Ms Puddle's Haven

Candy’s letter to Prince on the Hill (Part 2)

Thank you all for the positive and encouraging feedback and responses to my question concerning eye colors. ❤️ I hope you like the second montage as much as I do, and many thanks to Antlay, this time she provided the excerpt from the French version as well.

Thus, I’ll update Part 1 later with her input. For more details and my thoughts about the following excerpt from the epilogue of Candy Candy Final Story, please check Lost in Translation (Part 4). Note that Candy said Albert looked like a 少年. She does not necessarily mean a male child; the term refers to a juvenile or a minor, so a teenager under 18 or 19 can still be called a 少年. It’s funny when Candy first met Albert the vagabond in Lakewood, she thought he was much much older than his real age. Years later, she thought he looked like a teenager to her, at least on that day. 😄 

As before, the Japanese text is shown first with links provided for your information. The excerpt is followed by the French version, and my own translation is displayed at the end. Again, please feel free to add your translation in your own language in the comments section! 🙂 Take care and stay safe, my friends!


Et puis, dès l’instant où vous êtes entré, vous n’aviez plus  votre expression habituelle. Vous n’étiez plus tout à fait le grand-oncle que je connais, vous aviez l’air d’un petit garçon. Pas comme quand je me moque de vous en vous appelant “grand-père” alors que vous êtes beaucoup plus jeune. Enfin, non, je ne veux pas dire que vous aviez l’air de faire moins que votre âge…ce n’est pas ça. Ah, zut, je n’arrive pas à trouver les mots qu’il faut… Bref, ce n’était pas la même ambiance que d’habitude, et j’ai senti que mon coeur se mettait à battre plus fort. D’ailleurs, vous avez refusé le thé que vous proposait Melle Pony et vous vous êtes adressé à moi si un ton très sérieux : 
– Candy, allons sur la colline de Pony, veux-tu ? A cet instant, j’ai eu comme un vague pressentiment.
Non… Non, quand même pas…

French version

For at that moment… when Granduncle stepped into Pony’s Home, I could see that his expression was for some reason different from usual… like a boy…
Though I occasionally tease Granduncle by treating him as an old man, Granduncle in fact looks much younger than his age all the time… However, at that moment I don’t mean that he looked young or something like that… Ahhhh, I can’t quite explain this adequately… At any rate, sensing that the atmosphere was different from usual, my heart for some reason skipped a beat.
Therefore, I had been feeling in my bones something was about to happen ever since I was given the following invitation: Granduncle, having declined the teachers’ offer of tea, said to me with a serious face, “Candy, let’s go to Pony’s Hill…”
But, but, I had never seen it coming —

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