A Man in Love – Chapter 6

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13 Responses

  1. Evelyn says:

    So marvelous Georges POV! To see Albert react to his secret feelings toward Candy! Love when he said he couldn’t help it and he was horrified! Awe! Georges nailed it!! He was horrified at the thought of loosing her so he didn’t think twice risking his life for her!! 😍 Interesting George’s take on Albert looking to buy an old car to drive and what next? An old delapitated house to adhere to the image he is trying to keep for Candy? Excellent my friend!! 😉👍

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear Evelyn, I’m glad you didn’t find this story slow! 💕 I have the plot in mind for a long time, how Georges observed his young master little bit at a time to form a big picture in his mind. Albert can’t hide his feelings forever. 😅😌😋

  2. antlay31 says:

    Encore un merveilleux chapitre Ms Puddle qui nous permet d’en apprendre beaucoup plus sur l’éducation d’Albert durant son adolescence et la façon de gérer ses sentiments afin de ne pas paraître vulnérable.
    J’aime aussi beaucoup le passage sur l’acquisition de la vieille voiture, il ne pouvait pas se permettre de rentrer avec une voiture neuve à l’appartement cela aurait pu éveiller les soupçons de Candy tout comme porter des costumes neufs.
    Je pense aussi qu’en ayant son propre véhicule, Albert était libre de ses mouvements, il voulait probablement éviter que Georges découvre et rencontre sa colocataire du moins pour l’instant.
    J’ai hâte de lire la suite.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      You’re absolutely right, my friend!! You read my mind, Antlay! That Albert didn’t want to run the risk of Georges running into Candy yet. 😍

      But as you said he couldn’t buy a brand new car or else Candy would have found out that he had not only recovered but also very rich! 😅 He wanted to keep his vagabond image for now.

      About his upbringing, it was totally my imagination. Glad you think it makes sense. Thank you for reading! 💓❤

  3. JeannyJJ says:

    Finally had a chance to read this chapter after busy weeks! Can’t wait for new chapters!!! Great story line, Ms Puddle! Thanks for writing and sharing. 😉

  4. mariacristina says:

    Un altro meraviglioso capitolo… non pensavo che dopo “Love never fails” e dopo “Peculiar relationship” ci fossero ancora tratti della personalità di Albert descritti con così tanta delicatezza e sensibilità attraverso gli occhi di Georges… FANTASTICO!!! <3

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Grazie mille, Mariacristina! 😍😘 Glad you like this new story of Albert and Candy from Georges’ perspective. Your continuous support and encouragement means a lot to me. Thank you, my friend! 😘😍

  5. Candy Bert says:

    Another wonderful chapter filled with George’s insightfulness.

    We continue to learn more about Albert, how he was educated and learnt to hide his emotions, and mechanisms to do that but he couldn’t deceive Georges who knew him so well. I liked the way Georges guessed and read Albert’s inner struggles to hide his true feelings for his “roomate”.

    I enjoyed this chapter! Great job, my friend! 💖

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear Candy Bert! Thanks for catching up so fast! I also read your intense new chapter but didn’t find time to leave a comment yet 😆😅

      Yes, Georges was very observant even though he was quiet and reserved most of the time. I believe he could see through Albert easily because he knew him so well. 😋

      Thanks again for your continued support, my friend! 😍

  6. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for updated so fast 😛

  1. August 1, 2016

    […] A Man in Love – Chapter 6 […]

  2. August 18, 2016

    […] A Man in Love – Chapter 6 […]

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