Candy and Prince on the Hill (Part 2)

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21 Responses

  1. Candy Bert says:

    Many Thanks for this new great post, Ms Puddle! 😀 I know I’m late and I have some posts to catch up! So many things to discuss, I will share my insights only on four main points of your post:

    1) Images and words on sleeves speak volumes, indeed! No Anthony and no Terry here, only POTH and Candy! On the first volume there is Pony’s Home and on the second there is a mansion looks like a castle in a fairy tales, don’t you think? It could be a symbol of the house where she lives, Pony’s home in her childhood, where she also met her Prince and the mansion in Chicago I suppose, so the home of her POTH who was also Albert! If you see what I meant! 😉

    2) I agree that Candy did not understand the depth of the meaning of the sandwich sharing scene. I even think that Albert might have wanted to leave a clue to his true feelings for her. When Candy realized later that she could just tell all to Albert, this fact is just eloquent! Especially when you know Candy who often doesn’t share her feelings, especially her sorrows with others, and even with Terry, it was the opposite happened, it was Terry who disclosed his troubles, for example with his family, and yet, only because she discovered by accident the photo of his mother, Eleanor Baker!!! Terry even discovered, astonished, some aspects of her life, only when Archie and Stear spoke to him while Candy was going to be removed from St. Paul College. Later in New York, he even hidden the truth about Suzanna’s accident! Candy never “shared a sandwich” with Terry!

    3) When Candy thought it would not be so bad after all to continue living with him if he did not find his memory, this reminds me of a parallel scene in which Albert thinks the same, while Candy just left for New York, we see him sad, looking away (Volume 7 p76). He thought it was not necessary to regain his memory, so he could continue to live with Candy and to share the good times.

    4) About Africa, I wonder if Candy would not also dig about the nurse he had met who looked like her. In her place I would have asked myself the question, namely, if Albert was in love with this nurse? after all he had spoken of her in his letter to Candy and she could have felt that this woman had been important to him, don’t you think?

    I hope I was clear enough because today I have troubles to explain myself, too bad! 🙁

    • Candy Bert says:

      Oh! About my first point, I forgot to add, I agree with you, the important thing was forgotten is obviously the badge of the POTH. And yet, his famous sentence! What more is needed to prove this love story is all about Candy and Albert from the beginning to the end! 💘 💙 😍

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Dear Candy Bert, yes indeed, no Terry and no Anthony, but only POTH, his badge and his famous words to Candy. 💟💓💖 Even to this day, I think the anime didn’t do POTH justice. 😭 It was misleading and created many disappointments among fans. The manga itself can’t be more clear with whom Candy ended up, and as you said, the house/mansion shown on the cover pages are likely Pony’s Home and Albert’s mansion. 😀

        I totally agree with you about Candy being unable to share her deeper thoughts with Terry… the bantering between them didn’t lead her to open her heart to him. 😔 Like you, Terry was able to tell her about his mother only because Candy had discovered his dark secrets by accident, again and again. Otherwise, he couldn’t bring himself to tell Candy anything deep, and the fact that he hadn’t confessed the truth about Susanna’s dire situation speaks volumes of his fragile relationship with Candy. 😐

        Great point, Candy Bert! Albert himself had also considered the prospect of living with Candy without his past memory. They must have got along extremely well as roommates… sigh. 😍💑

        About Africa, you’re so right! How come this had never crossed my mind? LOL… yeah, many fanfic writers have written something about that American nurse too, including you, my friend. 😘😙

  2. Brenda says:

    Hi Ms.Puddle!
    It´s nice to hear from you again! It seems to be Candy met her Prince on the hill, when she was 6 and he was
    aprox.17 She mentioned it before she was going to The Leagan’s with Mr.Stuart, who was in charge to take Candy to their mansion, then she was aprox.12 when she met them and the Ardley’s Clan as well!
    Anyway, thanks for your recent posts and drawings. Can’t wait to see more ! DefinItely, love change people!
    Best regards,

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Nice to hear from you too, Brenda! Thanks for your input. 😘

