Ms Puddle's Haven

Fanarts of Terry and Candy

How are you my friends? Are you anxiously waiting for your turn to get the vaccine? Or you rather not take the risk?

You might be intrigued by the title of this post. I don’t normally follow any news or websites that are hosted by pro-Terry fans, but since January is Terry’s birth month, on Twitter there are hashtags for celebrating his birthday. This particular one caught my attention right away because it’s of high quality. I bet most of you can readily tell what this is about. Yes, the artist drew Terry (as Anohito) coming home to Candy, the ending of Candy Candy Final Story (CCFS).

If you click the link to the original post, it contains the same drawings but with different languages available. It was a Christmas gift to Terry fans! As much as I think it’s highly unlikely Terry is Anohito, I’m honestly impressed by the illustrations. That’s why I’d like to share this with you all.

What do you think? Do you like this Terry with short hair? How about Candy? In your imagination does Candy have short or long hair in her thirties?

Just when I was about to write this post, my friend Mariella, who owns the Facebook page “Albert y Candy manga color”, informed me that someone was selling my fanart. I was quite shocked when I discovered this, and in case this page may disappear later I copied and pasted it below.

The seller said his wife had purchased this set from an online auction, and it seems like a mix of fanarts (though one of them might be an official illustration of Igarashi) of mainly Candy and Terry. Whoever stole my drawing must have assumed the man was Terry too. Apparently, the watermark with my nickname “Ms Puddle” had been carefully erased. 🙁

I won’t say I’m deeply affected by this, but I’m upset nonetheless. 🙁 As Mariella said, some people just have no respect for artists or their copyrights. It’s not even their fanarts, and they are selling them for money! How outrageous!! 😠😠

Still, I’d like to thank Mariella for letting me know. I haven’t yet decided what to do with this however. But one thing I know for sure — from now on, I’ll make my watermark more conspicuous and hopefully harder to erase.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings!

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