They found love…

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85 Responses

  1. Antlay says:

    Bonsoir Agnès
    Oui vous avez raison Agnès, Albert semble si vieux au début du dessin animé qu’ il pourrait effectivement être le père de Candy alors qu’il n’avait qu’une vingtaine d’années et cela nous a tous induit en erreur. Pas étonnant que certains fans le considère encore comme son père adoptif. 🙁

    • Ms Puddle says:

      The Korean adaptation (not a cartoon but real life people) they actually cast a middle-aged man, who was far from handsome, to be vagabond Ablert… 🙁

  2. Antlay says:

    Bonjour les filles

    Je me permets de me joindre à vous. Dans la version française Albert a été doublé à deux reprises. La première fois l’acteur avait une voix trop grave d’un homme d’environ une quarantaine d’années. Puis le deuxième a pris le relais quand Candy retrouve Albert amnésique à l’hopital à Chicago. Une voix d’un homme de 25 à 30 ans, chaude et douce, un rire merveilleux à l’image d’Albert, une voix de rêve à son image.
    Comme vous je n’ai pas aimé la fin du dessin animé, aucune émotion de Candy quand elle découvre Albert à Lakewood et encore moins quand elle découvre qu’il est son prince comme si elle eétait déçue. On a l’impression que le dernier épisode a été bâclé. J’ai lu le manga pour la première fois il y a un peu plus d’un an et cela a été un immense bonheur, je n’ai pas été déçue, Albert a un tel charisme dans le manga, rien avoir avec l ‘animé, c’est une évidence, il est l’homme idéal pour Candy, tel un conte de fée, le prince charmant ! 😀

    • Agnès says:

      Bonjour à toutes!

      Antlay, les grands esprits se rencontrent dit-on et j’allais dire exactement la même chose concernant la voix d’Albert quand j’ai lu votre commentaire. J’ai détesté la première voix car cela donnait l’impression qu’Albert avait 35-40 ans surtout avec sa barbe! Pas étonnant que les téléspectateurs ne l’aient pas vu autrement que comme son père adoptif, même s’il “rajeunissait” après, le mal était fait! :’) Par contre, j’ai adoré la deuxième voix qui est effectivement si douce et masculine en même temps, personnellement, je l’ai même préférée à celle de Terry qui a toujours été la même. Quand à l’animé, moi aussi j’ai été extrémement déçue et même frustrée, jai eu exactement la même sensation que vous Antlay, que la fin avait été bâclée et même que l’histoire n’était pas finie. 🙁 J’ai moi-même découvert le manga depuis peu, ainsi que votre blog Ms Puddle, avec vos articles si interessants dans lesquels on apprend tellement de choses et vos superbes histoires et je suis maintenant une fan d’Albert plus que convaincue ! 😀

      • Agnès says:

        Oops! Erreur d’émoticone: le mal était fait :'(

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Thank you so much, Agnès, for your kind words! Many Albert fans disliked the anime with valid reasons, and I suppose even the production team have misunderstandings about the significance of the Albert’s character. They put emphases on Anthony and Terry but diminished Albert for unknown reason. Also, I read some avid Anthony fans simply couldn’t accept the bad boy Terry at all. They were sad to see Candy falling for him, but the anime didn’t give Albert justice either, so Anthony fans were very disappointed overall.

        I agree with you that a voice actor is very important in bringing the character to life, and with a bad one the character will be unfortunately ruined. I’m glad they switched to a great male voice for Albert later, unlike the Spanish version. At one time they picked an elderly man’s voice even! Sigh…

        • Agnès says:

          Hello Ms Puddle, you’re very welcome ! 🙂

          For having treated Albert like this in the anime, I wonder if they knew the entire plot of the manga when the anime version was created!!! Grrr! Or at least like you said they have completely misunderstood his signifiance! 🙁

          • Ms Puddle says:

            My sentiments exactly, dear Agnès… that they didn’t know as much as Igarashi probably? Sigh 🙁

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Antlay,

      A male voice of 40? LOL! He did look very old initially, but behind his disguise he was a very handsome man. I’m glad later they changed his voice to a more suitable one for a young man. To be fair, the time when he was found in the hospital as an amnesiac patient he looked quite attractive in the anime, but still he was better looking in the manga. He was worthy to be the prince charming indeed, dear Antlay!

      I’m not sure if you guys have the similar thought that all characters in the anime looked uglier and uglier near the end. 🙁 As you said, my friend, Candy showed little emotions in the last episode when she finally met her guardian “for the first time”, and her reaction was even worse when she “reunited with her prince”. She was shocked for a moment but rendered only a smile after that. I like what you said, Antlay, that it was like Candy was disappointed… lol lol!! 😆

    • Evelyn says:

      Bonsoir les filles, I also feel that the damage is done by portraying Albert as an old man at the beginning of the anime and it left a negative impression in the minds of the audience who felt discouraged and cannot accept Candy ending up with an old man. I always felt that way also when I watched the anime in Spanish. It was a mistake to make him look so old and no wonder it does not make sense to some if they have only watched the anime. The voice of the actor in Spanish was not an old one but it was very inconsistent changing all the time just like Quevivacandy said, four different voices for the same person.

