La persona que amo…

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24 Responses

  1. Anneth White says:

    Y por último quiero hacer este comentario respecto de la maravillosa confesión de sentimientos que hace Candy en la carta que escribe en su mente para Anthony!!.. En ella empieza contándole que ha estado en Lakewood, lo que da idea de lo lejano que fue el momento en que lo escribió, eso ocurrió tan pronto Albert le contó que era el tío abuelo William y que era el Principe de la colina, pero en su presente Candy está sobre los 35 años, viviendo en otro continente!. Candy le menciona a Anthony que Albert es su tío, y cuánto se parecen en el cabello y color de ojos. Y le dice que nunca pensó amar a alguien como lo había amado a él, pero una vez conoció a la otra persona en Londres se da cuenta de que hay diferentes tipos de amor, ella pensó que era Anthony por un instante pero se dio cuenta de que era muy diferente casi de inmediato, y es muy claro que esa persona solo puede ser Terry (ya menciono el parecido de Albert y Anthony al comienzo) y de manera interesante nunca menciona el nombre de Terry en esta carta!! Pero lo describe muy bien. Y aquí tenemos dos tipos de amor muy claras, y su sutil mención (el amor ingenuo, hermoso, puro de Candy por Anthony cuando tenía 13 años y amor apasionado que sintió por Terry de los 14 a los 17 años cuando se separaron, un amor más maduro). En la carta le sigue relatando a Anthony como le es imposible reencontrarse con él por razones obvias (él esta muerto) y que el destino le ha gastado malas jugadas con desencuentros y separaciones, pero mientras esté viva, GUARDA ESPERANZA. Eh aquí lo más bello de esta carta, es simplemente la repetición de los sentimientos y palabras que Terry le hizo sentir al cabalgar, él se lo dijo cuando le gritó que llamara a Anthony indicándole que no sacaría nada, pues estaba muerto, pero ellos estaban vivos y la vida debería continuar. Y por qué guarda esperanzas? A quién desea volver a encontrar mientras esté viva? Es muy claro que NO es Albert pues ella es una Ardley, ella se escribe con Albert constantemente y estuvo con el en Lakewood, ella sabe donde vive Albert, Albert sabe donde vive ella…son totalmente ubicables. Esa persona que el destino apartó es Terry (y vuelvo a repetirlo, no menciona su nombre en toda la carta, es algo totalmente deliberado por parte de Mizuki). Y al final está esa gran despedida mencionando que está escribiendo en la estación en donde las rosas están en plena floración, seguro es el mes de Mayo y hace alusión directa a sus rosas, las rosas de Anthony y solamente de él en la historia de Candy Candy. Y por qué es tan maravillosa esta carta? Porque lleva directamente al final de la historia. Candy guarda sus recuerdos dolorosos y alegres en su joyero, y su esposo llega e ilumina su habitación así como ilumina su vida. Ella está en otro continente, el cuadro de Slim es el recuerdo de la colina de Pony que es parte de su pasado pues ya no vive allí, Lakewood es un lindo recuerdo y lejano pues pasó a manos de otra persona (ella no sabe si esa persona cuidará de las puertas de los chicos, asi que esa persona no tiene relación con Albert o con Archie) y los Legan son un lejano recuerdo, tampoco tiene relación con ellos, asi que Albert tampoco esta con ella pues los Legan son parte del clan Ardley también. Asi que la carta de Anthony solo da las respuesta, además de los hechos mencionados sobre quien es el esposo de Candy, y aquí sobra mencionar los libros de Shakespeare, Avon Upon y los narcisos, los que son solo redundancia respecto de Terry, su esposo, la persona que más amo en la vida, y la persona que le escribió una nota para decirle que su amor seguía intacto, la persona que no escribió ninguna palabra cuando su prometida murió, pues ni siquiera ella se merecía eso. Para nosotros es una alegría muy grande comprobar que la versión italiana es fiel a la versión japonesa, y comprobar que no estábamos equivocadas al leer las primeras traducciones. El corazón de Candy perteneció y se mantuvo fiel a Terence Granchester!. Sin dejar de lado que Mr. Albert como ella lo llama jugó un papel muy importante en su vida, como gran amigo y protector. Thanks for allowing me to post here Mrs. Puddle as i told you i prefered to do it in spanish to let the spanish girl to know my opinion in that language. Take care! Anneth.

