Peculiar Relationship Chapter 6

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29 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Finally i finish the chapter Ms puddle i love it, it is a long chapter but i enjoyed reading it.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thanks for reading! Yes, it’s a bit longer than the previous ones, but I’m glad you love it. Thank you for your encouraging words! 😀 🙂

  2. Evelyn says:

    Dear Ms Puddle!! It just keeps getting better and better! While reading this chapter, I was blushing and grinning out of excitement!! Albert and Candy’s attraction for each other is finally starting to unravel and come to light 🙂 yipiiii! Can’t tell you how excited I was to read that Albert stood up next to Candy rejecting Darren’s advance and that in Candy’s heart there is no more room for anyone else but for her Albert! 😉 Of course, when I read that Albert could hardly keep himself from losing his head and composure while saying good night to Candy at the hotel, I screamed aloud “Yes! you finally get it Albert!” don’t waste anymore time! So exciting! Now, it was going too smooth, right, Ms Puddle? Poor Albert and Candy had to get third wheel Mrs Watts to chaperone them. Just makes it more interesting! Can’t wait to see how Albert confesses his love to Candy 😉

    Well done with this wonderfully written chapter, Dear Ms Puddle! Such creative and wonderfully described scenes. You melt my heart my friend. Sorry for the late post. I’ve been out of town for three days now and just got done reading this story. You are such a great writer! 😀

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola dear Evelyn! Did you have a nice trip? 🙂
      Thank you for reading the long chapter at this hour, and many thanks for your compliments! 😀 I know you’re three hours ahead, so I deeply appreciate your thoughtfulness, my friend! 🙂

      Glad you like this chapter, Evelyn! I’ve been very busy myself lately that it took me a while to write this chapter. I haven’t started writing the next chapter yet although it’s in my head already. I can’t wait to write my thoughts down. 😉 😛

      • Evelyn says:

        I’m still out of town, Ms Puddle. Probably won’t return to Florida until this Thursday. Going to see today and tomorrow natural attractions in the state of Tennessee with family maybe caves and things like that. Always interesting driving with kids 🙂 then back to work! I’ve been also busy like you, as long as you stay healthy! 😉

        I loved this chapter dear friend!!! Thank you for taking time to write it!!! Look forward to staying in touch with you!! 😀

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Wow! Tennessee! About ten hours away or so?

          Sounds like you’re having loads of fun with your kids. Good for you, my friend! Wish you a fabulous time for the rest of the trip before going back to work. 😀 Take care, Evelyn! 🙂

          • Evelyn says:

            It’s supposed to be around 8 hours from central Florida but with us is about 12 hours 😉 yes it’s been an experience! Thank you my friend for your good wishes! Take care, Ms Puddle!!

            • Ms Puddle says:

              As long as you enjoy the time together, it doesn’t matter how long it takes to get there, right? Enjoy your stay then, Evelyn! You take care too!

