Montage by Antlay 

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28 Responses

  1. Martha Cervantes Quiroga, I know that we should have burned the manga continuation of the Italians, which had nothing to do with the original Japanese version. Neither Albert fans nor Terry fans should have read it, it was worse even than the anime, because it twisted the original plot and spoiled the ending Mizuki gave to her story.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      I heard about it but don’t know its contents… Is it about Candy going back to Terry, Fotini?

      • I know that in that continuation Candy and Terry end up together but I haven’t read it either. In Greece we had the manga published years ago as a weekly magazine and that was the colored version of the original manga translated in Greek. It contained the original story in 84 volumes of about 28 to 30 pages each, and after the original ending the story continued until volume 115. I read the original and went on reading several volumes after that without realizing back then that it was not the original story of Mizuki any more but a fake one created by the Italians who didn’t like the ending with Candy and Albert. I was rather upset myself with Mizuki’s end because it seemed too abrupt and I felt that there was something missing, so I stopped reading and never finished it. Years later I found out that the real story was finished with the revelation of Prince on the Hill, and that Italy was not satisfied with that, so they created their own manga version, in which Candy is with Terry in the end. I don’t know what happened in between, as I have never read it, I have no idea what happened to Albert, of Susanna. However, there is a Greek forum about Candy Candy, which has uploaded the Greek translated version in two parts, the first one is the original story by Mizuki and the second one the Italian version also translated in Greek. The drawings are clearly different, as the Italian version can’t compare to Igarashi’s original drawings. But the worst is that Mizuki never gave her permission for this, and that’s why I’m surprised now that she allowed her novel to be translated in Italian. Her story was twisted into an Italian fan fiction, and what is more, many Candy fans didn’t know that at the time and naturally thought that Candy married Terry.

        Here is the original version of the Greek manga:

        And here is the Italian sequel, also in Greek translation:

        If I am not allowed to upload these files here, please forgive me. You can remove them from your blog.

        • Martha Cervantes Quiroga says:

          I’m amazed’ I did’t imagine they had changed the end of the manga, by the way I made a mistake because instead of writing anime I wrote manga. I only saw one version of the Italian ending in an anime. I will read the versions you say just to know.
          Thanks Fotini.

          • I believe you are right because I heard that the Italians also created their own continuation in anime too. A member in the Greek Candy Candy forum remarked that her sister living in Italy had told her that Candy and Terry ended up together because she had seen it on TV. This member saw this continuation too and she was confused. Later she found out that the original ending had nothing to do with the Italian version and told her sister too. So it is obvious that Italian Candy fans were sadly misled by that. I believe writing a fan fiction about your favorite characters is one thing and creating an anime and manga version which confuses people is another. I don’t know if the Italians had the copyright to do such a thing, and why of all other countries they were the only ones who decided to take it upon themselves to twist the original story. It is obvious that they missed the whole point of Mizuki’s story, that the real protagonists are Candy and her prince. She spoke clearly about creating three loves for Candy, however the Italians ignored Albert, the destined love, and stuck to the passionate love of Terry, thinking that he was Anohito.
            By the way, I have seen also a video with the title song of Candy Candy, and I was amazed. It speaks clearly about Candy and that gentle person waiting for her on the hill. The word “Anohito” is translated in “that person”. The strange thing is that the song has been written for the anime, not the manga, and yet the fans are still wondering who Anohito is. Translated from Japanese the answer is right there before us.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Yes it’s unfortunate that back then the Italians took the matters into their hands by altering the endings illegally. I guess Martha was right that this might be a reason why Mizuki gave permission for CCFS to be translated into Italian. I was told that some were shocked after reading the books because they thought Terry was the one. 😌😅

              Fotini you’re absolutely right about the ending song of the anime. Mizuki was the one who wrote the lyrics, and in that famous song Anohito is undeniably Prince on the Hill. 😍😘💕

          • Martha Cervantes says:

            The essential is invisible to the eyes and if you want to hide a secret put it in the eyes of everyone. Mizuki evidently did that.

    • Martha Cervantes Quiroga says:

      The Italian final is a big mistake, it’s correct it twisted the original story. I think Mizuki published the CCF’S in Italy to correct that mistake.

      Ms. Puddle,
      I think Fotini speaks about final manga when Candy going back to Terry, for this final they cut out pieces of the manga. :/

      • Hello, Martha. Yes, it was a great mistake. I hope Italians have respected the novel this time. We hope for an English translation soon.
        Ms. Puddle, that’s right, I was talking about the continuation of the manga that the Italians created without Mizuki’s permission. I have sent a reply to your previous message explaining about it but it is waiting for moderation and has not appeared yet. It contains two files with the manga versions published here in Greece, the original one and the Italian.