      Yes, Ms Puddle, I also noticed that the Characters in the anime looked uglier and uglier near the end, specially Albert and even Terry didn’t look so good in a few scenes and also very disconnected like it was rushed just to be done with it! 🙁

      • Ms Puddle says:

        I agree with you, dear Evelyn… 🙁

        Albert the vagabond in the anime looked so much older than the one in the manga. It was a huge mistake, and they also messed up the timeline. Candy met her prince when she was much older in the anime. Sigh 🙁

        Yes, the ending of the anime was so rushed as if they ran out of budget and could no longer hire the good artists… :/

  3. Antlay says:

    Bonjour Ms Puddle
    Très belle chanson en effet.
    Je ne suis pas d’accord avec certains fans, Candy n’est pas amoureuse d’Albert par dépit.
    Terry est un amour d’adolescente, une phase par laquelle nous sommes tous passés un jour. Nous grandissons, nous évoluons et nos attentes ne sont plus les mêmes à l’adolescence qu’à l’âge adulte. Je rejoins ce qu’a dit Agnès, on ne ferme pas les yeux de la nuit pour sa famille ou des amis sauf lorsque nous nous faisons du souci pour eux. Dans ses lettres on sent bien que Candy est extatique, elle est si excitée qu’elle n’en dort pas, si cela n’est pas de la passion, alors je ne comprends plus rien à l’amour !
    je n’ai pas souvenir qu’avec Terry il en était de même.
    Candy est une fille forte et elle a toujours su ce qu’elle voulait, Albert dit ceci en parlant de Candy dans l’épisode Les amours d’antan : “C’est un être que les difficultés n’ont jamais rebutés et cela depuis qu’elle est au monde, elle s’est fixé un but et elle y parviendra quoiqu’il advienne.”
    Elle n’est pas du genre à attendre indéfiniment un amour perdu et tout comme avec Terry après la mort d’Anthony, elle est maintenant amoureuse d’Albert, son premier et dernier amour ! 😀
    Félicitations à Agnès, j’ai hâte de vous lire, il y a si peu de fanfiction en français !
    Quant à vous Ms Puddle, vos histoires me manquent également et cela serait aussi un grand plaisir d’en lire à nouveau. 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Antlay! Well said, mon amie! I agree with you totally. Candy’s letters to Albert were filled with feelings, and it’s obvious her heart was filled with sentiments of deep gratitude and strong affections for him.

      Yes indeed Candy was a strong girl who always knew what she wanted. Once she was determined, she wouldn’t easily give up. Her experience as a stowaway proved that. 😉

      About waiting indefinitely for a lost love, people argued that Terry was still alive, so she held onto a hope. Yet, in her letter to Anthony, it was undeniable that she had put Terry in her past and not even thought of seeing him again. She said something could never be restored!

      Thanks for your support, Antlay! Congrats to Agnès too! 🙂

  4. Quevivacandy says:

    Hi again my friend!!! first… woo hoo!! a new fic from you??? already looking forward for it!!! weee!!!

    Well,, about this post, not passion, at all? nahh… I don’t agree that either! We have to keep on mind one important thing, Candy only was SIX years old when she met POTH! Even though, she did everything she could as her short age, trying to chase him what implied, went every single day to Pony’s Hill, just looking for him. Isn’t that passion, coming from a little girl?

    Then, when she met Terry and then he left London, she also left London to chase him, no matter what. She also showed passion to do things, now corresponding her age, she was impulsive as a teenager but also, she went straight to Pony’s Home. You already know what I think about not looking for Terry… :p

    But, at the end, what we can say when she, we can almost say this, moved heaven and earth looking for Albert, being an grown-up woman? Doesn’t it show passion? And we keep seeing this passion in her letter, what she says, how she feels.

    I guess some people confuses passion with adolescense fits of passion (or madness). Hmm… did I ramble again? :/

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thanks dear QuevivaCandy! I must thank you! I’ll definitely quote your fic in mine 🙂

      I think the anime version, especially the ending, have misled CC fans to think Candy had no passion for Albert. She seemed too calm to discover his true identity and not so excited either to realize that he was her prince… :'(

      • Quevivacandy says:

        you do not have idea how honored I’m feeling to have inspired a great writer to write again… really!

        And about the anime, puaj, we have discussed this several times. The anime showed the world a wrong ending and many many many girls, keep thinking that is all what exists, no novel, no manga, no anything else. I used to be one of them over a year ago.

        Albert was soooooo dull at the ending and several times while they lived together at the Magnolia. We didn’t see him so dismayed or worried as we sense him in manga and the novel, while Candy was in sorrow for Terry. That is one of the things I do not like from the anime.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Thank you thank you! You’re a very popular writer yourself now, my dear friend! I’m not a great writer at all, but now that I’m inspired, I hope I can write it down 🙂

          I stopped watching the anime… I wasn’t happy with the changes, and it was too dragging to my liking :(… I’ve watched the famous scenes though near the end, and most of them weren’t as good as the equivalents in the manga… Sigh sigh sigh!!! It’s so unfair don’t you think?

