A Man in Love – Chapter 13

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17 Responses

  1. marmalade says:

    i know now how Albert get his super old car…. hehehehe…..

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello marmalade, of course this is purely my imagination 😆😉😋 Thank you for reading! 😘

      • marmalade says:

        it’s ok…. at least it have something explain rather than at the comic, suddenly Albert had the car

        • Ms Puddle says:

          True, marmalade. Thanks again! 😊
          Though I think the suddenness was intentional, even Candy looked very surprised when she saw Albert driving a car 😋😉

  2. antlay31 says:

    Il s’en est fallu de peu qu’Albert tombe sur Archie, Annie et Patty à l’hôpital !
    Cette fameuse voiture, quand j’ai lu le manga j’ai pensé qu’Albert l’avait peut-être dégotté à la résidence des Ardlay à Chicago. Cela aurait pu être une voiture construite par Alistair, car elle a fini comme la plupart de ses invention, en mille morceaux !
    Le partage du sandwich , un passage que j’apprécie aussi beaucoup et qui en dit long sur les sentiments d’Albert envers Candy, rien que d’y penser il rougit et son état euphorique n’a pas échappé à Georges.
    Merci pour ce grand et long chapitre Ms Puddle !

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour mon amie, Antlay! 😍 Merci beaucoup! 😘 You have good imagination, which makes me laugh… Yes so true it could be one of the cars built by Stear! LOL… 😅😆😄

      The sandwich sharing scene is definitely one of my favorites, and you’re right, Antlay, that it speaks volumes of Albert’s deep feelings for Candy. 💓💓💓 How could he escape Georges’ eyes? 😋

  3. Candy Bert says:

    Merci pour ce long chapitre, Ms Puddle.
    Le retour de son neveu favori améliore la santé de Mme Elroy, c’est tout à fait vrai que le bonheur ou le stress peut influencer la santé d’une personne.
    L’humour de la situation avec le Dr Léonard qui se demande s’il n’a pas déjà rencontré “Mr Brown”. 😆
    Je sais qu’Albert ne voulait pas éveiller de soupçons en achetant une voiture qui ne soit pas une épave mais comme Georges je trouve que c’était prendre de gros risques, j’ai trouvé Albert imprudent alors, surtout lorsque l’on sait comment elle a fini!
    L’évocation de la scène du sandwich! Gros soupir! Pas étonnant qu’Albert a rougi lorsque Georges lui a demandé si Candy avait aimé l’endroit, pour Albert ce partage avait une signification profonde, une de mes scènes préférées.
    Georges avait une prémonition en offrant ce manteau, quand on sait à quoi il va servir plus tard… mais je crois me souvenir que dans une certaine autre belle histoire, c’était le Dr Martin qui avait prêté à Albert ce vêtement oublié par un patient… 😉

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Candy Bert, yes this chapter is longer than many others in this story, and so glad you agree that happiness can truly affect one’s health positively. 😊

      I want to show that a man would do foolish things for the woman he loved… Lol… in Albert’s case, you’re right, he didn’t want to rouse Candy’s suspicion. 😅 Like you, the sandwich sharing scene is one of my favorites, and I do believe Albert had the whole scenario planned beforehand, even the words he was going to say to Candy. 😍 I’m sure her strong reactions made him happy, if not satisfied in some aspects.

      Ahhh… merci beaucoup mon amie! Thanks for remembering the similar scene in Love Never Fails. 💓💓

  4. reeka says:

    I really like this chapter. For Georges, I can’t believe he had not convinced yet that his young master was in love!

    The scene when Georges had to make a U turn to find Albert, and he found out Albert parked his car on the side of the street looked funny to me. Moreover when Georges thought “maybe he lost his patience” … 😀 I can imagine, a man like WAA who used to drive/ride the best of cars suddenly had to deal with such miserable car. Actually on manga, the car didn’t look that bad at first , until it broke into pieces on the night Candy trapped by Neal.

    Speaking of Neal, the last scene of this chapter …it was the morning after that terrible night, right? I remember the raincoat Albert used to cover both of them when they had to sleep in an open space. I wonder if you will tell us in the next chapter about how furious Albert about Neal.

    Thank you, Ms Puddle. I still hope that this story will present Candy eventually. 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Reeka! 😍 So glad you like this chapter! 😘 Yes, Georges has been watching… From the beginning he could sense that his young master was like a man in love, remember? 😆

      About Albert losing his patience, yeah, I want to show he himself knew the car wasn’t in good shape… Yet he couldn’t buy any decent one so as not to rouse Candy’s suspicion. 😂 In the manga when they were heading towards the countryside, dark emissions followed the car, I think. 😂

      You bet, Reeka! 😊 Those who are familiar with the manga know that Neal’s trap happened right after the sandwich scene. No more spoilers though, Reeka 😋😉

  5. JeannyJJ says:

    When I read to the part where Albert visited her aunt at the hospital and almost exposed his identity,
    (Where Archie, Annie & Patty were there) my heart skipped a beat! 😮
    And I think Albert had gone searching for Candy, that’s why he had not met Georges in the morning…
    Was it the lion’s attack part of the story?

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello JeannyJJ! 😍 Yes, that was close indeed. Whew! 😁

      About what’s happening, yes, Albert had gone looking for Candy in the countryside.😉 Have you read the manga version? This part is different from the anime 😃😊

      • JeannyJJ says:

        Now I remembered! 😛
        I had to reread the manga… (Candy was already working at the clinic, and the lion’s attack happened after Candy was fired from the hospital.) I should have remembered…

  6. Martha Cervantes says:

    Great! Thanks for this chapter.
    Saludos querida Ms. Puddle.

  1. December 5, 2016

    […] A Man in Love – Chapter 13 […]

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