    • Anneth White says:

      And the last comment in the marvelous love confession Candy does in the letter wrote in her mind for Anthony. She starts telling Anthony that she was in Lakewood for the first time seeing the family portraits (so it was after Albert told her his identity as the Uncle William and the Prince of the hill). And we must remember that now she has more or less 35 yo and is living in Great Bretain, so that letter is in her past. She then told Anthony how he and Alber are alike in the color of the eyes and hair, and also that he believed couldn’t love another person like he loved him but she knew someone in London very similar to him but only for an instant, and then realized that person was totally different, we know that person is Terry (but candy NEVER mention his name in this letter, his name is obscured by Mizuk in purpose according to us that have read the letter in both translations). Also we know she is making reference to the innocent love for Anthony and the powerful and passionate love for Terry. She continue telling Anthony that it is impossible to reencounter with him because he is dead, but after so many separations and sad moments in her life she knows she can have more reencounters with person that remains alive, here there is not necessity to make a reference to Albert, because they were in Lakewood, Candy is an Ardley by adoption, she knows where does Albert live, and Albert knows where to find her….so she KEEPS HOPE for someone else…at the end she mention she is writing in the season when the roses bloom, a lovely comment for Anthony´s roses!!! why is this a lovely letter? because after finishing reading it she closed her jewel box with all her memories in it (before Anthony´s letters are Albert´s letters). And then her husband arrives, but she has talked about Slim´s paint, with Lakewood mansion belonging to other person, doubting if he gates of the boys will remain (so Archie or Albert are not taking care of them), also she says the Legan´s family is a far memory (so albert is not near, because the Legans are part of the Ardley Clan). The paint was bought by her husband in London, the daffodils scence is inside her house, also Shakespeare book and live near Avon Upon all redundant respect Terry an in a SO DIRECT WAY BY MIZUKI, we don´t need to make speculations about terry and the relationship with all those probes, they were linked by mizuki with terry in different episodes of the novel. So that person that loved her so much, and remains in silence in the obituary of her fiancé (not her wife) is bringing light again to Cady´s life, in the same way Mrs. Ponny told her! We the terry-candy fans are so happy to see the coincidence in the Japanese and Italian versions of he story. Candy´s heart was faithful to terry´s love. And we also think that Albert was a very important person in Candy´s life as her protector, her guardian angel, and we love Albert so much too. Thanks for reading me Ms Puddle, this is the version of the Candy-Terry´s fans world and for us CCFS is the open declaration of their love wrote by Keiko Nagita=Kioko Mizuki, so we thank her from our heart for this lovely end. Also this is the vision of the big world of terry-Candy fans from Europe, Asia and Latino America, with confrontation of the editions of the novels of 1978, 1979, 1990, an also the 2010 Japanese edition and the 2014-2015 Italian versions. Take care. Anneth.