      Yes, love changes people, and in CCFS, both little Candy and Albert had changed after that brief encounter on the Hill. Neither of them forgot each other, and Albert knew all along Candy was that little crybaby near the orphanage. Only years later he learned that he had been her first love. Imagine his reaction after his recovery… 😉

      Have a nice Sunday! 😍

  3. antlay31 says:

    Hello Ms Puddle

    Oui c’est encore moi désolé pour le retard. Les mots écrits au bas des deux couvertures des deux volumes sont incroyables. Dans le premier vous l’avez dit c’est sans aucun doute le médaillon du POTH. Imaginons un instant que Candy n’est pas trouvé le médaillon, Albert aurait-il reconnu Candy quand il l’a sauvé prés de la cascade ? Probablement pas si elle ne portait pas le médaillon autour de son cou, aurait-il adopté la petite fille qui l’avait fait rire sur la colline de Pony, je n’en suis pas sûre non plus. Il est clair que ce médaillon est un objet extrêmement important qui les a liés définitivement et pour toujours. Et à la fin nous savons qu’entre un journal et un médaillon, lequel de ces deux objets Candy décide de garder près d’elle. 😀

    Les mots écrits sur le deuxième volume sont bien sûr les mêmes que ce prononcés par le POTH dans le premier volume, ce qui lie les deux volumes, sans compter comme vous l’avez dit le dessin du POTH sur le premier et Candy sur le deuxième. Et cette phrase “A love story presented to you” il est clair que c’est celle entre Candy et le POTH, il n’y a que ces deux personnages sur les 2 volumes et seul les mots et le médaillon du POTH sonts incrits noir sur blanc, rien sur Anthony ni Terry, il faut être aveugle ou borné pour ne pas voir la vérité en face.
    J’adore ce post Ms Puddle, un grand post qui m’a fait sourire quand je l’ai lu 😀

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Antlay! Thank you very much for reading this post. Glad this made you smile. 😆 I could hardly believe I had written such a long one lol… 😂

      Yes, the words and pictures on the cover pages mean a lot to us. With two volumes in the set, POTH and Candy were the only ones shown, and it was a love story. Sigh… 😆

      Though Albert said Candy hadn’t changed much (he recognized her) when he rescued her from drowning, the fact that she had his badge dangling around her neck must have struck him hard. If she didn’t care, she wouldn’t have carried the badge with her.

      You’re absolutely right, that between the badge and the diary, Candy chose to keep the badge, 😄 which represented POTH all these years. When he decided to confess to her on Pony’s Hill, he repeated the same phrase to her as his hint, which means that he hadn’t forgotten that brief encounter either. He was willing to reveal to her that he was her first love. It’s a love story between them indeed. 💗💗

  4. Reeka says:

    Thank you for sharing and translating those to us, Ms Puddle! They’re written on the cover sleeves, which we know it’s kinda like a tagline on movie poster. An idea of what the story is all about. It’s meant to catch people’s interest and entice them to read the book or watch the movie. 🙂 So my friend, yes, these lines brought smile to my face as well.

    So this is what you’ve told me about the letter. Yes, now I can see what you see, Ms Puddle. I totally agree with what you’ve written here. Hahahaha I wonder how many times have you been reading these letters? Hundreds, millions? 🙂 I envy you for being able to understand Japanese, although very slow like you always say. I think I have to continue my study very soon!

    To me, I have a feeling Candy had realised that she might start to fall in love with Albert way long before Albert had left her that night. That’s why she mentioned those moments. And I guess she’s trying to find if during their cohabitation Albert had been developing his feeling to her as well. 🙂 She’s trying so hard to find the truth on this letter, wasn’t she? Starting to be impatient she was.

    I’m even thinking, when she asked Albert tell her when his memory did exactly come back and demanded him to tell her about Africa … she’s actually trying to figure out something. Two things have come in my mind. First, she’s trying to figure out whether Albert had feeling for her as a result of them living together and he’s purely clueless to the fact she’s his adoptive daughter. Or second, she wanted to know if Albert had had a feeling for her since she was still with Terry. She might be worried she had been involuntarily hurting his feeling.