      • Evelyn says:

        …may I jump in to say the same thing that I also used to be one of those girls who thought Albert was soooo dull, just like you said, Quevivacandy, but for some reason I always liked Albert and wished there was more to him in the anime. I really never understood Terry??? It seemed poor Candy was destined to end up alone in the Anime, I was very disappointed with the ending. As you said Ms Puddle, the anime definitely misled CC fans. I never really knew of the existence of a manga or novels until late last year when I remembered this story and started researching it and the written version of this novel has so much more pizzazz. Goes without saying that I’m very happy to know that the character of Albert is indeed someone who truly loves Candy! 😀

        Ms Puddle, you recently said on the post before this one that a person without the CC background would easily realize who Anohito really is!! I can’t agree more with you on this!!

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Hola Evelyn! Yes you may jump in anytime you like! Of course! 🙂

          After reading your comment, I’m even more disappointed with the anime version. I’m surprised there were some devoted Albert fans who haven’t read the manga.

          Besides, I was told the voice actor for Terry in Spanish version was so much better than the one assigned to Albert. In Japanese version, the voice actor for Albert was actually experienced and had a very nice male voice 🙂

          • Quevivacandy says:

            Hi Evelyn!

            My friend, for the spanish version, for Albert they used FOUR different voices! I don’t know what fight they had but changed all actors and just preserve Candy’s and Terry’s voice. soo sad

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Oh what a shame… 🙁 No wonder people thought Terry was THE main character and Albert was a bit more than a supporting character. 🙁

          • Evelyn says:

            Hola Ms Puddle and Quevivacandy!! Yes is true, they had a few voices for Albert in the Spanish anime and the last one they used was not very flattering either. I didn’t know there were four voices!!! But they kept changing Albert’s voice! It was bizarre!? On the other hand, Terry’s voice was an attractive masculine voice throughout the anime that never changed. It was the same voice used for Anthony. I feel the anime creators purposely wanted to diminish the character of Albert and exalt Terry’s. It was obvious who their favorite person was. Sigh!!

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Guess what, Evelyn, I’ve been wondering about the same thing, that the anime team put way too much emphasis on Terry!?! I think they preferred his bad boy image or what?

              They also extended Anthony’s part (when compared to the manga version) but omitted important scenes between Albert and Candy!!!! Grrr….

              I was told the voice actor for Albert was among the experienced and famous ones in Japan, and same for the one for Anthony (for younger male characters). Not sure about the one for Terry, but that person passed away already someone told me. 🙁

          • Evelyn says:

            You are absolutely correct about the anime team putting tremendous effort in the character of bad boy Terry. It was their favorite. I saw an interview on YouTube with what they called the “lead” voices in Candy Candy for Terry and Candy. The actors themselves said why didn’t Candy end up with the one she loved, which was Terry? It was all set up to be this way. Albert was merely a supporting character with very little importance. Like you said Ms Puddle, they ommitted crucial scenes between C & A that would have changed the whole attitude about how people feel about Albert. 🙁

            If they would have used an experienced voice for Albert in the Spanish anime like they did in the Japanese version maybe the perception would be different! But still the anime ends with Candy not exited to find Albert and at Pony’s home having a toast with Her friends wishing her a happy life or something like that! Very bland !! :/

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Hola dear Evelyn! Yeah… the ending of the last episode was quite bland! 🙁 Knowing that Albert was POTH only made Candy smile… nearly emotionless, like she had heard of something not of her interest, and all the kids around them ruined the whole scene too :/

              I think I’ve read something similar somewhere about the voice actors’ interview 🙁 … I guess many fans have similar doubts because the anime was indeed leading them toward that, so they were disappointed and frustrated at the end. I remember one Albert fan had told us when she had read the lion attack scene in the manga, she had been immensely touched. What was shown in the anime was quite the opposite, like everyone was laughing instead, and Albert was injured not exactly because he wanted to protect Candy. Sigh…

          • Quevivacandy says:

            the anime voices… grrr… I also have heard that having problems inside the spanish dubbing, they use the same actor for several characters, including Albert’s voice… so so sad I don’t remember the name of the actor but as Evelyn said, he gave life to Anthony and Terry and he is considered the ‘lead’ male voice… WHAT??? and where is Albert???

            If we do not like Albert’s voice in the ending, what do you say about POTH, when Candy recalled their first meeting??? You can heard a nasal voice over there! and if the voice is not the worse, I always have said this, What about the MINI kilt? It’s like Albert went and took out his kilt when he was a little boy… and then, when we reveals himself as POTH oh my! please! no emotion from him either, “yes, I do love this place too.” and then keep playing the bagpipe and Candy… oh, “Albert is POTH”, ok, let’s go to eat!!!! grrrrrrrrrr lol… it´s so frustrating… :/

            And as you both say, the missing scenes, missing emotions… grrrr… no wonder why many girls keep thinking Candy didn’t have romantic feelings for Albert. In the anime she doesn’t show at least a gleam of it. She doesn´t look for him with desparation, we cannot see there how she misses him.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Hahaha… your comment made me laugh, my friend! Mini-skirt… shame on whoever drew that. But I agree with you 100% that neither Albert nor Candy showed any special emotion… they were just ‘friends’ and nothing more. YOu’re so right about Candy’s reaction LOL LOL! It was like “oh so you’re my prince… oh well… let’s go eat!” Ha ha ha … yes it’s far from perfect. The manga ending is 100% better when compared to this lame ending.