  2. Anneth White says:

    No puedo dejar de responder sobre Rocks Town, lo que tú llamas “frenética búsqueda” de Candy por Albert lo que siente Candy por él. Candy es enviada a Rocks Town por Albert, con una intención directa el que vea a Terry y le ayude. Primero que todo en CCFS y novelas previas queda muy claro que la vocación de Candy era ayudar a los desprotegidos y ser una buena enfermera y ese es el compromiso que adquiere con Albert desde que es llevado al hospital con amnesia y por esto se preocupa tanto cuando no lo puede encontrar, Candy estaba totalmente enamorada de Terry en esa época y esto queda muy claro cuando lo escribe en CCFS y en el manga (es una lastima que esta escena haya sido eliminada en el animae). En el intercambio de cartas entre Candy y Albert él le hace ver como ella terminó cuidándolo y equiparando esta situación a una “Novela Barata”, lo que me parece fabuloso porque es una forma indirecta de burla de la propia Mizuki sobre esa situación!! Quizás ella ve su imposibilidad de generar un escenario menos “cursi o melodramático en cuanto a la relación de paciente-enfermera y amigos” y no se por qué pero me lleva directamente a pensar en la forma tan drástica como Mizuki le pide a los editores e Igarashi cuando editan el manga que no transformen a Candy y su historia después de la separación de Terry en una historia “Barata”. Candy en CCFS parte mencionando que está buscando a un amigo que ha desaparecido, nada romántico en este sentido, y menciona cuanto dolor siente al ver a Terry en esa decadente situación. Menciona como quiere catapultarse hasta el escenario y golpearlo en el pecho y preguntarle por qué motivo tuvieron que separarse…ya no es esa chica bondadosa que cree que la separación fue una buena decisión. Y reconoce que ocurrió un milagro, como si la voz de su corazón lo hubiera alcanzado y lo hacer actuar de nuevo como uno de los más brillantes actores que haya conocido. Quedándose con la tranquilidad de que volverá a triunfar, y sabiendo que Eleonor lo protegerá después de que habla con ella. También es interesante que menciona que pareciera fue una fuerza misteriosa la que la llevó allí!. Así que en ninguna parte del relato de la versión japonesa o italiana se menciona un sentimiento romántico de Candy por Albert en Rocks Town, Terry es el centro de ese episodio y el amor compartido y que debieron reprimir por Susana!. En CCFS no tenemos la versión de Terry, pero si la tenemos en el manga y en esta escena el la ve llorando, siente un inmenso dolor por esto y recapacita retomando el deseo de tener éxito para no hacer sufrir a Candy y cumplir la promesa que le hizo de encargarse de Susana con quien nunca se casó!!!.

    • Anneth White says:

      the translation:
      I can´t not answer about Rocks Town. Which you call the “frenetic search of Albert by Candy” and Candy´s feelings for Albert. Candy is sent directly to Rocks Town by Albert, with the intention of see Terry and probably help him. In the previous novels and CCFS it is so clear that Candy wanted to be a good nurse and help people and that is her compromise when recognize Albert and find out he has amnesia, and because of that she wants to find him, when he left Magnolia´s apartment. For other side Candy was totally in love of Terry in Rocks Town, she wrote that in CCFS and she showed that feeling in the manga (it is a shame that we couldn´t see that scene in the animae). In the letters that Albert and Candy exchanged he let her know that it was ridiculous to end being care by her, when he wanted the opposite, and also he compare that situation with a Cheap Novel, which I find marvelous, because I think is Mizuki herself mocking for her incapability of write a better situation to show the patient-nurse-friendship relationship, and that quote made by albert made me remember the direct comment Mizuki did to Igarashi and the editors of the manga asking not to transform the story in a Cheap one making candy to fell in love for albert as soon she left terry in N.Y. Mizuki is using the same word-comparison for me. In CCFS Candy talks about Rocks Town, and first mention that she was looking for a friend that is lost (Mr. Albert), also she sais how painful is to see terry in that bad condition in the stage. She sais how she wanted to jump to the stage to hit him with force in his chest and asks him why did they have to separate…. in CCFS she is not the sweet girl wondering about the separation, she is mad about it…and then she recognize that it seems there was a miracle when sees terry acting as in the past, like it was the voice of her heart that reach him making him shine like before!! and at the end she writes she feel better knowing Eleonor has the role of being Terry´s mother again, taking care of him in the somber..after she talked with her. She also says it was a mysterious force that took her to that place! so there isn´t a romantic vision of the relationship between Albert or Candy in that episode, nor in the Japanese or the Italian version. Terry is the center of that episode and the love that they couldn’t fulfill because of Susana. We don´t have Terry´s version of that episode in CCFS, but we have it in the manga, he saw candy, and he felt pain seeing her crying ,so then he thinks that he must keep his word to make Candy happy, making Susana happy, so he is stronger while starts to act again. But remember that he NEVER married Susana, and also he never said a word in her obituary…that absence of words by his part say so much about his feelings for Susana.

