Ms Puddle's Haven

Stear’s Memorial

I hope this latest update finds you still safe and well. It’s been slightly more than half a year since the virus that put the world in chaos was officially named, and needless to say, I’m so glad to continue to hear from you. Not only your feedback has been highly encouraging, but your insightful remarks have greatly contributed to my blog. Thank you very much! As usual, I will quote a few comments this time but rest assured all comments are much appreciated. 🤗

Because of the questions raised in the comments, I’ve re-read some letters in Section 3 of Candy Candy Final Story (CCFS). As I mentioned before, Nagita sensei has seemingly abandoned the conventions of normal chronology in this section. 😛 I often find myself changing the imaginary timeline in my mind. The only certainty is that the letters are not displayed in the order of their occurrence. Therefore, please feel free to correct what I’m going to say next.

So when did Stear’s memorial take place? Before or after World War I? I’ve always assumed it happened before the war was over. I recently read Fay’s translation of Archie’s letter to Candy in CCFS soon after Stear’s death and began to understand why some readers think otherwise. (Speaking of which, Fay is now dedicated to re-translating from both French and Spanish official versions. Please check my page, Translations of CCFS, for details.)

However, near the end of Archie’s letter, he asked Candy to take care of Patty, and then he suggested “When this war is over, let’s hold a memorial for Stear at Lakewood!” It was just his idea. I’m not sure about the official translations, but as far as I can tell, nothing was concrete.

By the time Candy wrote a letter to Archie, the memorial had already occurred in Lakewood. In the beginning of this letter, Candy asked if Archie had settled down with his new life, so he might have moved to Massachusetts between the end of summer or early autumn. Candy also stated the war was finally over. Thus, I’m convinced the memorial took place before Archie decided to continue his study elsewhere.

Perhaps it was during the memorial service that Archie had come to his senses? Maybe he realized he should stop his so-called relationship with Annie when deep down he still preferred Candy? Archie is a sad character. He had not been able to give up Candy like his elder brother Stear had. I have a feeling Archie could sense the peculiar relationship between Candy and Granduncle William when he saw them both during the service. After all, Archie had witnessed how the two had evolved from friends to really close buddies.

As Lynn said in her comment, “…this novel functions as a form of a cycle and the ubiquitous as well as unifying element in this story is the development of the relationship between Candy and Albert. What started off as a mere innocuous and completely innocent childhood crush Candy had for her “Prince” gradually evolved into an imperishable bond comprising those essential components of friendship, reciprocal respect, communication and ultimately, sheer and unconditional love.”

What’s more, as Myra’s pointed out, “Readers get those bits and pieces from Nagita and Candy concerning Albert’s beauty and youthfulness throughout the novel. Besides, he is one of the most stunning-looking in the manga as well. Igarashi did a fine job drawing him… Candy adored Albert’s eyes, smile and voice. He wasn’t just another pretty face but a man who enthralled her…”

While Archie had no idea about Prince on the Hill, being an observant guy, I think realization finally hit Archie that he was forever doomed to be merely a good friend of Candy. She was obviously falling for his young uncle. Hence, it was time for Mr. Cornwell to move on. I can’t agree more with Sarah about the essence of this well-beloved story: “This story isn’t a cheap soap-opera. Instead, this story focuses on dealing with difficulties in life and eventually overcoming them with perseverance and dignity. This story is about moving on and not being fixated and obsessed with the past.”

Remember Nagita sensei in her interview had mentioned that Candy was optimistic and forward-looking? In Candy’s letter to Archie, she mentioned the world was still in a mess, but “we just have to move forward!” (前を向いて進むしかないのよね!)

Archie was not the only one affected, of course. We read in this letter that Annie was shocked about his decision to relocate. I personally do not like Annie, thinking that she’s worse than Susanna when it comes to loving a man. Yet, I admire that she was brave enough to face the reality and even resolved to find her own way while waiting for Archie. I guess that it was when they were far apart from each other Archie began to appreciate her more and more. Let’s hope that she had matured to be less selfish too. 🤞

Here let me present my new fanart. This is my first time drawing another character from Candy Candy. In CCFS it’s only clear about his hair color (like wheat). Yet, I found one of Igarashi’s artbooks that Archie’s eyes are blue as well. To be honest, I’m not very satisfied with the result. It has taken me a considerably long time to correct and amend my drawing again and again, but I’ve decided to move on at last. 😀 I told myself there’s always a first time, for everything. 😉

Archie at the memorial

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