Upcoming Valentine’s day
Lately I’ve been quite exhausted after work that I chose to draw to relax my brain. Consider this a spoiler, my friends. 😉
In my fanfic Forget-Me-Not, Candy and Albert will get married. My new illustration is an attempt to show that, as newlyweds, their bliss has just begun. For those who have not read the manga version might not know that Candy bought matching pajamas for Albert and herself. I did not make this up, and for your interest you can read my old post Matching Pajamas. 🙂
I’m asking for a contribution to my fanfic. This takes place in the morning in a bedroom, but not necessarily the morning after the wedding night. If you’re interested to participate, please write something based on this illustration — nothing explicit (at most PG13) and no more than 500 words — in the present or past tense, with or without dialog. One entry per person please. If you’re new to my blog, your comment will be put in a queue for manual approval. I reserve the right to reject any entry that does not meet the criteria.
The deadline is February 14th, 11:59 PM PST (Vancouver / Los Angeles). Whoever submits a writing that matches (or the closest to) what I have in mind will be the winner. I’ll announce by updating the post within three days after the deadline. When my story eventually gets to this point, I’ll re-post the entry and give the credit to the winner. 🙂
Thank you moira78, Chiaroscuro, Sarah, Lynn, Elena, Gabriella, Avon, Anita, Myra, and Lakewood for participating! 😍 I’m incredibly humbled to have received your brilliant entries for this Valentine’s Day contest, and who am I to judge? In fact, I’m sure you’re all in agreement with me that the entries are top-notch! 👏👍 To those who haven’t yet read the mini-stories, I’d highly recommend them, but please do not read my comments below (I don’t want to spoil the fun).
moira78 – Well my friend, you’re a writer after all, because you could submit your mini-fic within a short time! I was truly impressed!
Chiaroscuro – I’ve enjoyed reading “Tranquil Morning…”, and it’s cute that Candy was jealous but thought about traveling with Albert. This reminds me of the ending of the Old CC novel.
Sarah – I like how you described Candy’s fond memories with Albert in the House of Magnolia and that they got engaged and married quickly with blessings from Aunt Elroy.
Lynn – Sigh… wedding gift of matching pajamas that actually fit them. 🙂 I love how your mini-fic began and ended at the same spot, but in between it was a bit of a history of how their love evolved and matured.
Elena – When reading your mini-fic, I felt like eating something sweet! Lucky Candy, isn’t she? Interesting idea that the newly weds chose UK as their home.
Gabriella – I can imagine how busy Albert could be right after honeymoon, but Candy got her driver license to be independent too! I like the anniversary gift and how your story ended. It’s touching!
Avon – I like that you introduced a spring cottage, and Albert as the loving husband offered to help at the annual charity event at his wife’s beloved orphanage. Like you said, they were a beautiful couple inside out!
Anita – It melted my heart to read that Candy was early in her pregnancy, and I love the playful interactions between Candy and Albert!
Myra – What can I say? The passion between the bride and the groom was palpable, and I like your imagination of their wedding, particularly how they dressed for the occasion and where it took place.
Lakewood – I like how it began with a question from Candy about when Albert realized he was in love with her. I also enjoyed reading how Candy became aware he was attractive with a fine masculine body.
As in the past, it’s not easy for me to pick a winner, so I had to take a step back and rethink what I have wanted when I decided to ask for contribution. As mentioned above, it’s for my current fanfic in progress, so eventually the story will reach this point, and I will repost the winner’s entry. I set 500 words as the limit mainly because I would like the mini-fic to be more focused on the interactions between Albert and Candy at the current moment. I re-read all your stories again and again (I’m serious!), and I finally shortlisted Anita and moira78’s stories. It was a tough decision until I realized I had mentioned they were newly weds, so moira78, thank you so much for your contribution! Congratulazioni! Grazie mille❣️🥰
Il profumo delle rose gli inondò le narici, portandolo al risveglio, e Albert prese un lungo respiro tra i capelli di Candy. Adorava svegliarsi accanto a sua moglie e non capiva l’abitudine di molte coppie di dormire in stanze separate. Nello stesso letto potevano godere del calore uno dell’altra, abbracciarsi sotto le coperte, udire il respiro nel sonno e… molto altro. Con un sorrisetto malizioso, Albert ripensò alla loro prima notte di nozze e anche a quelle successive.
