely friends, or after Magnolia/after Albert resumed the role of patriarch and did a lot of business travels? If it was for pre-magnolia period, it was a bit too intimate? Candy had never longed to meet Albert again when he was just a wanderer.

    Ms Puddle, don’t you think this poem sounds quite similar ( the last paragraph) with the song lyric where Candy longed to meet her prince again? 🙂

    I forget exactly the difference between letters in old CC and CCFS, but yeah the old one sounds very sweet and romantic. And Albert wrote : “one day When i’m able to fulfill the role in Ardley good enough … “, this part is very interesting, since he meant it’s not so soon. It meant the moment he was settled (and probably married?). And I guess he wasn’t naive to think Candy was still single and free as well at that time. If he or/and she was married to someone, they couldn’t travel together right? It seemed there’s already something between them when they wrote the letters. 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Reeka dear!

      Regarding the timeline, please read my reply to Agnès. I think for some reason Candy was always happy to see Albert again even when he was like a vagabond. Remember her reaction to running into him in London? I guess his presence did make her feel secure, something that she couldn’t get from anyone else?

      Note that it wasn’t like Candy missed Albert dreadfully in the poem (unlike the time when she lived alone in the apartment). It’s more like she wondered when she would see him again somewhere. Anyway, their friendship was hard to explain, don’t you think? 😉

      I think Mizuki wrote this poem with something in mind, but I don’t remember the poem you mentioned, Reeka. Please remind me?

      Yeah, something must have happened between A and C during or prior to the exchange of those letters, which are full of suggestions. Again, please read my reply to Agnès. 🙂

      • Reeka says:

        This song, Ms Puddle.

        Not exactly similar, but the last two paragraph of the poem to me sounds like Candy longed to see Albert again. I got the same feeling when reading the translation of the song about POTH.

        I’ve read your reply to Agnes just now, so you think it’s suitable for the period Albert left her for his Africa journey? Yeah, it could be. I imagine the ribbon that became a butterfly eventually managed to reach Albert and brought him back home, just right in front of nurse Candy in Chicago hospital? He had been the one inspired her to be a nurse, then she was there exactly when he needed her the most. Awww … 🙂

        I’m a bit intrigued to read your reply to Agnes explaing the meaning of To set off a journey. Well, it’s not exactly an adventurous journey, but don’t you think he at the end asked her to cross the ocean to set off a new life in England? 🙂

        Ever think why Mizuki made the setting of CCFS in England?

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Oh this song! Thanks, Reeka! It’s another song with beautiful lyrics too! I should probably share it one day!

          You’re so right that Albert was the one who inspired Candy to be a nurse, a nd her ‘butterfly’ led him back to her when he needed her the most!! So sweet, isn’t it?

          To set off a journey could mean many things, but I do think Albert definitely enjoyed Candy’s companionship a lot. If not, why would he invite her, right?

          Hmmm… About CCFS sets in England, I don’t really know. What are you trying to say, Reeka?

          • Agnès says:

            Thanks for sharing Reeka, it’s a beautiful song indeed ! And it mirrors to the poem in a pretty well similar way.

            And the ribbons could be an allegory of their invisible threads!

            About the journey it makes me think of a honey moon, at least an allegory of their future life together! Life isn’t it a long journey? So he invited her to share it with him and she was enthusiast lo follow him! 😉

            So romantic! Sighs…

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Dear Agnès, I agree it’s a beautiful song, but there’s a difference to me. 😉 In the song, Candy clearly admired the handsome young man who appeared to her one day on the hill, and she wished to see him again, with admiration and longing, so it’s a romantic song. On the other hand, the poem is more about friendship. Candy was somewhat attracted to Albert. She liked him as a person for unknown reason.

