Ms Puddle's Haven

Welcome 2015!

Happy new year, everyone!

Learn from yesterday,
Live for today, and
Hope for tomorrow!

I have received a report of the statistics on my blog. I’ve got about 36,000 views in 2014, and many visitors have used translators to read my posts. To some big bloggers this is nothing, but to me, this is very encouraging. 😀

Do you know which posts got most views? Below shows you top 5 of them, ranked by the number of views:

  1. El Amor Nunca Falla Capítulo 1: La despedida
  2. El Amor Nunca Falla Capítulo 2: El Accidente
  3. Signs that show Albert was in love with Candy (Part 2)
  4. Caught in passion!
  5. When did Candy get married?

Also, the most active commenter is Reeka, who had written 115 comments in total! Reeka, because of this, I will draw something for you as my appreciation. Please be patient however because I have promised to draw a picture for a Facebook page first.

Once again, please accept my humble bow, my friends! 🙂 I wish I had time and leisure to draw something special for year 2015 to thank all of you for your support, but year-end obligations and parties have kept me busy and tired. 😛 Yet, I hope you like this one, modified from an earlier fanart. No snow or winter outfits this time as I know many of you are enjoying a nice, warm summer near the equator or in the Southern Hemisphere. 😉

Let’s welcome 2015 together!

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