    And that sign she made on this letter, “from your beautiful adopted daughter”. Hahahaha she’s being provocative through out the letter. A bit coquettish, I may say. :D. I agree with you, Ms Puddle, she’s fishing a compliment from him. Candy! Now I’m more sure on this stage, they had been very open showing their affection to each other. I believe they’d been sharing many hugs and kisses ( like kissing her on forehead or cheeks), too. That’s why Candy could be this daring.

    Btw, I’ve just remembered something. You mentioned that although she wanted Albert to recover, she’s not sure if she’s happy when Albert should leave. Do you notice that after she came back from NY, she had never tried to give Albert shock therapy again? If I recall correctly, no signs of her worrying his amnesiac state as well.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Right on, Reeka! 👍 That’s exactly what I think, what shows on the sleeves speak volumes. 😍

      Glad you agree with what I said, my friend! No I haven’t read hundred or million times lol… 😆 This particular letter didn’t catch my attention much until recently, when I actually read it in Japanese. It’s simply amazing how much Candy missed Albert, as explained in this post and my previous one. 😄

      Well said, Reeka, and I’m in complete agreement with you! 💕 Regarding Candy’s shock therapy, I also wrote a bit about that in LNF before, my friend. 😘 I think back then subconsciously Candy no longer wanted to separate herself from her roommate, and here in this letter, she was ready to reveal that. I have a feeling that she had never told him about how her feelings had evolved.

      Like you, I also think Candy realized, with hindsight, that she had begun to develop strong feelings for Albert long before his disappearance. I can’t agree more with you about how hard she was trying to find the answers in her letter. All these questions that you have listed might have been on Candy’s mind for a long time, possibly during Albert’s absence in her life (before her discovery of his true identity)… What do you think? 😉

      • Reeka says:

        Do you think somewhat hypothetical questions had come across Candy’s mind? How if Albert had regained memory later than he did? ( of course you would agree with me, Ms Puddle, it’s your plot on LNF lol). How if She had been more attentive and not dwelled on Terry’s too long? And how come she hadn’t realised his true intention on sandwich sharing proposal?

        Yeah I guess she had this slight regret for not realising what had been going on between them two much earlier.

        Interesting what you said on last paragraph, my friend! Yes, she might have regretted a lot during her lonely period after Albert’s sudden disappearance. It makes sense. Imagine how desperate she had been at that time. Igarashi had drawn the scene perfectly, so much so she had spent more than two pages to draw Candy’s anguish. Remember that in manga, usually they don’t waste much effort and page on insignificant event. That alone should tell readers something, right, Ms Puddle?

        Then, the discovery of his true identity. Oh sure she was confused and totally lost to find the truth.

        Ah, my friend, I feel like reading your LNF all over again. 😊😊

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Yes, Reeka, that’s possible! Who knows what went through Candy’s mind during Albert’s absence. I completely agree with you about how marvelously Igarashi conveyed in her drawings Candy’s anguish and loneliness without Albert by her side… Sigh. 😢

          In CCFS, Mizuki changed this part slightly because Candy didn’t know Albert had already recovered his memory. Nevertheless, he was a grownup, and he was more than capable to take care of himself. So why did Candy worry about him this much? Even spent many sleepless nights? I’ll talk more about this in a different post. 🙂 😉

          Then, as you said, Candy’s discovery of Albert’s true identity: the manga scenes were beautiful and touching to say the least. Their interaction was a bit awkward in the beginning, but the way Igarashi drew those scenes implied something was going on between these two souls. Don’t you think? 😉 😄

          Dear Reeka, thank you very much for remembering my long fanfic, LNF!! 😘😍

          • Evelyn says:

            Hello dear friends Ms Puddle and Reeka!! Been so busy lately… I just have to say love everything you are saying about Candy regretting not realizing Albert’s feelings for her until Albert was gone. Like you Reeka, I also feel that she spent way too much time dwelling on Terry for too long and was blinded to see how she really felt about Albert. And I do believe she loved him way before Albert left her. I believe that she needed to see Terry one final time to put a complete closure to this chapter in her life and you see this when she walked off that theater after seeing Terry perform and she said that she needed to find Albert in the manga. She realigned her priorities after she knew that Terry would recover. Does this plot match CCFS, Ms Puddle?

