Ms Puddle's Haven

Some questions in Candy Candy Final Story


This post is my promise to a new friend I met lately, Alex. She left a comment, asking for feedback or answers to her following questions about Candy Candy Final Story (CCFS). For those who might not know her, she has thoroughly read both Japanese (the original) version and the official Italian version, and she plans to write (or in the process of writing) an analysis of CCFS. Without further ado, here are her questions (which I haven’t made any change):

1. Is Candy actually married in the 1930s? Is there any clear-cut and indisputable mention of the word ‘husband’ or anything slightly as relevant to wedlock? From my part, I even resorted to using my software to scan the entire CCFS texts (I’ve converted all CCFS texts into pdf for exclusive personal use due to copyright law) for words and/or phrased which could relate to Candy’s wedlock or possible spouse but to no avail.
2. Is there any clear indication in the CCFS that Albert had signed adoption papers or was it simply a signed letter of consent regarding his proposed guardianship of Candy? What George appears to be reading to Aunt Elroy is simply a hand-written letter of consent. Afterwards, Aunt Elroy acts in concert with the Lagans to dispute and nullify the aforementioned consent by William Albert Ardlay. (CCFS/ Volume 1/ Chapters 18-20). Further on in the UK, Stear and Archie also specify to Terry how ‘wobbly’ the whole ‘adoption’ case really is. Besides, this is the reason why Terry renounced his father’s surname and begged the headmistress not to report anything to William Ardlay (CCFS/ Volume 2/ Chapters 16-17). The sentiment that this whole so-called ‘adoption’ is rather shallow appears to permeate the CCFS even more than the older CC versions (manga and novels). What do you think?
3. Have you found out anything about Terry’s precise age in the CCFS text apart from the unofficial and inaccurate estimates circulating on the internet? We get to know that he’s ‘too young’ to take Candy with him but that’s too vague. Is there anything more specific in the CCFS text? My only estimate is that he’s less than 17 when he leaves St Paul’s.
4. There also appears to be a controversy regarding the ages of Candy, Stear and Archie. The CCFS reader would probably assume that Annie and Patty are roughly the same age with Candy since they’re classmates at St Paul’s. Nagita has made it clear that Anthony was 15 when he died; Candy was almost 13 when she was taken to the Lagans; and Albert was 17 when he met Candy for the first time at Pony’s Hill (she was 6 at the time). I am wondering whether Candy was exactly 13 or 14 when William Ardlay redacted his guardianship consent. Was Albert 24 or 25 years of age when he redacted and signed the aforesaid consent? Not that it makes too much of a difference legal-wise (he’s still far too young to be a dad anyway..), but I simply want to maintain the accuracy of my analysis (yes, I am horrifically pedantic and persistent when it comes to utmost precision even with minute details). I also find this age gap regarding Stear as problematic. If Stear is 4 years older than Candy, he should be at uni and not at school. If Candy is 14, then Stear would be 18 which is the age one is at uni. My rough estimate was that Candy was ‘adopted’ at the age of 13; Albert was 24 at the time (13+11=24); Anthony and Terry were around the same age (that would make Candy 14 at the May Fest and Terry 16); Archie was about the same age with Candy (14-15), and he was about 2 years younger than Stear (which would make him around the same age as Terry-, circa 16-17). Is this correct? Please let me know if it’s not correct and if some details have escaped my notice.
5. Is there any unbiased and impartial indication of the time (date) Terry’s terse letter (CCFS/Volume 2/Section 3/Letters) to Candy had been written, or sent to, or even received (by Candy)? Is there any indication that Terry’s surname is ‘Granchester’ after he had renounced that surname severing all ties with his father? In all references following Terry’s departure from St Paul’s, Terry appears to be addressed as ‘Terrence Graham’ (or T.G.) and never as ‘Granchester’ (T.G.G.) or ‘Baker’. Even in his farewell letter to Candy at St Paul’s, he closed his brief note to her simply as ‘Terrence’ (CCFS/Volume 2/Chapter 20). Moreover, I have to specify that in Terry’s brief letter to Candy in Section 3 (Letters/Volume 2), he simply signs off as T.G. In all the newspaper clippings, Candy reads his surname as ‘Graham’ and never as ‘Granchester’. Furthermore, Terry does not mention ‘feelings’ in the aforesaid brief letter to Candy in either the original Japanese nor translated Italian texts (CCFS/Volume 2/ Section 3/Letters). Instead, he ends the letter by stating verbatim: ‘I am not changed.’ In the Italian translation, it appears to be roughly albeit not exactly the same: ‘Nothing has changed for me’ or ‘Nothing has changed me.’ (CCFS/Volume 2/Section 3/Letters). Therefore, the pseudo-translation which tends to circulate in some websites in which Terry allegedly conveys his feelings of ‘love’ to his intended recipient (‘My feelings/love for you have/has not changed..’) is absolutely false. Bottom line, Terry is not using the word ‘feelings’/’love’ or ’emotions’ at all. Have you found anything different to that in other translations?

I would appreciate your feedback here if convenient for you. I’ll await your response prior to my CCFS review and analysis as my intention is to obliterate even the slightest doubt or query in order to maintain 100% accuracy. It’s simply a matter of personal integrity for me to always maintain utmost accuracy and veracity even if that makes me acutely pedantic..;-)

Looking forward to your feedback and suggestions!

Thanks in Advance,

Alex, I will try to respond to these questions with details as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I would briefly say that even though there is seemingly not any word about wedding or marriage, the implications are there. For example, Candy told Anthony that she wore a smile because she lived with the person she loved. When he returned at the end of the book, she said おかえりなさい!, the polite form of “Welcome home!”, with immense joy and excitement. That simple gesture showed her love and respect for him. Back in that era cohabitation wasn’t common, right? (Correct me if I’m wrong. 😛 ) After all, Candy was raised by two religious ladies. 💓 Besides, I believe Anohito had married her because he gave her the family heirloom. What’s more, Candy’s letter to Vincent Brown in CCFS speaks volumes of who she was and where she lived.

About the ages of the character, a Japanese fan has made a chart based on her own interpretation (scroll all the way down). I’m not saying she must be correct, but this might serve as a reference for you? Interestingly, this fan didn’t mention Terry’s age in CCFS, but according to her, Archie was Anthony’s age, two years younger than Stear. I must confess that I didn’t pay much attention to their ages except for Candy. I believe she was around fifteen when she returned to America as a stowaway, but I will double check that.

About Terry’s letter to Candy, I’ve written quite a few posts in the past. For your interest, you can read this one, Terry’s brief letter to Candy (Part 2).

Last but not the least, the adoption. It’s vague in CCFS, just as your said, but at least Albert admitted in his letter of complaint (in the epilogue) that he was indeed Candy’s adoptive father and she was his adopted daughter. Perhaps, he did sign some papers to give Candy his surname? If not, his aunt, who despised Candy so much, could have denied her in the beginning, but Great Aunt Elroy didn’t do that until after Anthony’s accident. But I think you as the lawyer should know much more than I do. 🙂

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