Era incredibile come si potesse sentire completo nel corpo di Candy, fosse stato anche solo per carezzare quella pelle morbida e setosa, baciarla fino allo sfinimento, guardarla mentre ansimava dolcemente sulle sue labbra. Albert si accorse a malapena che la sua mano era scesa dalla lunga criniera di riccioli fin dietro la schiena di lei, attirandola un po’ di più a sé, il desiderio che cominciava a fargli perdere la lucidità.
Era bella anche con quel pigiama a righe che la copriva in modo così casto, il gemello di quello che indossava lui e che avevano ripreso apposta dalla Casa della Magnolia. Ovvio, adorava vederla nella sua gloriosa nudità, ma quel dettaglio del passato aveva un valore quasi magico e profondo, che sanciva le radici del loro legame ai tempi in cui lui era solo uno smemorato e lei la sua infermiera.
Candy si mosse nel sonno e borbottò qualcosa che poteva essere il suo nome: Albert si sentì morire d’amore e decise di non svegliarla, anche se gli sarebbe piaciuto molto far l’amore con lei proprio in quel momento. Si alzò, pur riluttante, dal loro letto e si diresse in cucina per preparare la colazione. Si sorprese a canticchiare un motivo sciocco mentre rompeva le uova e faceva bollire l’acqua per il caffè. Presto, i profumi inondarono la cucina così come il sole la illuminava dalla finestra: sarebbe stata un’altra splendida giornata!
Il rumore di piccoli passi strascicati lo raggiunse e lui sorrise senza alzare gli occhi dalla padella: “Buongiorno, dormigliona!”. La salutò.
Si volse e catturò l’immagine di Candy che si strofinava l’occhio con il pugno chiuso come una bambina e sbadigliava. Quella donna che poteva essere una ragazzina e un’amante che vibrava fra le sue braccia lo avrebbe fatto impazzire, prima o poi. Non dovette attendere molto: lei gli si avvicinò, annusando l’aria e allacciandosi al suo braccio: “Come ai vecchi tempi?”, chiese accennando con il mento alla padella.
“Come ai vecchi tempi”, confermò voltando il capo per baciarla.
Fu un bacio breve ma intenso e Albert allentò la presa della mano destra sulla padella mentre Candy gli stringeva il braccio sinistro appoggiandosi al suo fianco per arrivare meglio alle labbra. Si staccarono col respiro un po’ affannato: “Credo che tu debba girarla”, mormorò lei.
“Cosa?”, chiese confuso, stordito dal sapore della bocca di Candy e dalla sensazione del suo seno, dietro al pigiama a righe, premuto sul braccio.
“La frittata. Si brucerà se non la giri”.
“Oh…!”. Suo malgrado, Albert si staccò un po’ da lei e, afferrando meglio il manico della padella, con un movimento fluido del polso fece sollevare la frittata e ricadere perfettamente dall’altro lato, strappandole una risata e un piccolo applauso.
O 🙌! Finally you post your newest romantic Albert & Candy’s fanart 👏😄 what a sweet eye look between them both 👌😘 great work mspuddleheaven 👍👍 keep working and drawing more romantic picture of them✌️😉
Thank you very much, Lin Halim, for your encouraging feedback 💞. So glad to hear you like my latest fanart of Albert and Candy ❣️🤗
Good day mspuddleheaven 😃 absolutely i always waiting your newest romantic Albert & Candy’s artwork here ✌️ Your artwork & Asuka Ikuina’s artwork always be my best favourite collections about Albert & Candy pictures ✌️😃
Thank you for your kind words, Lin Halim 🤗
Well said, @Lin, and couldn’t agree with you more!
Thank you @Sarah 🤗
My heartfelt thanks to those who have taken the time to write❣️ It’s my honour! I’ve just updated the post, and congratulations to the winner 🥳🎉
Congrats to the winner!
Non posso ancora crederci, hai davvero scelto la mia? Grazie, grazie dal profondo del cuore, sono emozionata e onorata!
Congratulations @Moira78! Your entry submission was awesome!
grazie di cuore!
I have enjoyed reading all the entries and congratulations to @Moira78’s entry for winning as it was the best one!
Congratulations @moira78!
Many thanks to you @moira78 for your contribution 💕🥰
Many thanks for the opportunity and your selection is truly the best!
Grazie, sei gentilissima!
