Upcoming Valentine’s day
Lately I’ve been quite exhausted after work that I chose to draw to relax my brain. Consider this a spoiler, my friends. 😉
In my fanfic Forget-Me-Not, Candy and Albert will get married. My new illustration is an attempt to show that, as newlyweds, their bliss has just begun. For those who have not read the manga version might not know that Candy bought matching pajamas for Albert and herself. I did not make this up, and for your interest you can read my old post Matching Pajamas. 🙂
I’m asking for a contribution to my fanfic. This takes place in the morning in a bedroom, but not necessarily the morning after the wedding night. If you’re interested to participate, please write something based on this illustration — nothing explicit (at most PG13) and no more than 500 words — in the present or past tense, with or without dialog. One entry per person please. If you’re new to my blog, your comment will be put in a queue for manual approval. I reserve the right to reject any entry that does not meet the criteria.
The deadline is February 14th, 11:59 PM PST (Vancouver / Los Angeles). Whoever submits a writing that matches (or the closest to) what I have in mind will be the winner. I’ll announce by updating the post within three days after the deadline. When my story eventually gets to this point, I’ll re-post the entry and give the credit to the winner. 🙂
Thank you moira78, Chiaroscuro, Sarah, Lynn, Elena, Gabriella, Avon, Anita, Myra, and Lakewood for participating! 😍 I’m incredibly humbled to have received your brilliant entries for this Valentine’s Day contest, and who am I to judge? In fact, I’m sure you’re all in agreement with me that the entries are top-notch! 👏👍 To those who haven’t yet read the mini-stories, I’d highly recommend them, but please do not read my comments below (I don’t want to spoil the fun).
moira78 – Well my friend, you’re a writer after all, because you could submit your mini-fic within a short time! I was truly impressed!
Chiaroscuro – I’ve enjoyed reading “Tranquil Morning…”, and it’s cute that Candy was jealous but thought about traveling with Albert. This reminds me of the ending of the Old CC novel.
Sarah – I like how you described Candy’s fond memories with Albert in the House of Magnolia and that they got engaged and married quickly with blessings from Aunt Elroy.
Lynn – Sigh… wedding gift of matching pajamas that actually fit them. 🙂 I love how your mini-fic began and ended at the same spot, but in between it was a bit of a history of how their love evolved and matured.
Elena – When reading your mini-fic, I felt like eating something sweet! Lucky Candy, isn’t she? Interesting idea that the newly weds chose UK as their home.
Gabriella – I can imagine how busy Albert could be right after honeymoon, but Candy got her driver license to be independent too! I like the anniversary gift and how your story ended. It’s touching!
Avon – I like that you introduced a spring cottage, and Albert as the loving husband offered to help at the annual charity event at his wife’s beloved orphanage. Like you said, they were a beautiful couple inside out!
Anita – It melted my heart to read that Candy was early in her pregnancy, and I love the playful interactions between Candy and Albert!
Myra – What can I say? The passion between the bride and the groom was palpable, and I like your imagination of their wedding, particularly how they dressed for the occasion and where it took place.
Lakewood – I like how it began with a question from Candy about when Albert realized he was in love with her. I also enjoyed reading how Candy became aware he was attractive with a fine masculine body.
As in the past, it’s not easy for me to pick a winner, so I had to take a step back and rethink what I have wanted when I decided to ask for contribution. As mentioned above, it’s for my current fanfic in progress, so eventually the story will reach this point, and I will repost the winner’s entry. I set 500 words as the limit mainly because I would like the mini-fic to be more focused on the interactions between Albert and Candy at the current moment. I re-read all your stories again and again (I’m serious!), and I finally shortlisted Anita and moira78’s stories. It was a tough decision until I realized I had mentioned they were newly weds, so moira78, thank you so much for your contribution! Congratulazioni! Grazie mille❣️🥰
Il profumo delle rose gli inondò le narici, portandolo al risveglio, e Albert prese un lungo respiro tra i capelli di Candy. Adorava svegliarsi accanto a sua moglie e non capiva l’abitudine di molte coppie di dormire in stanze separate. Nello stesso letto potevano godere del calore uno dell’altra, abbracciarsi sotto le coperte, udire il respiro nel sonno e… molto altro. Con un sorrisetto malizioso, Albert ripensò alla loro prima notte di nozze e anche a quelle successive.