            Also, Ms Puddle, does Candy in CCFS really did not know that Albert had recovered his memory when he left the Magnolia house? We know he confesses this to Candy in his letter to her when she wakes up the next morning in the manga.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Thanks for dropping by despite being so busy, dear Evelyn! 😘
              You know what, to me Candy had been worrying about Terry more than grieving over the loss. She had actually “recovered” from the breakup much better than Terry because she had Albert by her side (as she herself said in her unsent letter to Terry).

              Like you, Evelyn, I believe Candy had developed strong feelings for Albert way before his disappearance. 💕 Regrettably, in CCFS this whole section isn’t as clear as what’s shown in the manga, so in order to understand Candy’s inner feelings in CCFS, we have to rely on the manga version to fill in the blanks. However, it’s true that Mizuki had changed this slightly that Albert didn’t tell Candy he had recovered before vanishing. He only left money and said he had troubled her enough. Honestly, I don’t like this change, but I’ll discuss more one day. If I don’t remember, please remind me. 😀😁

          • Evelyn says:

            I totally agree with you Ms Puddle!! Your observation is consistent with her behavior right after she realized that Terry was going to be fine she was able to walk away from the theater, wished him happiness so she could have her own happiness and continued looking for Albert! 🙂 It was quite a change in behavior from the moment she walked in to the moment she walked away I always thought! Look forward to your future comments on this at a later date!! 💕💕💕

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Dear Evelyn, regarding Candy’s inner feelings, it is slightly different in CCFS. If I remember correctly, Candy left the theatre still confused. 😶 Before she could clear her thoughts Miss Baker talked to her. Anyway, later in Candy’s letter to Miss Baker, Candy deliberately told Miss Baker that she had gone to Rockstown to look for someone who had helped her a lot but missing. I have a feeling Candy wanted to clarify in a polite way that she hadn’t gone to Rockstown for Terry (as Miss Baker might have assumed… 😜).

          • Reeka says:

            Hi Evelyn! How are you?

            Yes, I agree with you that Candy needed one final goodbye to Terry. Thing had happened so fast and really unexpected in NY. And it’s never okay to be the one who had to step out of the triangle and “replaced” by another person. So, it’s understood that she needed a closure. And I utterly thank Mizuki for that Rockstown plot. Brilliant, was’t it?

            Well, Ms Puddle, I don’t like the change on CCFS, too, regarding Albert telling her about his recovery. However, now that I’m thinking about it, it could be because it would somehow hurt Candy more if he told her so? I mean, they had been close for years … It would be less hurt if he pretended he’s still amnesiac and hadn’t remembered her much. Well, undoubtedly it was one of a very few flaws Albert had done. He’s confused ( one in love often feels confused! LOL) and needed to make decision in a second for not tarnishing Candy’s reputation further more. Again, although it hurt Candy so much, I thank Mizuki for the plot for everything following this afterward.

            Enjoy your weekend, ladies!

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Very interesting comment, Reeka. I plan to talk about Albert’s mistakes of leaving Candy unexpectedly in a new post, and I’ll quote you. Thanks Reeka. 😘

  1. October 8, 2015

    […] with かも (kamo). Thus, Candy was essentially teasing Albert. 😉 I’ll continue in Part 2 because this post is already too long. 😛 Thank you for reading till the end! Have a wonderful […]

  2. October 20, 2015

    […] was going to discuss another parallel between Daddy-Long-Legs and Candy Candy, but Reeka’s comment reminded me of something I had longed to bring up. It fits well into this series too, so here I go. […]

  3. February 4, 2018

    […] For your interest, I’ve discussed the possible reasons behind her unexpected setback in Candy and Prince on the Hill (Part 2). At any rate, Albert further indicated how he absolutely disliked being called “a […]

  4. January 19, 2019

    […] titles remind me of the Collectors’ Edition of the manga version and the manga cover of the last volume. As I’ve always said, Candy Candy is a story between […]

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