Ms Puddle's Haven

Some desperate fans

Those who have been following my blog will know that my friend Fay has been translating Candy Candy Final Story (CCFS) from Spanish to English, and I have agreed to share her works in Translations of CCFS by sharing individual links to each of her files. Anyone who click these links should have read-only rights.

Unfortunately, Fay recently found out that her account might have been hacked. Two people have altered one of the letters, making its English translation inaccessible to others. Guess what this letter is about?

Not so surprisingly, it’s the unsent letter from Candy to Terry, in which she wrote that Susanna, whom Terry had chosen, was wonderful, and Candy ended this letter with “P.S. Terry… I loved you.”

When I first learned about all this from Fay, I wanted to ask (with disgust) these offenders the following question,

“Seriously, how low (morally) can you go to defend your favourite character?”

Sadly, these two (you know who you are) are nothing short of pitifully desperate, if not pathetic. 🙁 Apparently, they are trying to hide the truth that Candy in CCFS is depicted as a girl who has moved on in her life, no longer affected by Terry or Susanna. Their actions essentially betrayed their fear that Anohito あのひと in CCFS is actually Albert, also known as William Albert Ardlay or Prince on the Hill.

While waiting for Fay to fix this, for your interests, you can read some of my old posts about this famous (infamous) letter:

A love declaration
Did Candy find her happiness (Part 2)
Susanna and Candy (Part 2)


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