  3. Anneth White says:

    Por qué Terry no le escribe cartas más amorosas a Candy? Mizuki lo respondió en el epílogo del Segundo Volumen de 1979, paginas 6-8. Mizuki “le pide permiso mentalmente a Candy para mostrar a las seguidoras las cartas más Claras y Simples que intercambia con todos sus amigos, incluyendo a Mr. Albert, y a su vez le pide a Mr. Albert las cartas que intercambió con Candy. Pero Candy no le deja ver las cartas envueltas en una cinta de color aguamarina que tiene en sus manos y que esconde en secreto en su mente, las cartas de Terry, porque guardan sentimientos muy profundos”. Y todas nosotras sabemos que las cartas de amor no se comparten con cualquier persona! Así que recomiendo de nuevo ir a la fuente original de la novela, para resolver algunas dudas y esta fuente original es la misma Mizuki!

    • Anneth White says:

      Why didn´t Terry write more romantic letters to Candy? Mizuki answered it in the epilogue of the Second Volume, 1979 edition, pages 6-8. She “asks permission in her mind to Candy to show to the readers the more clear and simple letters that Candy exchange with all of her friends, including Mr. Albert, and also Mizuki asks Mr. Albert to borrow the letters he exchanged with Candy. BUT Candy didn´t let Mizuki read the letters that she has in her hands, tied with an aquamarine ribbon, that are Terry´s letters, that Candy hides secretly in her mind, because they have deeper feelings”. And we all know that love letters are not shared with everybody. So I recommend to go to the original source of the novel, again, to solve some doubts and that original source is Mizuki!

  4. Anneth White says:

    Hola Mrs Puddle qué bueno que posteaste en castellano pues así le puede llegar la información al gran mundo de Candy Candy en español. Y espero me permitas dar mi opinión que se contrapone a la tuya totalmente (quizás es bueno que las candyfans tengan los dos puntos de vista y las pruebas de CCFS en las diferentes versiones ya publicadas. Deseo detenerme un poco en los sentimientos de amor (ai) que tienen Susana y Candy por Terry. Tu dices que “Candy aceptó el hecho de que no podría medirse con Susana respecto de ese sentimiento ya que su incapacidad era permanente” (incapacidad física por su lesión después del accidente). Pero hay que analizar cuál ese tipo de amor por parte de las dos. Por un lado el amor de Susana es el amor egoísta y enfermizo, que la hizo esconder las cartas que Candy le enviaba a Terry por lo que hizo a Terry ignorante de la vida y sentimientos de Candy mientras estudió enfermería. También quiero resaltar que hay una interesante diferencia entre las novelas pasadas (edición de 1979 y 1990) en donde existía la carta de Susana para Candy y le comentaba que ella sabía que el corazón de Terry se había ido con ella cuando se separaron el hospital, una carta que ya no está en CCFS, solo está el sobre vacío, y además el comentario de Candy respecto del hecho de sus cartas fueron escondidas por Susana (dejándonos con la duda de si fue susana o terry quienes finalmente le confesaron esto en el futuro), añadiendo sus sentimientos respecto de toda la situación (página 236, edición japonesa-2010: “Detesto a Susana. Retener a Terry de esa manera no es justo y mi pecho tiembla con rabia”. Y más adelante comenta “Si no renuncio, Terry sufrirá”. Por esto en CCFS Susana deja de ser la rival en términos amorosos, se convierte en una “ladrona” de cartas y ni siquiera Candy se digna a guardar su carta en su joyero. Respecto del amor de Candy por Terry es tan profundo que es Candy quien se sacrifica por él, ella toma la decisión para no hacerlo sufrir más de lo que ya está sufriendo. Esta es una de las más grandes demostraciones de amor que se puede hacer por alguien, siendo totalmente generosa, y sabemos que esa es la esencia de Candy. Con una decisión tan dolorosa que hace que Candy se enferme y ya no quiera ni siquiera comer, como bien se lo hace saber Annie en su carta de (pag 230, versión japonesa del 2010): “qué doloroso fue verte después de que terminaste con Terry. Cuando regresaste de N.Y. muy temprano en un día nevado, que exhausta te veías, ese sentimiento me hace daño. La fiebre alta no fue la causa de tu enfermedad. Tu fuiste a ver a Terry con tanta alegría. Y nos dijiste de manera animada que no te volverías a ver con Terry por diversos motivos por lo que volviste. Me dolió ver como penosamente tratabas con todas tus fuerzas de demostrar eso” . Por otra parte vimos esa autodestrucción de Terry volviendo al alcohol de manera penosa en Rocks Town. Se amaban profundamente, un amor correspondido, ya no era un amor de adolescentes, era un amor de jóvenes que quería hacer una vida en común (el ticket de solo ida de Terry lo indicaba), pero que fue interrumpido por una persona egoísta y suicida, que requería atención psiquiátrica como lo era Susana!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Anneth, I don’t speak or read Spanish, but I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible because I’m quite tied up at the moment.