              Sharing voices? I suppose it’s a common practice for unimportant characters, but from your comment, the production team probably thought Albert was a ‘nobody’, like a side character? 😉 LOL…

          • Evelyn says:

            That’s funny Quevivacandy!! Je je! 😆 The voices in Spanish were Cecilia Gispert and Andres Turnes. In their interview they said that they had budget issues cutting actors and changing locations when dubbing the anime in Spanish but their team did whatever they could to preserve the “lead” voices for the “main” characters of Candy and Terry :/ Yes, poor Albert was not conceived as a main character and they gave him whatever voice they could find for him. I can’t even put my finger on his last voice of what Spanish speaking country he was from?? it was just not attractive at all

            • Ms Puddle says:

              What a shame… They totally misunderstood the story, and no wonder they changed Albert’s voice.

              You know, a lot of people wished CC could be remade into a better anime, more loyal to the original manga.

        • Quevivacandy says:

          ha! you know what Evelyn and MsPuddle, a girl just left me a couple of days a go a review. I chatted with her yesterday for a while and she confessed me she just watch the anime about a couple of months ago. She knew about the anime when she was a litle girl but it didn’t call her attention by that time. She’s in her 30’s now and maybe because of that, even existing misunderstandings in the anime, she knew Candy and Albert were together at the end. In her mind she cannot get Terry as her couple. She doesn´t know about albert or terryfans but is really interested in the novel. Already read the manga and only with that, she is absolutely sure Albert is the “anohito” from CCFS. She also says maybe terryfans still love Terry, because they want to live a teenager passionate love and live in the adolescense for ever.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Interesting, dear QuevivaCandy! I can’t agree more with her comment about Terry fans… they probably can’t accept that Candy had moved on.

            So this reader didn’t watch the anime till she was an adult? I’m happy to ear that she knew right away Candy would end up with Albert, and after reading manga, I’m sure she wants to know more about CCFS. Glad that she found your fic, my friend!

          • Evelyn says:

            I as well agree with this person! It would be almost impossible to not know who Anohito is if you read the manga first. The anime would not make sense for anyone as there are many loose ends to it. Where can I find your fics Quevivacandy?

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Not to mention it has added many unnecessary changes to the story but omitted the important scenes of Albert :/

          • Reeka says:

            You girls are so entertaining. I’ve been keeping receiving notifications for comments in this post but it’s so frustrating that I couldn’t reach my computer and sit properly to join earlier. Replying from iPhone sometimes made me crazy. 🙂

            It’s safe to say that all of Albert fans ( and Anthony fans as well) do not fancy the anime. I dislike almost everything in it. LOL. Even Candy our heroine looks very dull and very much less attractive. Susanna looks so much more beautiful than her. We know how beautiful and dazzling Candy was when she visited Chicago Theatre and hotel to see Terry. Albert … Gosh! Could someone draw more interesting outfits for him? I hate to see how ugly our Albert on Uncle William revelation. In fact, all outfits seems so dull. The colour coordination of Candy’s dresses was helpless. Even black and white manga pictured it way better and left us more imaginations to how wonderfull girls’ dresses in this story. It is a story of 1910-1920s. The fashion at that time was amazing!

            Queviva and Evelyn, yes many those reads CCFS without idolising a particular male character mostly ended up saying that Albert was Anohito. Why? Because they read with open mind. At one point last year, I tried to get rid off the fact that I am Albert fan and tried to find any sensible clues that Anohito was Terry. I thought at that time, if it was Mizuki’s decision to make Candy ended up with Terry, I would accept it. Though it wouldn’t change my side. I failed. I got no clues that make any sense to lead Terry as Anohito. It made all the story missing the connecting dots if Terry was Anohito.

            I wonder how Mizuki felt about the anime. Was CCFS somehow her redemption on many flaws in anime?

            • Ms Puddle says:

              I share your sentiments, dear Reeka, concerning CCFS and the anime. I was so disappointed with the changes in the anime that I stopped watching it after Terry left London and Candy attempted to stop his father from doing something impulsive (I forgot what it was…). I just watched some famous scenes selectively.

              To be fair, Candy didn’t always look bad but just can’t compare to the one in the manga. Yet after London, she and the other characters began to look not as delicate and even ugly sometimes (lousily drawn).

