My present arrived!

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44 Responses

  1. Quevivacandy says:

    woo hoo hoo!!!

    You know what? precisely today we were discussing about CCFS italian version covers. Volumen 2 will be for sale ’til may but they already are promotioning the book. While vol 1’s text is pink, vol 2 is blue. And now, I see the same happens in the original novel, I guess.

    I think vol 1 is pink ’cause it tells us about Candy and the second blue ’cause it tells more about Albert, even it is Candy telling her story… what do you think?

    Anyhow, weeee good for you!!!! 😀

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thanks, dear QuevivaCandy! Interesting thought about the colors! Never thought of that! I don’t know, but volume 2 is more about the older Candy, when she was in her late teens or early twenties 😉

      • Quevivacandy says:

        yep, but it is on that volume, where we know many many things about Albert… :p hehehe sorry, can’t help it. 😉

  2. CKati says:

    I’m so happy for you! Enjoy your present 😀
    I’m also a bit jealous LOL. Just kidding. You well deserve the books!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you, CKati dear!! I really enjoy my present, and I’ll try my best to ‘share’ it with you all here on my blog 🙂

  3. Antlay says:

    Dear Ms Puddle

    J’ai passé pendant plusieurs années mes vacances en Espagne avec mes parents dans un petit village Comillas sur la côte atlantique dans la province de la Cantabrie. C’est une magnifique région entre mer et montagne. Mais il y a bien longtemps et depuis hormis quleques voyages en amerique du sud, je pratique peu l’espagol. Alors entre Shakespeare, Cervantes et Moliere, permettez-moi de m’exprimer dans ma langue natale.
    Je vous comprend Evelyn, le français est une langue très difficile, surtout la conjugaison, même pour nous français, c’est très difficile de ne pas faire des fautes d’orthographe ! 😉
    Hasta luego senoritas 🙂

  1. March 24, 2015

    […] My present arrived! […]

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