Thank you @Anita for joining us❣️
Hello and Congratulations to the Winner!
Thank you very much for the invitation and I wish you all the best in your subsequent projects.
Thank you @Avon for taking the time to write 🥰
Many thanks for offering us the opportunity to participate in your writing competition and congratulations to @moira78 for winning. Her work is amazing!
Thank you @Gabriella for writing! I hope you had fun in the process 🤗
It sure was! Thank you so much!
I would also like to thank you for considering my entry. All the stories submitted were superbly written and you did a fine job in selecting the best one which is Moira’s. Great work and thanks again for the invitation!
Yes I totally agree with you, @Lakewood! Thanks for submitting a story!
It was a pleasure reading all the short stories in this writing event. I ought to admit that all the entries seemed as if they were written by professional writers. The level of diction, grammar and structure used by the candidates was impressively high.
Congratulations to the winner and I am looking for reading more of @Moira’s work as well as everyone who contributed to this lovely forum. You are all such intelligent and classy individuals and it’s an honour being welcomed by @Ms Puddle and interacting with such wonderful people from all over the world.
Best Regards!
Yes, my sentiments exactly, @Halcyon Days, but the honour is mine 🥰
Take care and best regards!
Thank you for your feedback and invitation, @Ms Puddle!
Thank you @Elena for your contribution 💕
Dear Ms Puddle,
This is my contribution albeit longer than 500 words. I hope this won’t pose much of a burden for you. If you don’t have the time to read it, please do not be concerned about that.
Thank you so much for the invite. Writing this mini fanfic was so enjoyable to say the least even though I am not a fanfic writer of any sort. I just hope you also enjoy reading it for what it is. Please feel free to provide feedback and corrections.
All the Best!
“When did you first realize you were in love with me?”
Candy’s sudden query had taken Albert completely off-guard. His stunned look was met with a smirk from his wife’s face. Candy tried to scrutinize and anticipate her brilliant strategist husband’s next move as she knew he would stealthily and unobtrusively try to evade the question (as he usually does). However, this time she would press him for an answer since he had promised he would do so after she had confided in him when her first time was when deciphering her well-hidden romantic feelings for him.
Feelings of a different nature had been brewing in Candy’s psyche for a significant period of time during her cohabitation with Albert at the house of Magnolia during his amnesiac state. Even though they were supposed to be mere friends (yet pretend to be siblings to the outside world), Candy begun to understand and eventually admit to herself that Albert was never perceived as a brother to her but as a man whom she found attractive in an intellectual and sexual way. The first major spark in her was ignited after she had bought a pair of matching pyjamas she had found on sale at an open market near her neighbourhood. Albert had appeared to be rather awkward in accepting Candy’s otherwise innocent gift. No sooner had Candy offered her gift to Albert than she regretted it because her heart skipped a beat when she saw him in those dark-blue pyjamas which coincidentally matched so well with his blue eyes. Even though they were just a pair of pyjamas made of cotton bought on a budget, Candy noticed perhaps for the first time how effortlessly sensual and masculine Albert’s body really was. Although casting only a few sporadic glances and avoiding direct contact, Candy could not help noticing Albert’s tall and athletic body. His medical records documented him a solid 6 ft 3 but he could have been even taller than that. He was definitely a towering height and his broad shoulders, slim waist and firm sinewy body added further to his already well-sculpt face and brilliant blue eyes. Having seen many pictorial representations of Albert’s parents and sister, Candy was convinced that this family was blessed with physical beauty apart from material wealth alone. Candy had no other alternative but to confess to her herself that it was not only Albert’s laudable character and intelligence which had drawn her to him but also his physical beauty and masculinity.
After all those years and series of adventures comprising exciting but also daunting experiences, Candy and Albert finally decided to put their misgivings and insecurities aside and take the plunge. It was not easy for either of them but it was worth the inner struggle as well as their need to sort out differences with those who had initially objected to their rather peculiar and unconventional relationship.
Now the two of them could enjoy the fruit of their effort and immerse themselves into the infinite affection incessantly brewing between the two of them. Their relationship is complex and it would never be easy for them but they would take it one step at a time always respecting the individuality and needs of the other.