              The drawings of the last episode wasn’t as bad, but Candy looked awful with that yellow dress, and her pony tails were horribly drawn. Albert also looked funny in that burgundy suit, and his figure appeared not proportional sometimes… 🙁

              Many people said Albert appeared as Uncle William in the manga was sexy, young and tall; he was dressed in black, showing his long legs and a bit of his chest. Not to mention the entire scene was touching and emotional, which the anime was totally lack of. :/

          • Reeka says:

            Oh yes, you’re right actually Ms Puddle. Little Candy ( and others) in anime looked adorable. The POTH was also charming. Now I remember I do actually love their first encounter scene. However, the drawing started losing its charm since they had been starting more matured/grown up.

            You mean the additional scene where Candy tried stopping the Duke by hanging on to his car? Sure Terry benefited from this scene. Thank goodness, Mizuki never mentioned those additional anime scenes in CCFS. It means she actually didn’t approve them.

            Ahhh … I am belong to those who think Albert was magnificently sexy in his black suits. Even I am melted by how perfect Igarashi drawing Albert wearing that black robe over his dark shirt. Phew **fanning myself … anybody feels hot here?**

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Agree with you dear Reeka!! Good point about Mizuki not including those additional scenes in CCFS! She stuck mainly with the manga version.

              Igarashi had done exceptionally well when drawing Albert, especially near the end of the manga when he reappeared as WAA! Yet, some people preferred the handsome amnesiac 🙂

            • Agnès says:

              Ha! Ha! Ha! You made me laugh Reeka! Fanning myself too! 😆

          • Quevivacandy says:

            Perdón que hasta te responda Evelyn pero no me he mantenido mucho por acá en esta semana. Si estás interesada y te arriesgas, jajaja, puedes encontrarme en FF en

            Saludos, y que estés muy bien!

          • Quevivacandy says:

            lol… you made me laugh dear Reeka! yes, I’m also one of the ones who loves Albert wearing black suits, he looks so manly, so attractive, so hot… sigh.. I just love it!

            And I also hate the way they drew him in the very last episode of the anime, he looks like he was cross-eyed and what about his garments when Candy discovered he was Uncle William, I could swear they dressed him like Porky Pig, from looney toons. 🙁

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Porky Pig from Looney Tunes??? Wahahahaha… Oh my!
              His image in the manga was indeed so much better… A handsome and tall man dressed completely in black. Sigh! If I were Candy, I would have collapsed too knowing that the handsome man in my dreams turned out to be my guardian…

          • Evelyn says:

            Todo va bien Quevivacandy. Gracias por contestar my pregunta y claro que me arriesgo, ja ja. Me encantan tus escritos 😉 ¡Eres una muy buena escritora! Yo tambien he estado muy ocupada estas últimas semanas, pero tal parece soy adicta a esta página de web. Saludos a ti también! 🙂

            Very funny about Albert looking like Porky Pig from Looney Tunes!! Soooooo funny 😆 Yes its true, he did look weird. I’m glad we base our discussions on the manga drawings 🙂

          • Reeka says:

            I’ve just read Queviva’s comment. Hahahahahahah OMG Porky Pig! It’s the bow tie, isn’t it? Hahahaha Queviva, you’ve just made my day. Thanks.

            • Quevivacandy says:

              LOL Reeka! all my pleasure! :p yep, it is because the bow tie and maybe the jacket, it is really awful. I was trying to find an image from that scene but cannot find it. Also they made him look like he was cross-eyed. 🙁

              Weee, jejeje, que bueno que te hayan gustado Evelyn y que te encuentres bien. 🙂

  5. Yes, another fic from a good writer. It has been a long time since you last wrote stories. Hope to read a new one soon. Enjoy the weekend! (=^^=)

  6. Evelyn says:

    Great post as always, Ms Puddle! love the video by the way 🙂

    Like you, I do not agree that Candy just had to move on and accept that she could not be with Terry. This cuts down the character of Candy who is a strong woman who sees the positive side of life and above all loves to be alive and looks forward to what the future has in store for her. After she left Terry, the natural process of grieving began and it lasted for awhile but it did end eventually. Later on she developed strong feelings for Albert. Just like she got over Anthony for Terry, she got over Terry for Albert and it all was a gradual process.

    Albert and Candy courted by correspondence in the epilogue, as they shared their most intimate thoughts and emotions for and with each other. They both knew what they were doing when confessing their secrets and feelings. Candy seem to have taken the first step telling him the type of love she felt for him, the “ai” love!! 😉 Candy was by now a more mature woman and she had definitely moved on with her life.

    Looking forward to your new short fic 😛

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Well said, Evelyn!! Thank you for your support 🙂

      Can’t agree with you more about everything you said, in particular Candy’s personality and her attitude in life! Bravo! You can’t believe how many said Candy had ended up with Albert just because he was very rich and she couldn’t get back with Terry… as if she had no choice and got stuck. 🙁

      I also like what you said about A and C courting each other in their correspondence. Why else did a busy man like him spend so much time in writing long letters to her? 😉

      • Evelyn says:

        They really say that about Candy that she picked Albert because he was rich? She could care less if he had money or not. She had many suitors and she picked Albert for his heart. And yes, why else would a man like Albert spend so much time giving Candy his undivided attention visiting her and writing letters to her? 😉

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Exactly, Evelyn! Candy liked Albert as he was even when he was penniless and homeless… Sigh! No wonder he fell for her 😉

        • SweetCandyAndley says:

          Hi girls!

