Ms Puddle's Haven

Entries for the Contest

***** UPDATED *****

I have got the following entries for the contest so far. Thank you all for participating! 😀

I can’t wait to show you the prize, which is almost ready. Will I get more entries still?

Here is the song for the contestants:

I had this song in mind when I was writing the epilogue, but since the chapter was way too long, I decided not to include the lyrics. Do you like the song, I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” by Aerosmith? It was written for the 1998 film “Armageddon”. Anyway, the entires are listed below:


“Candy, it’s time to get up and explore the exciting journey of our life together”, suggested Albert.

“Albert, I’d love to…. But just give me 5 more minutes” replied Candy


“Buenos días, dormilona. Vamos despierta…” le susurró Albert al oído, abrazándola por detrás.

“Mmm… solo un poco más, me siento muy cansada.” respondió Candy a sus palabras, aún hablado medio dormida.

“Vamos Candy, ¿O quieres que te ayude un poco?” volvió a susurrarle Albert, ahora de manera seductora.

Aún encontrándose un poco desorientada debido al sueño, una alarma sonó en el fondo de su mente, haciendo que abriera de par en par los ojos de manera automática. “¿Qué quieres decir con eso, Albert?” dijo un poco agitada.

Albert sonrió de medio lado frotando su nariz contra la mejilla de ella, “Ya sabes, tal vez…”

“¡Albert!” exclamó Candy, sintiendo como un calor ya muy bien conocido invadía su rostro.


A: Wake up… wake up… First day of work.
C: Zzz

A: Can you believe that our honeymoon is over?
C: Zzzz yeah…Zzzz

A: Time flies. It’s been two weeks that we got married. I am very happy…
C: Me too. What will you do today?

A: Fun time is over. Time to get back to work and back to reality. I want to be a worthy descendant of the Audrey enterprise. I want to show my ancestors that
I am not a spoiled rotten even though I have all this privilege. I will make the enterprise bigger than it has never been! 
C: Ooh… Great to hear.!

A: What about you? If one day you’d like to join the family business, you’ll be more than welcome.
C: Thanks. I think I need to think about it. I am thinking to go to the medical school. I like medical works. 

A: Love you, Dear. I really hate socialite puppets. I love woman with brain. kiss In the future, I want to expand our charity work in health care. You will want to be the president, won’t you? kiss
C: Love you too. That’s a long way to go. Ok let’s get up. Let’s start by me filling up the application form to U. of Chicago first! Let’s go!


And both of them jump from the bed to take a shower. A pair of forward thinking young couple, ready to face the world and to make a lasting impact together.


A : Hi sweetheart … wake up. Candy …… My beautiful wife … Wake up.
C : mmmmm …
A : My Sweet Candy, we need to get ready for our honeymoon trip, please wake up. You can continue your sleep later on the train.
C : Albert … it’s not even dawn yet. I can’t open my eyes. I can’t move my body.
A : Candy …
C : Albert, please. I’ve only slept for 4 hours.
A : **chuckling** And is it my fault? Hmmm? Come on, Candy, we must wake up now. Or … I’ll make you remember why you are lack of sleeps.
C : Albert!!


Ni siquiera sus sueños mas alocados de juventud podian compararse con la realidad del momento, ahi estaba ella, durmiendo placidamente entre sus brazos. Durante la madrugada, la luz de la luna resplandecio en su rostro, otorgandole una belleza cautivante. Bien podría permanecer una eternidad contemplandola, terminando de memorizar cada una de sus líneas. Envuelto en el ritmo acompasado de su respiración, perdio la nocion del tiempo. El amanecer había llegado, y la hora de partir se acercaba.

Renuente a terminar aquel fantástico momento, tuvo que acariciar suavemente el rostro de su amada, mientras le decía la oído:

– Candy, vamos cariño, ya es hora –

Ella se movía, debatiendose entre el mundo de los sueños y el de la realidad.

El sabía que ella era una dormilona, y le habría encantado continuar comtemplándola, pero eso no era posible.

– Candy, te ves preciosa cuando duermes, pero si no nos apuramos vamos a perder el tren –

Ella abrio los ojos lentamente, absorviendo en su mente cada instante compartido la anoche anterior. Estaba envuelta en el cálido abrazo de su amado, quien le sonreía, con auténtica devoción.

– ¡Oh, Albert! – Le decía, con el rubor cubriendo sus mejillas, acto que a él simplemente le encantó.


ALBERT: “Good morning, sleepy-head. It’s time to pack up and leave for our honeymoon.”

CANDY: “Mmm…but we already are in our honeymoon…you looked so good…oh wait, was that a dream??!”


Note to Grace: I can not remove your “review” left for “Love Never Fails” because you have written it as a logged-in user, which means that your review was signed. The system at doesn’t allow us to remove/modify any signed reviews unfortunately. I don’t understand why you can’t leave a comment for the post (were you the same person who left me comments on other posts before?). Also, according to the contest, they were supposed to be going to honeymoon, not to work. 😉 If you like to modify, you can try writing a comment below or send me a private message at 🙂 Thank you very much, Grace!


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