Much to Candy’s surprise, Albert did not shy away from answering her question. With a resolute demeanour addressed with a seemingly casual tone (which quickly subsided and revealed that sensual side of him Candy adores so much), Albert began approaching Candy, who was lying in bed wearing the upper half of Albert’s pyjamas. He laid down beside her and began kissing her tenderly. With that deep and calm voice which always excited her, he admitted that he could not say for sure when he had first fallen in love with her as there was never a specific moment but far too many. However, it had been difficult for him to admit it and that was one of the reasons why he had decided to take flight. He admitted that he was caught unawares by his own desire for Candy and did not know what to do as the circumstances were anything but favourable for them both. He was about to elucidate those feelings when Candy spontaneously touched Albert’s face and brought it even closer to hers where the two of them continued kissing but much more sensually to the point where Albert began to unbutton Candy’s shirt and she gladly let it glide off her smooth back.
Thank you @Lakewood for contributing too! So happy to hear that you’ve enjoyed the process 🤗
As their lips inevitably had to part due to their innate need to breathe, the newly-wed blonde pair could not stray away from admiring each other’s slender and svelte frames. The refined features of Candy’s husband, especially his blue eyes and alabaster complexion, never ceased to instil even more desire within her to be with him. His muscular and statuesque built made her feel as if her body was floating in the air; Candy inspired just as much passion and yearning to Albert, who could not wait to envelope her in his embrace and head off into their bedroom. It was easy for him to pick her up in an instant as she was so petite and lightweight, with her lovely golden blonde hair dropping gently onto her shoulders and onto Albert’s chest as they two of them kept kissing passionately again and gain until they finally reached their bedroom.
Indeed, Candy was no typical bride as she had refused any makeup or hairstyling. Albert absolutely adored his wife’s natural beauty and he was utterly stunned when she walked down the aisle wearing a simple but elegant pearl-white gown adorned with a few pastel-coloured flowers handpicked by the orphan and village children from the meadows and riverbanks alongside Ms Pony’s Hill. The wedding took place at the iconic chapel overlooking the aforementioned hill which was greeted with the golden rays of the clearest sky during the ceremony. The sunrays glistened upon the gorgeous blonde couple which could not take their eyes off of each other while exchanging their vows and words of love. Both Candy and Albert had dismissed any form of tradition or custom by wearing whatever they wanted and thus refusing petty formalities. Albert had also refused to wear formal attire. Instead, he greeted his bride wearing dark-grey trousers and a white shirt without a tie. The weather reminded of summer even though it was early spring. The wedding ceremony took place at the chapel and afterwards continued at Ms Pony’s Home where children and adults alike enjoyed themselves to the fullest. The merriment was contagious and Candy’s friends along with Albert’s closest family members, all of whom were delighted with the union of this fascinating and rebellious couple which never paid heed to the norm. Archie and Annie, in particular, were profoundly grateful to Candy and Albert due to their strength and courage to defy the Ardlay elders and support their own union during dire times. The ways in which Albert rebelled against the Ardlay elders was a precursor of the ways in which he would fight for his love for Candy soon after, provided that she loved him in just as much in return. As there were no strings attached and the traumatic past was left behind by both Candy and Albert, they finally confessed their uttermost love for one another and never ceased in defending their deepest affections and ineffable relationship during favourable and unfavourable times.
As day became night and the newly-wed couple drifted into their bedroom within the heat of their reciprocal passion and desire, time flew just as quickly gnawing mercilessly into the early hours of morning. Yet, that did not sway Candy nor Albert to continue expressing their love to each other physically and emotionally even if that meant having to part every now and then in order to breathe a bit every now and then…
After quickly re-reading my entry, please accept the following minor corrections:
First minor correction:
“The merriment was contagious amongst (not and) Candy’s friends along with Albert’s closest family members, all of whom were delighted..”
Second minor correction (plus an omission regarding a repetitive phrase):
“Yet, this did not sway either Candy or Albert to continue expressing their love for (not to) each other physically and emotionally even if that meant having to part every now and then in der to breathe a bit..”.
If there are any more typos, please let me know.
Thank you, in advance.
“..in order to..”.
Thank you for creating this competition, Ms Puddle, and please read my short fanfic. I’ve kept it as PG-13 as possible.😉
No need to explain that you’re more than welcome to correct any typos or other possible mistakes.
Thank you @Myra for participating, and glad that you made it! 🤗
Hello Ms Puddle,
I have also submitted my entry which is 539 words. I hope you enjoy reading it. All entries submitted so far are worthwhile and well-written. Congrats to all regardless of whom wins this competition.
