Ms Puddle's Haven

Love Never Fails Chapter 31: Emergency

To my readers who have been patiently waiting for this, thank you for your understanding! Here you can find the update

The following is the teaser:

Terry decided to take a random shortcut, and he soon saw Candy running his way. Although her initial reaction of seeing him hadn’t been very encouraging, he was inclined to believe that she still had remnant feelings for him.

Even if not, Terry would do his best to rekindle her love for him by courting her, which he had not done in the past. He told himself that she could have been too shocked to handle seeing them both as Albert had warned him beforehand.

Candy was running aimlessly without checking where she was heading, so she didn’t see Terry at all. When she nearly tripped on a tree root, the magazine threw out of her hand, all scrunched up by now. She took a moment to wipe her tears and found that she had accidentally dropped her lunch bag, but she had lost her appetite anyway. Her stomach couldn’t tolerate any food when her mind was in turbulence.

Terry finally reached her and took a glimpse at the magazine on the ground. “Candy, were you reading about me?” He sounded hopeful.

She was startled when she heard his question from behind. When she whipped herself around, only Terry was there. Despite panting heavily, he wore his signature smirk on his face.

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