  2. It is indeed a wonderful combination of two pictures of Candy and Albert from the original manga depicting some very important moments for each one of them. Candy’s picture when she was presented for the first time as a member of the Ardley family (I hope I’m pronouncing it right), leaving the three boys, Anthony, Stear and Archie, speechless with admiration. And Albert’s picture when he showed up at the supposed engagement party of Neil and Candy to present himself as head of the family, causing equal, if not greater, amazement to everybody with his dashing appearance and imposing behavior. Two special moments of Candy and Albert respectively captured together in an excellent combination. I don’t know if it is the final scene of the epilogue, as Candy had been sitting in the dark until Albert came in and turned on the lights, but anyway it is very beautiful, all of it, including the damascened jewellery box on the table.
    Wouldn’t it be fantastic if Mizuki and Igarashi joined their forces together to give us the continuation of the story as told in this novel in a manga version too?

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Glad you like this montage too, Fotini! Thanks to Antlay for bringing the text to life by using these wonderful collection of pictures! 💕 I do agree that it would be nice that Igarashi and Mizuki would reconcile and cooperate again. However, it will be difficult to draw ‘Anohito’ won’t it? 🙄😌

      • That’s exactly the reason. We have loved the characters through the wonderful drawings of Igarashi and a continuation of the story, not through letters, but in a manga version with illustrations, would be perfect, I think. Besides, it would be crystal clear who would be Anohito. Igarashi would have drawn Albert, of course. Seeing is believing, and even Terry fans would be persuaded at last.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          By reading the text in CCFS it’s already clear who Anohito is, but with pictures it will be undeniable. 😌😉 But Fotini, don’t worry too much about Terry fans. Many of them still stick to the anime series and refuse to read the manga… 😅😅

          • You are right about that. I rather feel sorry for them, I guess, because they miss the real romance of the whole story, which is there all the time, from beginning to end. I had been a Terry fan as a teenager myself, and only lately, when I discovered Candy again and read about her, and above all when I read the manga again as an adult, I came to realize what Albert really meant to Candy (and to the story). I still regard Terry as a special and quite unforgettable character who played a very important role in Candy’s life, but in the end the destined and constant love for her was Albert. It is a great pity that this wonderful story isn’t so well known outside Japan. I mean about the novels. If a manga story can captivate the readers so much at an international level, just imagine what its novelization would do!

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Well said, Fotini. Many Terry fans miss the whole point of Candy Candy, which is a story between Candy and her prince. The fans were unfortunately misled by the anime series, thinking Terry was the one for Candy. That’s why they were disappointed by the anime ending, which was rushed and poorly done. The fans didn’t realize that Candy was actually running towards her prince with joy and excitement at the end of the manga.

          • Martha Cervantes Quiroga says:

            Ms. Puddle, I agree with you and maybe Terry fans wil burn the manga.

  3. Evelyn says:

    This is a lovely montage, Antlay!! Well done 😉

  4. antlay31 says:

    Hello Dee Anne, Candy Bert, Martha et Ms Puddle

    Gagné ! 😀 C’est effectivement la scène finale de CCFS quand Anohito arrive à l’improviste et surprend Candy plongée dans ses pensées. Bien vu Martha, il s’agit bien de la boite à bijoux damasquinée.
    Merci à vous toutes pour vos compliments, c’est l’un de mes passages préférés de CCFS et je m’imaginais la scène. Les dessins d’Iragashi m’ont permis de réaliser ce montage. Merci beaucoup Ms Puddle pour avoir partager l’illustration sur votre blog. 😍

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear Antlay my friend, I should be the one who thank you for your wonderful contribution to my blog. 😘😍

      It’s my honor and pleasure to share your brilliant idea💓💞💗🎇🎊🎉

  5. Martha Cervantes Quiroga says:

    Lovely! Maybe is the final scence because it´s on the table the famous box Damasquino.
    Hello Ms Puddle!

  6. Candy Bert says:

    Ooooh! Qu’ils sont adorables tous les deux! Bravo Antlay! 👏👍 J’aime beaucoup 💓 tes montages sont vraiment magnifiques et je pense qu’il s’agit de la scène finale quand “Anohito” rentre à la maison et surprend Candy dans le noir!

    And Happy Birthday Albert! 🎂🎉🎁💗

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Yes indeed both Candy and Albert look nice in this montage, and bravo to Antlay for having composed all these together😍😘

  7. Dee Anne says:


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