      Have a good day!

      • Anneth White says:

        Hi Ms Puddle, I thought you can because of this part of the blog….I will try to translate to english later (I do not have so much time now!). Hugs!

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Me neither. I don’t have time to try to understand what you have written. I guess I will wait till you translate your words to English 🙂
          Have a good day!

          • Anneth White says:

            Here it is.
            Hi Ms Puddle,it was nice to see your post in Spanish because in that way the spanish CC fans can read your opinion. I hope you let me give my opinion too, which is totally contrary to yours (maybe it is good that CC fans have the two points of view, besides the CCFS´s probes published in the different versions. I want to stop in the love (ai) loves feelings that Susana and Candy had for Terry. You say that Candy “accepted the fact that se can´t compare with Susana about that feeling, because her “illness” was permanent (illness because of the accident). But it is important to analyze what kind of love both have. For one side, Susana´s love is the selfish and sickness one, which made her hide Candy´s letters for Terry, and because of that Terry was ignorant about the life and Candy´s feelings while she was studying for be a nurse at the hospital. Also I want to note that there is a big difference between the past edition of the novels (1979 and 1990) where Susana´s letter for candy was published, where she told her that knew that Terry´s heart followed her (Candy) when they separated at the hospital, a letter that doesn´t exist in CCFS, only remains the empty envelope. It is important too to note that Candy recognize that her letters were hiden by Susana (letting us with the doubt of how did she find out that…did susana or terry tell Candy that in some part of her future before or after susana died?), also candy tells her feelings about that (Vol. 2, page 236, japanese version: “I… detest Susana, I thought. To restrain Terry like that is unfair, and my chest trembled with anger”, and later on the same retrospection she said: “”If i don’t give up , Terry will suffer”, Because of that in CCFS Susana is not anymore the rival about love feelings, she is now the “letter´s thief”, and candy didn´t keep her letter in her jewel box. Now about Candy´s love for terry, it is so deep that she makes the sacrifice for him, she takes the decision for not letting him with more pain. That is one of the biggest love demonstration that someone can do for the one she/he loves, she is so generous, and we know that is Candy´s personality. And candy suffer so much, she feels sick because of that after the separation, she doesn´t want to eat something said by Annie in her letter to her (page 230, Japanese version): “I tremble to think that you left the chicken pie that Patty brought after baking the other day”….” The reason that you look so worried is not only for Mr Albert. Patty and I felt it.”… “How painful you were after you broke up with Terry―――.
            When you came back from New York so early on a snowy day, how exhausted you were ―――the thought hurts me…. High fever wasn’t the cause of your sickness.
            You went to see Terry with such joy…Afterwards, you said cheerfully to us that you were not going to meet Terry anymore for various reasons and came back….It pained me to look at you who was pitifully trying too hard”. And what about Terry? We saw that auto destruction with him returning to the habit to drink alcohol and in a so painful way in Rocks Town. They love each other so much, and it was not only a teenager love, it was a love of young adults that wanted to have a common life (the one way ticket to N.Y for candy was the probe), and that was interrupted by a selfish and a sick person with suicidal intentions, that needed a psychiatric care like was Susana.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Thanks for your prompt translations. I’m currently out of town, so I don’t have the Japanese CCFS novels with me. I’ll re-read some passages and get back to all of your comments in a new post. 🙂 Enjoy your day!