Thank you very much for inviting us all to participate in this writing competition.
Candy was only half awake but she could hear the gentle wind blowing outside. The weather had been getting warmer but Albert would continue to keep the glow in the fireplace as well as the central heating in their home for her and the new life she was carrying inside her. They had been married for almost a year and the doctor’s news came as a melody to their ears.
Albert continued to maintain his ‘poker face’ composure but Candy knew all too well how anxious he must have been feeling. She was nervous herself given the fact that it would be her first pregnancy. Candy would sometimes imagine what it would be like to be a mother. Albert was pleased that Candy felt no resentment against her own biological parents because she considered that they probably had no other choice but to leave her outside the orphanage. What struck a chord in Albert’s heart, however, was when Candy explained to him that she was grateful that she grew up at the orphanage because thanks to those series of events she was finally able to cross paths with Albert and eventually fall in love with him during her early adulthood and thereafter.
Both lying down in bed, Candy could feel Albert’s hand and fingertips gently caress Candy’s waist and abdomen. She had not gained much weight yet and her pregnancy did not show but both her gynaecologist and pathologist advised her not to worry because her pregnancy appeared to be progressing smoothly. Candy then placed her hands over Albert’s and cuddled even more next to him placing her head on his torso. The scent of jasmine emanated from Candy’s hair along with a bit of camomile coming from the shampoo she had used the previous evening. Albert could not resist but bury his face in her wavy long blonde hair and hold her a tad tighter but evermore carefully as if she was made of porcelain. Candy was amazed at how such a strong and tall man as Albert could be so gentle and tender at the same time. She also found those traits remarkably attractive about him..
Being a bit of a coy, Candy asked Albert if he would continue to find her appealing when she would start to gain considerable weight. Albert then looked at her with a stern gaze which he tried to feign seriousness but he simply burst into laughter. In response to her artful playfulness, Albert teased her a bit but then resumed to his gentle self and once again took her gently into his arms. In a whisper which, nonetheless, instantly awoke all the senses in Candy’s body, he replied that she would always be attractive and desirable to him regardless of her weight.
Candy had already known what Albert’s answer would be and what was in his heart but she loved to tease him a bit more, regardless. Their mutual playfulness and humour are some of the essential ‘ingredients’ which continuously deepened their relationship making it ever so intimate and resilient.
As for the name of their little human growing inside of her, Candy and Albert had no concern about the gender of their child as they knew which most dearly beloved name they would bestow upon their child whether born a boy or a girl.
Hello Ms Puddle,
I have also submitted my entry which is 539 words. I hope you enjoy reading it. All entries submitted so far are worthwhile and well-written. Congrats to all regardless of whom wins this competition.
Thank you very much for inviting us all to participate in this writing competition.
Candy was only half awake but she could hear the gentle wind blowing outside. The weather had been getting warmer but Albert would continue to keep the glow in the fireplace as well as the central heating in their home for her and the new life she was carrying inside her. They had been married for almost a year and the doctor’s news came as a melody to their ears.
Albert continued to maintain his ‘poker face’ composure but Candy knew all too well how anxious he must have been feeling. She was nervous herself given the fact that it would be her first pregnancy. Candy would sometimes imagine what it would be like to be a mother. Albert was pleased that Candy felt no resentment against her own biological parents because she considered that they probably had no other choice but to leave her outside the orphanage. What struck a chord in Albert’s heart, however, was when Candy explained to him that she was grateful that she grew up at the orphanage because thanks to those series of events she was finally able to cross paths with Albert and eventually fall in love with him during her early adulthood and thereafter.
Both lying down in bed, Candy could feel Albert’s hand and fingertips gently caress Candy’s waist and abdomen. She had not gained much weight get and her pregnancy did not show but both her gynaecologist and pathologist advised her not to worry because her pregnancy appeared to be progressing smoothly. Candy then placed her hands over Albert’s and cuddled even more next to him placing her head on his torso. The scent of jasmine emanated from Candy’s hair along with a bit of camomile coming from the shampoo she had used the previous evening. Albert could not resist but bury his face in her wavy long blonde hair and hold her a tad tighter but evermore carefully as if she was made of porcelain. Candy was amazed at how such a strong and tall man as Albert could be so gentle and tender at the same time. She also found those traits remarkably attractive about him..
