A Man in Love – Chapter 9

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28 Responses

  1. antlay31 says:

    Ms Puddle c’est un chapitre très touchant.
    D’une part le passage dans la voiture où la Tante Elroy pensant voir son défunt frère, exprime ses regrets pour avoir été trop dure avec son neveu ce qui l’aurait incité à fuir de nouveau.
    Puis Albert qui se rend compte que personne dans cet hopital ne semble le reconnaître, le personnel n’ayant jamais prêter attention à lui durant son séjour dans la chambre 0. Il n’y a que le docteur Leonard pour lequel il semble familier.
    Je me demande bien ce qu’Albert a pu raconter à sa tante pour qu’elle accepte qu’il ne revienne pas tout de suite dans la demeure familiale ?
    Je me rappelle effectivement que dans le manga quand Albert intervient pour annuler les fiançailles entre Candy et Neil, les paroles de la Tante Elroy “Alors c’était elle”. Je suppose qu’Albert a raconté à sa tante lors de leur première rencontre, qu’une personne avait pris soin de lui jusqu’à maintenant et qu’il lui devait devait la vie.
    Merci Ms Puddle pour ce très beau chapitre, hâte de lire la suite.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Antlay mon amie! 😍 Glad you liked this chapter and found it touching! It’s really my imagination that the staff in the hospital didn’t pay much attention to Albert’s face… Either out of contempt or neglect. By then Georges was more certain than how much Candy meant to the young heir 😘💓

      Yes you know how Albert convinced his aunt sooner or later. I just don’t want the story to be so straightforward 😉

      Very well said, dear Antlay, about the manga scene. That episode is excellent and Aunt Elroy’s reaction was priceless and speaks volumes!!

      Merci beaucoup! ❤

  2. JeannyJJ says:

    Will we know more about the conversation between Albert & his aunt? I’m curious just like Georges does. 😉
    Does Albert really having two bodyguards with him?
    Mix feelings for Albert for sure going back to the same hospital. If he hadn’t met Candy there, Albert’s life might be sooooo different now…

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello JeannyJJ! 😘 How are you? 😉

      I expected people to complain like Georges, but so far you’re the first one LOL 😋 Yes you will know, bit by bit. I don’t want my plot to be predictable 😀 About bodyguards, you’ll read soon.

      Yes we all know that without Candy, Albert would have an even more difficult time being amnesiac … It must be tough for him to revisit the hospital, but this essentially strengthened his resolve to help Candy. He wanted to make her happy, remember the manga scene? 😍

      • JeannyJJ says:

        Am I the only one so far? 😛Haaaa… it’s not easy being Albert’s trusting servant…
        And yes, Albert & Candy are so bless to have each other! That’s how relationship should have been like, isn’t it? 😉

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Yes, JeannyJJ! But I’ve got silent readers too, so I’m not surprised 😋😉

          So true that Albert and Candy are blessed to have found each other. Quoting Mizuki’s words, he was her destined love. 💓❤ Yes, that’s what true love is 😍

  3. Sarah says:

    Oh merci mme puddle pour ce merveilleux chapitre 😇 J ai repris l histoire des le début 😉 Avec un grand plaisir je ne me lasse pas vous avez su mettre tout les blancs manquant dans le manga que c est magnifique de nous donne les impressions de George et mme elroy… J ai toujours essayé d’imaginer evectivement comment Albert a du etre après avoir retrouvé la mémoire et comment les siens en dû réagir… Vous avez su nous donnée un super aperçu magnifique 😍 J aime cette histoire et hâte de lire la suite merci beaucoup de continue de nous faire rever que dieu vous bénisse une grande admiratrice 💋

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Sarah, merci beaucoup!! 😍😘
      Your message is very encouraging, and I’m so glad you enjoyed reading my imagination of what could have happened behind the scenes. ❤ My main goal is to show Madam Elroy deeply loved her nephew and that he also knew about it. In Candy Candy Final Story he wrote something like that to Candy. At the same time, I wanted Albert to somehow meet Dr. Leonard again. In CCFS Albert chose him to be Ardlay’s family doctor. 😉😀

  4. Cary says:

    Please next chapter, I can’t wait any longer 😉

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Nice to meet you, Cary! 😘 Thanks for your enthusiasm… 😀 I wish I could produce another chapter right away by just waving a magic wand 😌

  5. marmalade says:

    At last chapter 9 is here… thanks for keep on writing for us…. i personally really enjoy reading ur story… keep the good job….. waiting for the next chapters

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Nice to meet you, marmalade! 😀 Thanks for reading and following, and your encouraging comment is very much appreciated. 😍😘

  6. Reeka says:

    You know, Ms Puddle, I think I have to ask you this : is it actually a fanfiction that would have different plot from original story line, or it’s a fanfiction that intended to feed our curiousity about Albert’s side of the story, without changing the plot at all? Hahahaha

    To me, Aunt Elroy’s reaction on that important event was a evidence that she would soon changed her way of seeing Candy. Ultimately, she trusted Albert more than anyone. So when Albert then told her about what Neal did to Candy and him, and how he could recover fully both physical and mental because of Candy, Aunt’s heart would be soften. That’s why I always believe, she would not become such an obstacle for Albert-Candy’s relationship.

    And yeah, I remember exactly how Igarashi drew the scene. It’s like Aunt at that very moment was flabbergasted because she managed to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and knowing it was Candy, she felt both ashamed and regret maybe?

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear Reeka, about this fanfic, you’ll eventually figure out the answer to your question 😍

      I can’t agree with you more about Aunt Elroy’s reactions to Neil’s outburst. I also think Albert’s more significant to her than any others in the family. Of course she would trust him, and Neil’s words were just the evidence she needed because Neil wanted Candy.

      Like you, I never believe Albert and Candy would wait indefinitely before getting married. That’s not the Granduncle William in CCFS, whose authority was enough to approve Archie and Annie’s marriage.

      Yes, Igarashi’s drawings of the engagement party are priceless; it’s a showdown and there’s no doubt who the winner was 😆😉😋

  7. Evelyn says:

    Bravo! So heartfelt how Albert treats his aunt! He is sincere showing love for his aunt. You beautifully portrayed as well Madam Elroy’s love, appreciation and reverence toward her nephew. At times in the manga it felt to me that she was just a power-hungry woman but deep inside she truly loved all her nephews, but when he came to William she truly knew her place and his! Thank you for such a great insight of what most likely happened behind the scenes 😉👍

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Evelyn! Gracias ❤ Thank you for your kind words. This chapter is purely my imagination. I just want to show several aspects of what could have happened behind the scenes, and I wanted Albert to meet Dr. Leonard again somehow. 😌😉

      Some writers have portrayed Albert as a man who hates his aunt, but that’s not how I see him. He has authority over her, but he doesn’t hate her (as indicated in CCFS). In the manga, Aunt Elroy loved all the young generation, and see how much she cried for Anthony and Stear? She just despised Candy the orphan, a typical behavior of an old lady from the high society 😆😅

  8. mari says:

    Another excellent chapter… sempre imprevedibile… lo amo!!! <3

  9. Anonymous says:


  1. September 23, 2016

    […] A Man in Love – Chapter 9 […]

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