  3. Vera García says:

    An affectionate greeting Ms. Puddle
    Es muy interesante como describe Usted las luchas internas de Candy y Albert en relación al amor que sienten el uno por el otro. Porque prevalecen sus dudas y miedos, aunque ellos perciban pequeños signos, que les permite tener esperanza de que sus sentimientos son correspondidos.
    Y fue genial la descripción de la escena, en donde Eliza, en un arrebato de envidia hacia Candy, se muestra ante todos como un ser que vive atrapado en el ego. Y con está actitud; sin habérselo propuesto, reafirma que Candy es una hermosa persona tanto interna como externamente. Tanto es así que los asistentes, Albert, Darren y hasta la misma Sarah Leagan, admiraron lo bella persona que es y percibieron que sus actitudes y acciones corroboran su gran calidad humana.
    Y que decir de George; que capta y comprende mejor que nadie, los sentimientos de Albert, y siempre está atento para auxiliarle en el momento oportuno.
    Y la manera tan emotiva de Albert, en darle las buenas noches a Candy y recordar posteriormente su convivencia con ella en el Magnolia.
    Mi mente comienza a generar las siguientes interrogantes:
    ¿ Darren seguirá insistiendo en hacerse presente para cortejar a Candy?
    ¿La actitud de interés de Darren hacia Candy, a hecho consciente a Albert de que tiene que arriesgarse y expresarle a Candy claramente sus sentimientos e ingeniar una forma para hacerlo?
    ¿ La tía abuela Elroy sospechara de los sentimientos de Albert, y que medidas tendrá planeadas con respecto de esto?
    Espero que la frase inicial esté escrita correctamente, es mi manera de expresarle agradecimiento por tan largo e interesante capítulo, su amiga fiel Vera.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      An affectionate greeting to you too, my friend, Vera. Muchas gracias por leer! Glad you like the long chapter! ❤❤
      Sí, both Albert and Candy have doubts about each other. They had been friends for years after all, but at this stage they also had hope. 🙂
      Gracias Vera! Indeed, Eliza exposed her true self to everyone around her, including Darren! People could easily tell Candy was in essence a better person than Eliza and her mother. I wrote this particular scene to gratify myself because I want to ‘punish’ both mother and daughter. They didn’t always get their way.
      George played a special role in Albert’s life, and nobody knew Albert better than George. That was why he had disobeyed his young boss by sending Candy to Lakewood. George knew Albert’s heart, right? 😉
      Albert must have inner battles every day when living with Candy, the woman he loved, so this part gave a glimpse of how he had to contain his manly desires. Poor guy! 🙁

      I won’t answer your questions, Vera. You can find the answers in the following chapters. They are great questions indeed, which proves that you have followed my story well. Very encouraging, mi amiga. Muchas gracias! ☺☺

  4. Antlay says:

    Hello Ms Puddle.
    A long and great chapter.
    I like too the wine scene, this was extremely embarrassing for Candy and Elisa is a stupid girl as always 🙁
    Poor Darren, he’s wasting his time ! Perhaps you could introduce him to Patty. After all, they have lost their loved ones 😉
    Albert gets jealous. It’s hardly for him to control and repress his feelings for Candy. Poor Albert !
    And Great Aunt Elroy, she’s a cuning woman, claiming she wants to protect Candy’s reputation :-/
    Thank you for this chapter, I like it. 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Antlay! Thank you for reading, my friend! I’m glad you like the chapter, especially the wine accident scene because I like it a lot myself. 🙂 Candy didn’t want to make a scene, but Eliza was put under the spotlight and showed her true self to the guests, including Darren. Her parents were responsible for they had spoiled her all these years. 😛

      Darren didn’t know he was wasting his time. He had blamed it all on Sir William and assumed Miss Candice was his willing victim. 🙂 We will see.

      Albert and Aunt Elroy, heeheehee. She was shrewd and outwitted her nephew this time even though she was so far away. She had been the family matriarch for many years after all, and Albert had to take her seriously and carefully in order to win the battle. 🙂 😉

      • Antlay says:

        I forgot to tell you this, congratulations Ms Puddle, Elisa needed to be taught a lesson 😀

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Glad you like it, my friend! 🙂
          BTW, I finally started coloring your drawing of POTH 😀 It’s not a simple drawing, but I’ll try my best 🙂 😉

          • Antlay says:

            I’m no doubt of that, you’ll succeed my friend, thanks to you, my friend ! 😀

            • Ms Puddle says:

              My pleasure, Antlay! ❤❤❤ It’s long overdue, my friend! 🙂 😉 Thanks for the honor for giving me the permission! 🙂

          • Antlay says:

            Dear Ms Puddle, you’re joking, it’s an honor for me ! <3
            My drawing will be so beautiful once coloring by yourself ! <3
            But no rush my friend.
            Have a great week-end 😀

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Merci beaucoup, mon amie! 🙂 You’re so kind, and I’ll try my best to color your wonderful drawing!

              You have a great weekend too! ❤❤

          • Antlay says:

            Sorry I don’t know how to insert a heart in the text ! I’m stupid 😀 Lol !

