Ms Puddle's Haven

Albert wearing a suit

As some of you know, I have been quite busy since the beginning of this year, but I’m so glad that I managed to publish a long chapter (a long one in my standard, but someone told me that it still wasn’t long enough… :P).

From the review comments I have got so far, most of you have requested an update as soon as possible. I understand why, and I take that as a compliment too! However, writing this chapter has been very draining for me emotionally, so I felt like taking a breather. Besides, I can hardly believe I’ve published more than 100 posts on my blog already. I think I have enough excuses to add a new fanart to my collection. 😉

Hence, I drew a new picture based on a scene in Chapter 30 “Flashback”. Those of you who have been following “Love Never Fails” might recognize this scene and know why Albert looks melancholic. 😉 Anyway, this fanart is my little gift to all of you who have written feedback to me after reading my latest chapter here, fanfiction or Facebook. Thank you all for your support and encouragement! I’ll try my best to start writing again! Wish me luck! 😀

Note: for your interest, I’ve modified my previous post to reply to other readers for their comments.

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