  5. Vera García says:

    Un saludo cordial Ms Puddle
    Es grato leer un análisis tan objetivo, que no solamente expresa puntos de vista, que está basado en el texto y en el idioma original en que fue escrito(que esto tiene un valor y merito adicional) para que se comprenda cual es el amor de Candy . Y en la respuesta al comentario, se comprende claramente que las objeciones que algunos Terryfans arguyen para descartar a Albert como el depositario del amor de Candy, no tienen fundamento. También su artículo Ms. Puddle, me ha ayudado a poner en orden un poco mi mente, porque el fin de semana pasado, he leído un blog a solicitud de una amistad(lo que tiene que hacer uno por amistad) que hace un análisis (supuesta mente) de ¿Quién es Anohito? Aunque al inicio hace una introducción interesante y enfatiza que va ha ser imparcial, se ve muy claro que su tendencia es a un solo bando, que lo expresa directamente y después hace una serie de argumentaciones que no poseen objetividad y que son muy dogmáticas. Conclusión termine desvelada, con dolor de cabeza y aparte se enfado mi amistad por le dije sinceramente que ese blog no tenia argumentos sólidos para que yo tuviera la pequeña sospecha de que Anohito es Terry y reafirme mi postura de que Anohito es Albert.
    Por lo cuál gracias también a QuevivaCandy por su traducción al español, porque me han quedado más claro algunos aspectos que cuando lo leí en ingles no había comprendido.
    Reitero mi agradecimiento Ms Puddle por este excelente artículo su amiga Vera.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you so much, dear Vera! I’m glad you found this translated version helpful and objective. That’s exactly what I’ve been trying to do, to show the facts in CCFS itself without relying on other articles to support my arguments. Beyond a doubt, Candy signed her letter with love (“ai”) and gratitude to her Prince on the Hill. She knew what she was doing, and that was why she said in the letter that she wouldn’t be able to sleep. She couldn’t wait to see how her prince was going to respond to her letter. 🙂

      Saludos!! 😀

      • Anonymous says:

        My children sign their cards to their father “with love”. It’s an standard way to finish a letter to a relative. I really can not see why is that a big clue. “With love and gratitude” it’s also used to acknowledge somebody who did a important thing for your life, it can be a teacher, a friend, a parent, a soldier. You can find examples of “with love and gratitude” here:

        In fact “with love and gratitude” sounds quite distant to me, in the same way Candy keeps calling Albert “Mr Albert” or “Albert-san”. I honestly can not see why will you address your boyfriend in such a manner?, or why you would finish a letter with “love and gratitude”?
        You can play with “ai” and “suki” all you like. It’s a standards phrase in English. And it has been translated into Italian now as the same concept. As normal way to finish a letter to somebody you are very grateful and love. And that love, as you can see in all those examples before it doesn’t mean “romantic” love.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Hello, you don’t see why it’s such a big deal doesn’t necessarily make it less important. 😉 You know what I mean? 😛 If you insist, then I won’t convince you either.

