About me

I watched the anime version of “Candy Candy” on TV when I was a little girl, but I didn’t quite understand the plot. In August 2011, I found the manga and fell in love with the story. As an adult, I finally understood the love between Albert and Candy. The open ending of the story made me want more, and I started reading fan fictions. Then one day I decided to start writing one myself. My first story was called “Love Never Fails”, and I’m still writing it as of today. You can find my fan fictions in


When I was a little girl, I liked drawing or coloring using colored pencils, but for some reason I stopped doing it when I grew older. Since February 2013, I started drawing again, and it was simply satisfying! Then I also read some online tutorials to learn how to draw or color digitally. Hence, I’m still a novice, but I must say I enjoy the process of drawing the image in my mind. Suggestions of how to improve my drawings/colorings are more than welcome. Thank you in advance!

Therefore, I consider myself an amateur writer and artist, or perhaps just a blogger or hobbyist. Although my focus is on Candy Candy right now, I won’t stop myself from exploring other areas too.

For your interest, you can subscribe to my blog or you can find me on Twitter or Facebook.

Disclaimer: Candy Candy and all characters belong to Kyoko Mizuki, images to Yumiko Igarashi and anime to Toei Animation. So if my posts are about Candy Candy, they are my personal opinions, mainly based on my interpretations of the manga version and/or the Candy Candy Final Story.

Some of you know that I used to call myself “Ms Puddleglum”.

As a Christian, I love the children series “The Chronicles of Narnia”, and Puddleglum is one of my favorite characters. He is an uncommonly cheerful marsh-wiggle. I like this character mainly because near the end of “The Silver Chair”, he has overcome his cynical and pessimistic ways, and he is the one who broke the Witch’s spell in a heroic way releasing the Prince.

However, to avoid any unnecessary issues, I’ve simplified it to “Ms Puddle” instead. Thanks for your understanding!

16 Responses

  1. are your fanfiction stories on this blog?

  2. Ekinorev says:

    Dear Ms Puddle

    After spending my summer’s holidays the nose and the mind in Candy’s world, forgetting to sleep and to cook, neglecting my family (that’s the worse).
    I have to tell you that I am utterly addicted. Intoxicated. Hooked. Sigh.
    Because of LNF, I cannot read any story shorter (is there really 393k words???), or let’s say I am frustrated with less. I read it 2 times, and between, I read also 2 times your other fanfics, shorter alas (seriously I know how huge is the work that represents such a long story) and a few from others authors. Then when my Candy addiction couldn’t find anything new, I turn myself to the English romantic authors and discovered some great ones. Jane Austen and Margaret Gaskell are my fav, but let me tell you: LNF is the best love story of all times. Well, IMO.
    See, intoxicated, I said. Lol.

    However, I am somewhere confused with CCFS. I understood only three letters in the epilogue have been translated, and so eight remain not translated. Is that right? But in your comments sometimes you allude to some letters that are not translated. Am I wrong?
    Fortunately your analysis and the analysis of others fans are very helpful, everything lit up with them. Thanks to all of you🙏

    Well, to conclude, after watching all the versions of Jane Austen adaptations (after reading them twice of course 😉) I started dreaming about an adaptation of Candy Candy 😍. What a wonderful dream…..

    Dear Ms Puddle,I love reading your blog, and I sincerely wish you the best.


    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Ekinorev,

      Nice to meet you. Someone has been reading my long fanfic Love Never Fails lately and written some very encouraging comments to me. Is that you? ☺️

      Whether it is you or not, thank you so much for your compliments to this fanfic. I’m more than flattered, but I honestly don’t dare to compare my story to the classics out there. 😅 Their masterpieces are truly timeless, if not immortal.

      About CCFS, please feel free to read my posts, and Fay has completed the translation from Spanish to English. My bad for not posting the links to the rest of the epilogue. My current series is about these letters, for your interest. Thanks again, Ekinorev 😘

  3. Ekinorev says:

    Hi I watched Candy when a little girl, I saw almost all the episodes. Mom of a Mangas devourer, I remember of it and wanted her to know it. So we watched it together. Then she found the manga and shared it with me, and now I’m here, on your blog, where I discovered the existence of CCFS, and I’m totally hooked, I read your fanfictions one after the other. I’m amazed about the work you (and other fans) do with translation, stories, and I thank you for your sharing, that continues the dream :)))
    Next step, CCFS, I loaded it on my Drive for my upcoming holidays.

    Looking forward to reading you..

    PS: do you know if there is now a English translated edition for the manga the CCFS and the first novel?

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hi Ekinorev, nice to meet you, another Candy Candy fan!

      Thank you first of all for your encouraging words about my works and fanfics. I’m so glad to hear you’ve enjoyed reading my stories and imaginations!

      There’s no official English translations of any CC published materials as far as I know. The ones you found on my blog and elsewhere are all done by fans from various countries around the world.

      Fay is the one who attempts to translate the ccfs from Spanish to English. Be sure to check it out if you haven’t yet done so (“translations of CCFS”). Enjoy your ride 💕

  4. Louna97 says:

    Bonjour je souhaite rejoindre votre blog je suis une grande Fan de Candy et Albert j’ai lu toute vos histoire notamment Le Journal ,Sieste ,sauf A Man I Love mais c’est au programme à lire . j’espère que vous me répondrez , merci Louna

    • Ms Puddle says:

      You’re very welcome to join but I can’t write French. I understand you though. Merci beaucoup 😘

  5. berrionp says:

    I just discovered your beautiful story LNF and I have not stopped dreaming about it. I think this is the best C&A story and your imagination is amazing. You have made me fly..
    Thank you for bridging back Stear alive. You have mended my broken heart with the original story. I’m forever grateful. Don’t stop writing ever…

    • Hi there! Nice to meet you! 😀

      I’m so glad you like my story LNF, and I can’t believe I’ve written 30 chapters already!

      Thank you for your compliment and encouragement, and I honestly don’t understand why Stear had to die in the original story. I will try my best to finish this story by the end of this year. One of my friends have wanted to read LNF but she didn’t want to start until I finish it. She joked that she expected me to give her a Christmas present. 😛

      See you around! 🙂

  6. ParkersTheOne says:

    Looking forward to reading your posts soon!

  7. Albertfanatix says:

    Your blog looks beautiful. Congratulations on your new venture. Have fun sharing love of Candy & Albert ~

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