Ms Puddle's Haven

Candy’s poem of Albert

My friends, the administrators of the Facebook page, William Albert Andrew (el príncipe de la colina), have kindly let me share this poem with you. Written by Kyoko Mizuki and illustrated by Yumiko Igarashi, the poem is from Candy’s point of view, describing her thoughts about Albert.

The Japanese words are (with my direct translation to English):


もう いない
いつも いってしまうのね

いつも いってしまうのね

あなたは 風の旅人
また きっとあえると

花畑で わたしのリボンを

As I look back
you’re already gone
always, you’re on the go, aren’t you
“Like a shower in the afternoon”
when I wake up from my sleep
your figure has disappeared

always, you’re on the go, aren’t you

However, I will forgive you
You are a traveler of wind
Again, we will certainly meet
because I believe that

In a flower garden, my ribbon was
tossed to the sky
the ribbon became a butterfly
to Albert-san’s whereabouts
flying for me, no doubt.


As usual, I have translated word for word based on my own interpretation. A Candy Candy fan, Charmichan has not only translated this but also rephrased it very well, so for your interest, please click here. It also contains the corresponding translations in Spanish and French.

It seems to me that Candy understood Albert liked traveling around. Nonetheless, she wished to meet him again, so she tossed her ribbon (her trademark 😉 ) to the sky such that it would reach him for her. It’s beautiful and cute, isn’t it? 😀

In the old CC novel, in the last letter from Albert to Candy, he actually invited her to travel with him:

I still love my family and my ancestors. One day when I’m able to fulfil the role as an Ardray good enough, I will have more freedom. Then, I’ll set out on a journey again, taking Pouppe along. When I get to it, Candy, will you come with me?

Then, Candy’s subsequent reply to Albert was like a love letter to him. She wrote:

Since then I’ve had a lot of sad good-byes in my life, but I have been going through life always believing in tomorrow.
Now, your badge is tinkling pleasantly on my chest.
Of course, please take me with you! When you start on a journey. (Even if you say No, I’ll follow you!)
Oh, Albert.
It’s wonderful to be alive. I feel like I won’t be able to sleep tonight.
What kind of pleasant surprise is waiting to happen tomorrow? Maybe there is a knock on the door and I open it to find you standing there —.


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