          I know I haven’t written too many comments recently, yet I want to say something that just crossed my mind!

          I strongly beliveve that Candy was looking for someone who loved her the way she really was. Although through the story, she kept hiding her real self even to her closest friends. The only person with whom she felt at peace, was Albert. She didn’t need to wear the mask of strength and courage, that she used to wear in front of Archie, Annie and Patty by that time. Not even when Stear was still alive. Even in front of Terry she used to be a strong will girl.

          I believe that when she lived with the Leagans, the only one who saw her crying was Anthony. Stear and Archie met her under very different circumstances. Archie met her as a brave girl, right? He even called her a tomboy, right? And Stear found a decided girl willing to walk a long way back home, she wasn’t upset, she just knew that it would happen some time.

          So, how can anyone say, that there was no passion or love? She was needed of love, and he had always been there for her to support her. She had proven through the whole story to be a passionate person. She did everything with all her heart, giving herself to others in the process. (i mean, wholeheartedly, even I repeat myself!)

          Now, I can not imagine her doing something contrary to her own personality!

          • SweetCandyAndley says:

            Sorry, i sent it without reading the rest of the comments, and i realized we all concur that there was passion!

            The only difference was that Candy was a more mature person by then.

            As I also agree, every single experience in our life marks us. In Spanish there’s a saying “Lo que no te mata, te hace más fuerte” (what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger).

            So Candy experienced many difficult situations in her life, those were not typical nor common to everyone else. She proved to grow up and mature after each of them. She never pretended to stay in her grieving for ever.

            BTW, Congratulations Ms Puddle, I will be looking forward to read any of your fics. I know you will improve yourself and you won’t disappoint any of us!

            I already said once, that I consider myself your fan, and that through your stories I felt encouraged to write my own!

            Thank you so much my friend for sharing your thoughts.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Well said, SweetCandyAndley! I can’t imagine Candy grieving for the rest of her life for someone she had decided to give up. Even in Rockstown she didn’t show regret to her decision, at least to me.

              Thank you my dear friend for your support, especially you’re now writing a very intriguing story yourself! ^_^

          • SweetCandyAndley says:

            One more thing!

            Isn’t it interesting that both POTH and Anthony met her under very similar conditions?

            I mean, they both saw her crying her soul out! And tehy both expressed the same concern, and encouragement towards her.

            You look prettier when you smile! Crybaby!


            • Ms Puddle says:

              I think Mizuki did that intentionally to confuse Candy lol… in Chinese culture, there’s a saying that nephew and uncle are alike (the mother’s brother). I wonder if there’s a similar thought in Japanese culture? 😉

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Yes indeed, SweetCandyAndley! I agree with you totally, and Candy could be herself only when she was with Albert (sometimes Anthony too). She was never completely comfortable with Terry, and their conversations were mostly bantering or superficial.

            Do you know that the waterfall scene in CCFS Candy could already tell Albert a lot about herself as though she had known him for a long time? Sigh. They were tied by invisible threads without knowing. ^_^

          • Evelyn says:

            Hello ladies! Very interesting comment SweetCandyAndley that POTH and Anthony both met Candy crying! Umm. They were both indeed related as uncle and nephew. What does this mean in the Chinese culture, Ms Puddle. Is there a relation or meaning to this relationship (Uncle / Nephew) that other cultures would not understand? and perhaps it is supposed to carry some weight in the Candy story?

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Evelyn, first off, I don’t know if it’s similar in Japan, but in Chinese culture, people tend to think a nephew is often like his uncle (mother’s brother), in terms of physical appearance and/or personality. In CC, we all know that Anthony not only resembled his young uncle, but he was also tender and gentle like Albert. 🙂

          • Evelyn says:

            There might be some similarities in the Japanese culture because Albert is almost like an extension or grown version of Anthony in CC’s story but keeping in mind that Albert is the adult stage in Candy’s life. Thanks for the explanation, dear Ms Puddle. Just trying to see things from a different angle I guess! 😉

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Yes indeed, Evelyn, or you can say Anthony was the teenage version of Albert. 😛 To me, Mizuki designed Anthony to let us know what Albert was like as a teenager. The author planned to kill him right from the beginning 🙁

  7. Reeka says:

    Oh, Yes! I know you couldn’t resist the temptation of writing stories of Candy and Albert 🙂 So looking forward to it. Thank you.

    Okay … here’s my opinion about how Candy felt about Terry and Albert. I hope I can deliver it clearly because my mind is tangled with so many ideas.

    Candy met Terry when her heart broken after losing Anthony. They were attracted to each other and spent a brief sweet time together in school. Then they’re separated, she’d been left by him with only a goodbye letter. Goodbye – Letter. No see-you-again. It was the words from a carriage driver that boosted her hope that as long as people were alive people could meet again ( a contrast of what she believed in the future).

