Ms Puddle's Haven

Candy Candy Ending Song

Here I attach the link to the Ending Song of the anime series of Candy Candy “I love tomorrow” (I would have used “I like tomorrow” instead, but never mind 😛 ). The lyrics were written by the author of Candy Candy, Kyoko Mizuki (her other pen name 名木田 恵子):

YouTube Poster

Back then, Mizuki used “Anohito” to refer to Candy’s Prince on the Hill mainly because Candy didn’t know his name. Anohito simply translates to “that person”.

Many thanks to the page owner of William Albert Andrew (el príncipe de la colina) for providing me the Japanese lyrics and the link to the same song but with English and Spanish translations:

あしたがすき ( 歌詞:名木田 恵子)

あしたはどこから うまれてくるの
わたしはあしたが あしたがすき
すてきなことが ありそうで
わたしはあしたが あしたがすき
キラキラひかる かぜのむこうで
あのひとがわたしを わたしをよんでいる
キャンディ キャンディ キャンディ

あしたのことを ゆめにみるの
わたしはあしたが あしたがすき
やさしいひとに あいそうで
わたしはあしたが あしたがすき
みどりがゆれる おかのうえで
あのひとがわたしを わたしをまっている
キャンディ キャンディ キャンディ

みどりがゆれる おかのうえで
あのひとがわたしを わたしをまっている
キャンディ キャンディ キャンディ

So you can see that this song is about Candy and the thought of her prince from both the pictures and the words. She remembered their first encounter on Pony’s Hill, about him being gentle, the green trees/leaves rustling in the wind, on top of the hill, etc. Candy was looking forward to meeting her prince one day and that he would be calling her name or waiting for her on the same location (Pony’s Hill).

Very interestingly, this completely matches the story plot of the manga version of Candy Candy. While little Candy was crying sadly, a young teenager’s brief appearance cheered her up. After that, she missed him and wanted to see him again (not just because he was very handsome like a prince in fairy tales, but also because he was very gentle to her). In addition, the memory of this encounter stuck with her for many years to come (more than ten years). Later in her life, after being rescued by a grown up named Albert, Candy always thought of him as gentle, kind and caring, not knowing that he was actually her Prince on the Hill. At the end of the manga, Albert intentionally returned to the same spot (Pony’s Hill) to wait for her to come so that he could repeat his famous line to her “You’re prettier when you smile than when you cry”. Only then she realized that her prince had been by her side all along, supporting and loving her.

To me, this is indeed a very beautiful story. For your interest, you can read my earlier post “Candy’s memory of Prince on the Hill”.

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