          Likewise, to understand a story you can’t ignore the cultural background and use your own experience or understanding to judge the characters’ behavior. It’s like a person who grow up near the equator will never understand what winter is. Or one who has never seen a snow mountain won’t grasp the thrill of downhill skiing. 😉 🙂

          If you have a Japanese friend, please feel free to ask them the difference between “ai” and “suki”. I’m sure they can easily tell you it’s not trivial to use “ai” at all. It’s a word that’s reserved for devoted and long lasting love, whereas “suki” can also be used for ice cream, movies, pets, etc.

          It’s a common knowledge that the original expressions or nuance are bound to be lost in translation, and that’s why the best is to read the original text.

          • Lady Gato says:

            Since you asked, here is something we shared a whole back on the CandyTerry forum. It’s from one of our many Japanese boardies.

            Mucho Mucho Aloha and Arigato from our longtime Japanese friend and boardie, Tarzan Sobakasu for this enlightening explanation of 愛(ai)! It’s important to understand this as some members of the cc fandom attempt to explain 愛(ai) to “prove” Albert is Anohito….

            So in Tarzan SobakaSu’s own words to all of you:


            Konnichiwa and Bon jour! (^O^)/

            I tried to explain 愛(ai) and すき(suki) in my own way as below. 愛 is not perfectly equal to “love”. So it’s a little difficult to explain it, but I managed to do it.

            I looked into 愛(ai) in Japanese, and then I think 愛 has mainly 3 origins in Japan. 
            The first one came from buddhism(only as sexual love) begun near india via Chinese thoughts (loves for family, friends and so on) about 1600-2000 years ago. 
            The second one is from Christianity since around 1549. 
            We didn’t have the concept of “love” like Christian at that time , so we applied the Japanese concept like the feeling we cherish each other to “love” of Christianity. 
            The last one is the one we Japanese applied 愛(ai) to “love”, “amour” etc… when we Japanese translated western novels, documents, movies and so on since 1854 (Japan had sealed off to the outside world except for China and Netherlands from 1636 to 1854 to avoid invasions from other countries.)

            The “愛”(page.322, 2nd volume) Albert fans quoted is from the third one. The “love” of the conclusive words of letters and e-mails like “Regards” and “Sincerely yours” are used in English or other western languages. In addition, if Candy suddenly declared her love for Albert here without any processes leading to a romance, it would be so strange contextually. (Lady Gato bolded Tarzan’s words here to make it unequivocally clear)

            Anyway, now, we Japanese use “愛(ai, noun version)” or “愛する or 愛してる(aisuru or aisiteru, verb version)” for humans, animals and so on like “like”, but unlike “suki”, we rarely use “ai” for things like foods, although there are the cases like we use “ai” like “aisha(愛車)”(we use it when someone cherish his/her own car very much.). 

            In male-female relationships, we use “愛ai” almost on the literary expression like lyrics, novels, poems, or on the translated movies and dramas mainly from the U.S.A and Europe after the influences of western world.

            I feel “愛ai” is more earnest, deeper and heavier, or a little bit more sexual than “すきsuki”. On the other hand, “suki” is more casual and lighter than “ai”. In casual conversation, we almost use “suki” much more times as the affectional expression of men and women. I haven’t read books or mangas for under early teens which use “aisiteru” when one express its affection for another, so far. The 愛 of male-female relationships slightly imply sex in Japan. So, in my opinion, juvenile writers might avoid using it many times. Maybe, they want to keep their works’ images immaculate (clean). Or authors who write books for children might be told not to use 愛ai so often by publishers. On the top of that, in this Final story’s case, there might be some consideration for Albert fans and Anthony fans.