    As a young girl, a hopeful and a stubborn one like Candy, sure she would do anything to reach Terry again. After all she had an unfinished business with him as he dropped out from school for her, without even asking if that was what she wanted. And don’t forget, she had been kissed by him for the first time. Which girl could forget her first kiss? And after reaching America, she’s told she missed Terry for a matter of some minutes. That only made her more determined to meet Terry again. I don’t know if she really love him or it’s just the excitements and the memory of their short romance that made Candy tirelessly chasing after Terry. Note that after they saw each other when candy chased the train Terry was on, she was quite contented by only exchanging letters with him. She didn’t determine to give him a visit to NY. Lack of money? Oh come on, it is Candy we’re talking about.

    What I want to say is, to me, what Candy did when she was in love with Terry isn’t purely driven by love. It’s her young blood that gave her courages to keep chasing Terry. I can understand her. It is never nice to be the one who is left behind. You feel like having something unsettled.

    In Albert’s case, she never chased him before magnolia because she knew that’s Albert’s way of life. And for what she knew, Albert had no home. Well, she had rushed to him once in fact when she was about to be sent to Mexico. After magnolia, she tried to find him and went to unknown town called Rocktown. This is where Mizuki wanted us to notice the change of Candy’s feeling to Albert. And we all know the rest of the story. As Ms Puddle said, for the first time, Candy was described to having difficulty on sleeping at night :).

    I won’t say Candy was passionate to Terry and less passionate to Albert. It is just a matter of her way of expressing it. She looked like she was passionate to Terry because it was Terry. It’s like when you converse to someone and they talk to you with high tone, you would likely to response with high tone. On the contrary, Albert showed his affection to her in a loving and tender way. No forced kissed, no slapping, no silly jealousy on a dead man. Because the man was matured and gentle, she reciprocated in a same manner. However, we never know what happened to them after Candy’s sleepless nights. Something passionate might happen, though. LOL ** I’m sorry I can’t help it** 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Very well said Reeka! Can you hear the applause from me? 😉

      I don’t have much to add except I must repeat myself that Terry hadn’t been considerate and responsible for his so-called love when he left London like this. 🙁 As you said, he had stolen a kiss from a girl who had been grieving for her past love still (I know the anime changed the timing but still…) Then he left her like she wasn’t that important to him after all. 🙁

      About Candy not going to New York… That beats me too, but the fact her Onjin (恩人) had lost all his memory and now despised by everyone must have some impact on her. She cared about him too, and possibly he was her priority during that period. 🙂

      • Reeka says:

        hahhahaha ,,, you teased me. 🙂

        You are right, my friend. Albert could be one of few factors Candy didn’t take an impulsive trip to NY to visit Terry. It showed us what/who’s more important to Candy at that time after all. She herself was unaware that she had been helplessly falling in love with Albert. Remember that Terry slightly felt jealous when Candy told him she was now living with Albert and she talked about him a lot in her letters to Terry?

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Albert was more important to Candy back then because he was at his rock bottom, penniless and homeless. Candy was genuinely worried about him whereas Terry was a brooding actor in Broadway, gaining fans and popularity. Candy probably thought Terry could wait. Terry was slightly jealous but not so much, unlike the time when he had forced Candy to forget Anthony… 🙁

  8. Agnès says:

    Hello Ms Puddle!

    I love this song too and yes, it remembers me of C&A. I like Ed Sheeran’s songs, I like too “Kiss me” and “Give me love”… but this one matches more them. You make me feel more romantic right now, Ms Puddle! 😆

    About Candy didn’t chase Albert, in fact she didn’t need it because he almost was near her, except when he left Magnolia and then Candy Chased him in Rockstown! She always chased Terry because he never been by her side, on the contrary of Albert. It is not fair to think that she had no passion for him; I am upset when I hear this. 🙁 Her love for him had growing slowly but strongly and, when a woman can’t sleep because of a man it is for nothing but only love; I can’t imagine don’t sleep by thinking of my friend, my brother, my father… No way!

    I think people think this way because the anime and the Manga ended before we could see their love completely developed, it was just suggested. The clues were in novels and most of people didn’t read them since they didn’t be translated yet! 🙄

    I can’t wait for a new fic of yours, Ms Puddle! 🙂 If you are curious, I just began mine in French 😉 It is a real challenge for me since I did not graduate in literature but scientific, however I couldn’t help it because you have inspired me so much! 😆 I called it “Le fil rouge du destin” or “The red string of fate”; doesn’t it remind you of something ? 😉 You could find it on (Candy Bert is my name’s writer 😉 ) or on my recent blog (link on my profile page) but please be indulgent with me! To be honest I’m a little worried!

    • Agnès says:

      For “Candy chased Albert or Terry” I meant when Candy has grew up!

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Bonjour Agnès!

        Is this the right link to your fic?