              Great minds think alike, dear! To me, the ribbon implies the invisible thread and inviting her to set off a journey together alludes to their life long journey as a couple. Her answer to him makes us smile, doesn’t it? 😉

          • Reeka says:

            Hahhaha no, I weren’t trying to say any particular thing, Ms Puddle. It’s just suddenly came to my mind, that probably Mizuki put some hints behind her CCFS’s set in England.

            Of course, Albert enjoyed Candy’s companionship, in fact probably she’s the only who managed to fit this role since Rosemary had died. He was gentle only with her, his warm and tender treatment to her was totally different with his usually casual friendly manner.

            Agnes dear,
            you’re welcome. Ahhh you spoke what I had in mind. I second your suggestion for what Albert’s invitation could be meant. Either way, real journey as world-travellers or “let’s share the rest of our life together” journey, those lines in their letters were very sweet and intimate. People should not forget the timeline of this whole CC story, at that time these simple lines had huge meaning.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              So Reeka dear, about Mizuki setting CCFS in England, some Terry fans claimed that he went back to his home country, inheriting from the Duke. But other fans insisted that Terry wouldn’t return. Broadway was his life, etc. Oh well…

              About Candy being able to fill Rosemary’s empty spot in Albert’s heart, I totally agree. Why else would Albert tell Candy so many things about himself? If he had no feelings, it would be very odd!

              As I said to Agnès, great minds think alike!! What Albert said had other implications indeed!!

  6. Agnès says:

    Merci encore une fois de partager vos trésors avec nous, Ms Puddle ! 🙂

    Très joli poème ! A quel moment Candy l’a-t-elle écrit ? Après la révélation de l’identité d’Albert alors qu’il est sur l’un de ses voyages d’affaire peut-être ?
    On ressent son sentiment de frustration de voir Albert parti, encore, mais en même temps elle le comprend et lui pardonne, simplement il lui manque ! Elle sait qu’ils se retrouveront, après tout ne sont-ils pas liés par des fils invisibles ? 😉

    Pour la proposition d’Albert de partir en voyage, il faut qu’il y ait un lien très fort entre eux car à l’époque, une jeune femme n’était pas sensée voyager ainsi avec un jeune homme même s’il est son tuteur légal ! Et la réponse de Candy qui veut le suivre même s’il disait non ! Et lorsqu’elle écrit qu’il lui semble qu’elle ne dormira pas ce soir… Et comme elle souhaite le revoir, c’est palpable ! Tout ceci est très révélateur d’une fille amoureuse !

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour❣ Chère Agnès!

      First of all, you’re very welcome! My pleasure totally! This poem was written by the author herself long time ago, and I guess (not entirely sure) Mizuki meant the time when Candy understood that Albert wouldn’t settle down in one place, so this likely happened after she read his letter from Africa?

      Thus, Candy’s impression of Albert the vagabond was that he would only appear briefly and would disappear very soon. Yet, somehow, she could never forget about this traveler of wind. Funny, isn’t it? Unbeknownst to her, he was actually that Scottish teenager whom she had wanted to meet again.

      Yeah, I can’t agree with you more about the meaning behind Albert’s invitation in his letter. Many people believed it was his indirect marriage proposal. As you said, back then, it was ‘forbidden’ for singles of opposite sex to travel together. I don’t think he meant to also bring a chaperone with him… LOL! Besides, he invited Candy to join him in something he enjoyed means that he wanted her company very much (to set off for a journey could mean a long time alone together).

      Do you know that Candy’s reply to his letter was the last letter in the old CC novel? Like you, I also feel that Candy sounded so much like a woman in love, and she gave a strong hint to Albert that she missed him a lot. Moreover, some people said her reply to his invitation to travel could mean that she understood what he actually meant. Even if she didn’t, at least it shows that she also loved being with him, regardless of where they would go or what they would do. She readily accepted to join him as long as they were together. Then the novel ends after this letter. 🙂 Perhaps one day I can talk more about this letter from Candy.

  1. February 26, 2015

    […] Candy’s poem of Albert […]

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