            About the 愛, page.48 of 2nd volume, I think this 愛 means someone feel so important and respectful about his/her partner after we care and help each other many times while staying or living together long time, rather than the 愛 including sex. There feel like the thought he/she want to marry his/her partner behind that kind of feeling. I think this part shows Candy and Annie’s loves are developing not as puppy love but as the love for person who they want to marry in the future. It can mean they are growing from girls to women.

            This part is the almost same as that of the old novel. In the scene, Annie talked about Archie that she wanted to become the person loved by him from the bottom of his heart, after Candy and Annie became friends again in the St.Paul academy, and then Terry’s face came into Candy’s mind suddenly. 

            I hope my explanation will be helpful for you(^^) 

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Thanks Lady Gato for the long comment. I appreciate you digging this up from your archives. Just so you know, I’ve heard of most of these already, but thanks for providing the details so that others can read. 🙂

              You probably know that the Japanese language borrowed many Chinese words as their Kanji, and in Chinese it’s the same concept when it comes to love. The word 愛 is a lot deeper and broader in meaning, reserved for long lasting and devoted love, whereas the equivalent of 好き in Chinese is much less serious and more widely used. I perfectly understand the difference between the two because I’m fluent in Chinese.

              Regardless, as I have already mentioned before, I actually talked to a Japanese friend, and she told me the fact that Candy used the word 愛 to end her last letter to Albert speaks volumes. It wasn’t a trivial step at all, especially from a young lady’s point of view. In fact, it took Candy lots of courage to write that to her prince. If it was simply “best regards” or “sincerely”, she could have done it a few times before, but she had never done this when writing to others, not even to Prince on the Hill until now. Something must have happened that gave her the reassurance of his deep feelings for her.

          • Anonymous says:

            Well Ms Puddle, I think you are trusting a lot your Japanese friend who claims all those things just because of “ai” used as a standard ending for a letter. Another Japanese people have a very different opinion than your friend, and you forgive me if I consult with other sources. For instance Sobakasu.
            I would like also to point out that Mizuki has given her blessing to the translation in Italian, and in there the ending is “with love and recognition”. Doesn´t sound very romantic to me either. If there is a secret hint in that ending of the letter Mizuki should have made more emphasis to be translated in something more substantial than “with love and recognition”. Something like “love and affection” for instance.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Oh well, that entire letter is full of feelings of love and gratitude, and I won’t argue with you how different people can interpret differently why Candy ended her emotional letter to her Prince on the Hill with love. 🙂

              You don’t have to agree with me either. 😉

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Hello, just so you know, I have checked with my friend who’s got the Italian version. She told me that Candy signed her last letter to Albert this way:

              Con amore e riconoscenza.

              Amore = love, devotion,

              Riconoscenza = gratitude, thanks.

              If you use Google Translate to translate this line to English, the result is precisely “With love and gratitude” 🙂

              Anyway, I don’t know where you got the word “recognition”. 😛

    • Maya says:

      Vera creo que se exactamente que ensayo leiste, ya que yo tambien lo lei al principio cuando queria buscar argumentos reales por los cuales las terryfans creian que el era Anohito y yo tambien termine con un fuerte dolor de cabeza ya que nada tenia sentido y no fue porque a toda costa queria que Anohito sea Albert mas bien queria ver el otro punto de vista y ser imparcial pero ese ensayo para nada que lo fue y como tu misma dijiste reforzo mi intuicion que quien es el verdadero y unico Anohito y gracias a ensayos bastante objetivos como el Ms. Puddle es que no necesito que nadie me diga quien es el galan de nuestra Candy.

  6. Quevivacandy says:

    Gracias por compartirlo, mi querida MsPuddle!

    Sé que será muy bien recibido para las personas que puedan no entender el idioma inglés ya que esta publicación es de gran importancia por su contenido.

    Mil gracias!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      You’re very welcome, my dear friend!! I hope this post will be helpful as you said. Thank you once again for your time and effort, QuevivaCandy! 😀

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