  5. Agnès says:

    Hello dear Ms Puddle!

    I hope you are well! What a great and long chapter! Thank you!

    Ms Leagan was comparing her daughter with Candy and she realized Candy is better, it was priceless! 😀

    Candy saw Albert’s aura, an another facet of his personality, a great charismatic man at ease in public! How couldn’t she be in love with such an awesome man!

    Albert was becoming a bit possessive with Candy! Finally, by his warm and interested attitude, Darren pushed him to react. Great! 😀 Albert couldn’t support to see her falling for another man, it would be unbearable for him.
    I love the “poured wine scene” and the sequels and George who fell on right time to help Albert with Darren! 🙂

    I completely understand their struggles, their inner thoughts. Albert under his shower who thought he can’t suffer anymore by hiding his strong feelings for her! Poor guy! He melted me!
    Unfortunately they won’t be alone during the trip to Pony’s home but it makes sense that Great Aunt Elroy wanted to protect Candy’s reputation! She was a vixen! 😆
    I hope they will be able to manage to be alone to talk in face-to-face. I can’t wait for it!
    I love the “wild side” of Albert, he was just a man after all with his manly desires and it is natural for a man so deeply in love to desire his beloved! 😉

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear Agnès! Same wishes to you too, who have done an excellent job writing a long chapter. 🙂 I enjoyed reading the last part very much! 😀

      Glad you like the scenes where Eliza exposed her true colors to the guests. She was a spoiled brat, and I want to gratify myself by giving her a “lesson”. 😛 About Sarah, she couldn’t help imagining what the people thought, and it was clear which young lady was better in terms of manner and temperament. 😉

      About Albert being at ease in public, I got the impression from the end of the manga, in which he openly confronted his aunt at the engagement party. No doubt he was fearless and filled with self confidence. It’s too bad this particular episode isn’t described in CCFS in detail.

      Yes, I totally agree with you, dear Agnès, that Albert was just a man with needs and desires, and like you, I think his days in the House of Magnolia had been a sweet torture. 😉 In this chapter we got a glimpse of how he might have struggled against his flesh time and time again back then. Poor guy. 😛

      Darren had pushed Albert to react, and yes, he had unknowingly acted possessive. Albert wanted to be alone with Candy to get things moving, but his aunt had outsmarted him this time. 😉 She was tough and not easy to deal with. It was a battle he had to fight for Candy, just as you wrote in your fic, my friend. 🙂

  6. CKati says:

    This was great! You certainly meant it when you said that the next chapter would be coming soon.

    They will get there, slowly but surely. Inspite of the Leagans and anyone else who tries to get in their way.

    Clever madame Elroy LOL!
    It seems she knows Albert better than he thought.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello CKati! You also meant it when you said you couldn’t wait! 😀 I was going to publish yesterday, but I realized I forgot something, so I wrote some more. 😉

      Yes, A and C would get there eventually against all odds 😛 , and to me, Aunt Elroy was actually very clever, if not shrewd. 😉 For sure she wasn’t someone to be trifled with. 🙂

  7. Luna says:

    Bonjour Ms Puddle,
    Well done again… A very nice work!!!
    I have just seen the notification and directly read all the new chapter without loosing any time:)
    Which I like to see here a lot that Albert is taking more initiative and becoming more active…I find Candy very fragile and honestly, I would like to see her stronger;).
    ….hope to see what you wrote as a manga or as a cartoon someday…

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Luna, thanks for reading the chapter at once without waiting. This is very encouraging, my friend! 😀 🙂

      Glad you like that Albert had become more active, but why did you think Candy was fragile? 😉

      Manga? That’s a lot of work, but thanks, Luna! I take that as a compliment! 😀

  1. June 13, 2015

    […] les nouveaux chapitres de son histoire, Peculiar relationship: chapitre 5 et chapitre 6 je me suis régalée car c’est une histoire très romantique et très émouvante. […]

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