Being a bit of a coy, Candy asked Albert if he would continue to find her appealing when she would start to gain considerable weight. Albert then looked at her with a stern gaze which he tried to feign seriousness but he simply burst into laughter. In repose to her artful playfulness, Albert teased her a bit but then resumed to his gentle self and once again took her gently into his arms. In a whisper which, nonetheless, instantly awoke all the senses in Candy’s body, he replied that she would always be attractive and desirable to him regardless of her weight.
Candy had already known what Albert’s answer would be and what was in his heart but she loved to tease him a bit more, regardless. Their mutual playfulness and humour are some of the essential ‘ingredients’ which continuously deepened their relationship making it ever so intimate and resilient.
As for the name of their little human growing inside of her, Candy and Albert had no concern about the gender of their child as they knew which most dearly beloved name they would bestow upon their child whether born a boy or a girl.
Hello @Anita! Thank you so much for writing 😊 I saw two entries from you, possibly a glitch. I suppose they are the same 😉
Please take into regard the second entry where I’ve corrected a couple of minor errors. Thank you for your response and concern.
OK got it! Thanks, Anita!
Please find my entry posted on your blog, Ms Puddle. It’s a bit more than 500 words though..
Following a week of hard labour at Pony’s Home, Candy and Albert rewarded each other and their own selves by travelling to their spring cottage near Lake Michigan and enjoying the weekend together.
Their cottage was but a modest one built mainly of stone and wood dating from the previous century. It was a historic building which had undergone a series of innovations but always within the relative architectural design of this picturesque structure. The scenery revolving the cottage was equivalently stunning accompanied by grassy hills juxtaposing raging rivers eventually leading to the panoramic view of Lake Michigan from the south-west side.
The couple had made a joint decision to head over to Pony’s Home during Albert’s spring break from work in order to assist the directors in their annual charity events. Ms Pony’s advanced age had already begun to function as an impediment and she was unable to be her well-known energetic and resourceful self. In addition, Sister Lane couldn’t manage on her own and required further assistance. Even though Albert could have simply hired an employee or several of them to unburden Ms Pony and Sister Lane, he considered it far more worthwhile to utilize his free time at the place his wife adores and values the most- and that place is no other than Pony’s Home.
What a better gift for Valentine’s Day without being cheesy? Albert though to himself that such holidays were never of any importance on their own unless they had significance and a meaningful purpose. Boxes of chocolate, jewellery and lavish gifts mean nothing unless people are in the position to give themselves to the ones they love as well as to those dear to them such as family and friends.
When Albert expressed his surprise gift to Candy, she was overjoyed and was deeply touched simultaneously. Candy was also astounded how Albert always managed to read her mind and heart as she had been concerned about Ms Pony’s health and whether she would be able to manage on her own during those laborious spring charity events.
Once Albert completed his work at the office, he drove back home where Candy had already arranged packing and the two of them headed off to Pony’s Home where they embarked on various errands the next morning. Candy was in charge of taking care of the children of the orphanage while Albert was supervising and preparing meals not only for the orphan children but for all the villagers who attended the charity events. Very few people had realized that the tall young blonde man at the the far end of the corner of the kitchen barking orders and preparing delicious meals was the so-called Ardlay patriarch. Most of the people could even care less because what mattered was the warm atmosphere and camaraderie amongst the guests and most importantly, the happiness emanating from the children in tandem with Ms Pony and Sister Lane’s contentment. Both of these ladies were so pleased that Candy had finally found her significant other in such a high calibre of a man as Albert. His material finances were no match for the wealth of his character. Indeed, Candy and Albert were a beautiful couple inside-out and life was kind enough to have them cross paths again and again until they eventually tied the knot.
After that splendid day, irrespective of its stress and hard work to get everything done in time, Candy and Albert bid their farewell to the directors and guests of the charity event and got into their car where Albert drove back to their lovely cottage overlooking the serene waters of Lake Michigan under the silvery path woven by the moonlit sky. Even though they were obviously exhausted after their long day, they couldn’t wait to get under the covers make it an even longer night in their candle-lit bedroom.
Please find two corrections:
1. Not “innovations” but “renovations”;
2. Not “Albert though to himself..” but “Albert thought to himself..”.
Thanks again!
Thank you @Avon for joining us! Enjoy your weekend 😘
You too, Ms Puddle, and thanks again for considering my entry. Take care!