        I’ll advertise for you on my Facebook page. 🙂

      • Evelyn says:

        Hi Agnès, I didn’t know you wrote you own fics. I’ll make sure to find you and attempt to understand as much as I can your stories in French 🙂 Yes, as Ms Puddle said, good luck, I wish you the same as well! 🙂

        Well said about when a woman looses sleep over a man is because of love and not because of a brother, friend or father! She was also happy when she said that so her emotions were running high and at the same time she couldn’t sleep, that means she was in love! 😀

        • Ms Puddle says:

          That’s right, I don’t understand how some people can just ignore all these obvious hints. It can’t be more obvious to whom Candy’s heart belonged. 😉

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Wow, congratulations, Agnès dear!!!
      So you started a blog and writing too! Good for you! I’ll check your fic as soon as possible. Good luck, my friend!

      Yes, indeed! Albert was always there for Candy except when he thought he had given troubles to her (as written in his note of departure).

      Like you, I was upset when I saw more than one person said that Candy had no passion for Albert. It’s just so unfair… Agnès, that’s why we write for them, right? Once again, congratulations and wish you all the best! 😀

    • Reeka says:

      Agnez, congratulation on your new fanfic! I’ll read it for sure 🙂

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Me too… as soon as I have a chance! 🙂

        • Agnès says:

          Hello Ms Puddle, Reeka and Evelyn!
          Thank you for your interest! Our discussions are a part of my inspiration! 🙂
          In fact it is my first fic, so please, be indulgent with me! 😆 But don’t hesitate to comment ; critics and feedbacks make us improve! 😉

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Read your first chapter, Agnès! But I had problem leaving a comment on that page. I’ll try again later 🙂

            • Agnès says:

              Hello Ms Puddle!
              You have already read it! Many thanks to have taken the time to do it and for your nice comment too! I think it is not easy, since it is in French !!! I really appreciate it! I’ve answered to your comment on my blog 😉

              • Ms Puddle says:

                I used Google translator, dear Agnès! It’s actually quite good, and I can understand your story about 80%! 😉 Once again, congratulations, mon amie 😀

                • Agnès says:

                  80%, not too bad indeed! Once again many thanks to have taken the time to read with a translator and for reviews! 😀

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Thank you, my friend! I will continue reading, a chapter a day. 🙂

          • Reeka says:

            I’ve also read chapter 1 chapter, Agnez, looks very good. I need to re-read it though. Usually when I have a nice reading fanfic written in non-english, I copy-paste the google-translator result on to ms-word/notes so I can read it again and again to get better understanding. Like Ms Puddle said, yours was mostly translated well, so I guess you wrote it in a very good French grammar. Quevivacandy is also one of the writers who I’m sure writing her fanfic in very well written Spanish. Some who doesn’t, often made my forehead wrinkled when I read the google translator result. LOL

            I’ll write a review for sure. Keep writing, my friend!

            • Agnès says:

              Hello Reeka!
              Thank you very much for your compliment and your encouragement! My French is better than my English for sure! 😆 I appreciate so much you use translator to read my fic. I’ll try to do my best to entertain you and I hope you’ll like all the story! 😉

  9. Tiffany says:

    I love this song and Ed Sheeran 🙂 I’m going to his concert this September in Toronto and I’m soo excited 😀
    Anyways, back to our beloved Candy, I believe that some Candy Candy’s fans only see the passion between Terry and Candy but not with Albert because that’s what is showed the most in the manga I think. Also, I think that the Terry and Candy’s relationship is like a love-hate relationship at first. Candy, being an optimistic angel as she has always been and Terry – the rule breaker 🙂 Young people tend to see the passion in that. I also blame the ending of the manga for this because we didn’t even get to see Candy’s reaction after running to hug Albert.
    To be honest with you, without CCFS or your blog, I would have never known Candy’s true feeling when she figured out Albert was POTH, the one she has been longing to meet since 6. Every girl’s dream is to meet their prince and our Candy finally did. It is quite predictable to see how excited she must be after “reuniting” with her prince after nearly 10 years (?) Definitely we can see the tension here 😉

    Anyways, I am quite excited to read your new fic if you plan to write it 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Lucky you, Tiffany! I can feel your excitement 🙂

      Candy and Terry was like Jo and Laurie in Little Women, don’t you think? They argued a lot but all that flirting with each other misled the fans into thinking they would eventually become a couple. But when things didn’t happen as expected, the fans were disappointed.

      Like you, it was a pity Mizuki decided to remove the hugging scene at the end. I was told Igarashi did draw one but wasn’t allowed to show it. Don’t know what Mizuki thought… 🙁

      But Mizuki did write a novel right after the manga was finished. We call that an old CC novel, in which we saw correspondence between Candy and her prince, not unlike the ones we read in CCFS. They even have overlap. If you like, I can send you the link of one of my old posts about Candy’s response to Albert as written in the old novel.

      Thank you Tiffany for your support. I don’t know how long it will take me to write a short fic. Let’s see if I can get it started first 😉

  1. April 25, 2015

    […] Sheeran – Thinking Out Loud (Paroles sur le blog de Ms Puddle que je remercie de m’avoir donné l’idée de cette chanson […]

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