Candy and Prince on the Hill (Part 4)

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56 Responses

  1. Brenda says:

    Ms.Puddle.Hi again. Wow! how many comments! I totally agree with all of you, but it must have been very difficult
    for him to know about Candy’s relationship to him (adopted)and as you said in your FFcs. about his feelings
    for her. So, may be he had to face too many responsabilities after recovering his memory, remenber he would have to see Aunt Elroy. I think he didn´t mean to leave Candy alone yet, but he had to,Because He is a gentleman and also they had an agreement. George…I think he new them quite well, so being so close to Albert he finally decided
    to tell Candy where he was, ha! Anyway, when she saw him in Lakewood, she was impressed! honestly, I think they fell for each other near the fireplace, SO ROMANTIC ! After all, they were true friends. Though Albert didn’t expect to see Candy soon, he was delighted enjoying time with her.
    Thanks for your emails and posts.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Yes Brenda. When he recovered his memory, he looked far from happy or excited in the manga. To me, he looked troubled and even upset … As you said, he didn’t realize he was such a man in the high society, considered what Candy had been telling him so far. It must be shocking to remember his true identity… Sigh.

      Albert didn’t leave Candy right away after his recovery. He stayed for a few more months before leaving on a cold winter night. George and his men had come to pick up Albert for work day after day. That’s why the neighbors were suspicious.

      Oh, the fireplace scene! Yes it was very romantic and sexy, both of them, lol!! 😚😘😙

  2. Brenda says:

    Ms.Puddle, Hi there! thanks for your words, they mean alot to me! Yeah! getting someone so handsome and kind like Albert! A dream come true!
    Maybe when you have time, I will tell you my story about how I met a guy like him when I was very young like Candy.
    i am very happy to hear from you!
    ps. Yes, I forgot the triangle Candy-Archie-Annie!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Brenda! Yes, someone kind and loving like Albert 💖💖

      So you met him when you were young too? Awwwwww… I’m sure you miss him still. 💑

  3. Vera García says:

    An affectionate greeting Ms. Puddle
    En lo personal considero que el sufrimiento de Candy, no fue tanto por la partida de Albert porque ella en el fondo sabía que el amigo partía y regresaba, más bien que tomo conciencia de sus sentimientos por Albert y que estos eran de índole amoroso. Y que al haber partido Albert con la idea de que sus sentimientos eran simplemente filiales, corría el riesgo de perderlo.

    • Evelyn says:

      Hola Vera, su análisis del el sufrimiento de Candy por la partida de Albert es fenomenal!! Sí, es cierto que ella sabía que era la naturaleza de Albert ir y venir, por lo tanto la agonía que ella vivió posteriormente a la partida de Albert solo puede dar píe a la realización de sus propios sentimientos por Albert y la incertidumbre de pensar que Albert cree que ella todavía ama a Terry cuando no es el caso!! Usted cree que muchas emociones e incógnitas encajaron en el corazón de Candy en ese momento? Realmente no había analizado esta escena de esa manera!!

      • Vera García says:

        Un afectuoso saludo, gracias por considerar esta idea como fenomenal; pero sobre todo gracias por explicar a Ms Puddle el comentario, se que mi manera de escribir es un tanto directa, objetiva y poco explicativa. Me gustaría decir que la culpa es del traductor de google, pero no tengo que asumir mi responsabilidad por mi forma de escribir. Por lo cual estoy sumamente agradecida por su ayuda. Quedo como su amiga, Vera

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear Vera, I’m sorry I don’t quite understand what you’re trying to tell me. Are you saying that Candy didn’t miss Albert because she knew he would come back to her one day?

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear Vera, Evelyn was so kind to explain your comment to me. 😍 So she believes that you meant to tell me that Candy shed tears and suffered not so much because Albert had left. Candy knew eventually he would show up. Yet, Candy realized her true feelings for him by then, and she was afraid of losing him because he had left believing he was only a big brother to her.

      Did we understand your comment correctly, my friend? 😘

      • Vera García says:

        An affectionate greeting Ms. Puddle

        Una disculpa por escribir mi comentario de esta manera tan directo y objetivo. Estoy conciente de que debo de explicar; de forma amplia, a los demás lo que yo tengo en la mente.
        En efecto Evelyn amablemente le explico correctamente lo que yo trataba de expresar.

        Voy a explicar el por qué de mi idea.

        Candy sufrió pero no fue tanto por la partida de Albert.
        1° punto.- En efecto Candy sintió la partida de Albert, pero era una tristeza soportable, porque ella estaba consciente de que tarde o temprano eso iba a suceder, algún día Albert recuperaría su memoria y retomaría su ir y venir de trotamundos.
        2° punto.- Candy tenia presente que Albert (amigo) era de naturaleza libre, pero que era fiel a la amistad. Por eso ella sabía que partía, pero que regresaría a su vida. Lo cual le causaba añoranza pero no sufrimiento.
        3° punto.-Lo que verdaderamente hizo sufrir a Candy es que al partir Albert, ella toma conciencia de que sus sentimientos hacia él son de índole amoroso(como popularmente se dice en mi país, le cayo el veinte)
        4° punto.- Su corazón sufría también, porque Albert partió con la idea en la mente de que ella albergaba sentimientos filiales (de amistad) hacia él.
        5° punto.- Lo que le causaba una verdadera agonía a Candy es la idea de perder por completo a Albert, ya que al llevarse la idea en la mente de que para Candy solamente él era un amigo, tomará la decisión de alejarse definitivamente de su vida.

        Espero haber explicado más ampliamente mi idea y no haber embrollado y complicado más las cosas. Su amiga Vera.

        An apology for writing my review of this very direct and objective way. I am aware that I have to explain; broadly, to others what I have in mind.
        Indeed Evelyn kindly explain properly what I was trying to express.

        Let me explain why my idea.

        Candy suffered but it was not so much by the departure of Albert.
        1 punto.- Indeed Candy felt Albert’s departure, but it was bearable sadness, because she was aware that sooner or later this would happen someday Albert recover his memory and resume its ebb and flow of globetrotters.
        2nd punto.- Candy had in mind that Albert (friend) was free nature, but that was faithful to friendship. So she knew she was leaving but would return to his life. Which caused her longing but not suffering.
        3rd punto.-What really did suffer from Candy is that Albert, she realizes that her feelings for him are loving nature (as it is popularly said in my country, I fell twenty)
        4th punto.- His heart also suffered because Albert started with the idea in mind that she harbored feelings subsidiaries (friendship) to him.
        5th punto.- What caused him agony Candy is the idea of ​​completely losing to Albert, as to take the idea in mind that for Candy but he was a friend, he will decide to finally get away from his life.

        I hope I have explained my idea widely and no more tangled and complicated things. Her friend Vera.
        I hope I spelled correctly in English

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Muchas gracias Vera! 😀 Yes, I get the idea. Thank you very much, Vera. Like Evelyn, I think this is interesting too. Thank you for sharing your insights with us. I think I’ll mention your comment in a new post. Thank you for your inputs. 🙂

  1. October 27, 2015

    […] the manga (see more details in Part 4), Candy longed to see Albert again, so much so that she went to an unknown place called Rockstown […]

  2. October 25, 2018

    […] recovered his memory but only left her a large sum of money. For your interests, check my old posts Candy and Prince on the Hill (Part 4) (manga) and Candy and Prince on the Hill (Part 5) (CCFS). By the time she ran into Albert again […]

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