Era incredibile come si potesse sentire completo nel corpo di Candy, fosse stato anche solo per carezzare quella pelle morbida e setosa, baciarla fino allo sfinimento, guardarla mentre ansimava dolcemente sulle sue labbra. Albert si accorse a malapena che la sua mano era scesa dalla lunga criniera di riccioli fin dietro la schiena di lei, attirandola un po’ di più a sé, il desiderio che cominciava a fargli perdere la lucidità.
Era bella anche con quel pigiama a righe che la copriva in modo così casto, il gemello di quello che indossava lui e che avevano ripreso apposta dalla Casa della Magnolia. Ovvio, adorava vederla nella sua gloriosa nudità, ma quel dettaglio del passato aveva un valore quasi magico e profondo, che sanciva le radici del loro legame ai tempi in cui lui era solo uno smemorato e lei la sua infermiera.
Candy si mosse nel sonno e borbottò qualcosa che poteva essere il suo nome: Albert si sentì morire d’amore e decise di non svegliarla, anche se gli sarebbe piaciuto molto far l’amore con lei proprio in quel momento. Si alzò, pur riluttante, dal loro letto e si diresse in cucina per preparare la colazione. Si sorprese a canticchiare un motivo sciocco mentre rompeva le uova e faceva bollire l’acqua per il caffè. Presto, i profumi inondarono la cucina così come il sole la illuminava dalla finestra: sarebbe stata un’altra splendida giornata!
Il rumore di piccoli passi strascicati lo raggiunse e lui sorrise senza alzare gli occhi dalla padella: “Buongiorno, dormigliona!”. La salutò.
Si volse e catturò l’immagine di Candy che si strofinava l’occhio con il pugno chiuso come una bambina e sbadigliava. Quella donna che poteva essere una ragazzina e un’amante che vibrava fra le sue braccia lo avrebbe fatto impazzire, prima o poi. Non dovette attendere molto: lei gli si avvicinò, annusando l’aria e allacciandosi al suo braccio: “Come ai vecchi tempi?”, chiese accennando con il mento alla padella.
“Come ai vecchi tempi”, confermò voltando il capo per baciarla.
Fu un bacio breve ma intenso e Albert allentò la presa della mano destra sulla padella mentre Candy gli stringeva il braccio sinistro appoggiandosi al suo fianco per arrivare meglio alle labbra. Si staccarono col respiro un po’ affannato: “Credo che tu debba girarla”, mormorò lei.
“Cosa?”, chiese confuso, stordito dal sapore della bocca di Candy e dalla sensazione del suo seno, dietro al pigiama a righe, premuto sul braccio.
“La frittata. Si brucerà se non la giri”.
“Oh…!”. Suo malgrado, Albert si staccò un po’ da lei e, afferrando meglio il manico della padella, con un movimento fluido del polso fece sollevare la frittata e ricadere perfettamente dall’altro lato, strappandole una risata e un piccolo applauso.
Hi Ms Puddle,
I’m pleased to see that you’ve resumed drawing CC/CCFS-themed fanart. This specific one is amazing.
Looking forward to the continuation of your new fanfiction too!
Thank you @Christine for your encouraging feedback to my fanfic and fanart❣️ It means a lot to me. 🤗
You have done a great job with this new fan-art of yours, @Ms Puddle. It sure does resemble that notable scene from the manga.
Hope you’re well and safe. Have the events in Canada (Quebec, in particular) affected Vancouver as well?
Thank you @Jesse for your encouraging words ❣️ Matching pajamas is a typical Asian tradition, especially for couples in China, Japan and Korea, so TBH when I first read this in the manga I was quite surprised. 😉
Thank God I’m still working from home, but the Vancouverites are really tired of restrictions. They want our provincial government to follow what Ontario did. How about you? I hope you’re safe and well too. 🙏
Thank you for the information regarding Asian tradition. I have heard about this myself but I wasn’t sure if it was accurate.
As for the COVID-19 restrictions and “passports”, I think that it’s about time they’re scrapped as it appears that certain politicians are manipulating them at the expense of democracy and human rights. There are many countries which have decided to scrap them and some have already dispensed with them altogether.
To be crystal clear, I am 100% in favour of vaccinations and my family and I are fully vaccinated; however, I am against such “passports” which violate data privacy and human rights. I find it appalling that I have to display such “passports” simply in order to grab a cup of coffee at a local café’. We have already compromised our privacy and human rights when having to access to airports, banks, and other essential services. Whilst vaccinations and science are essential, it is really a matter of basic human rights and personal freedom when it comes to whether an individual wants to get vaccinated or not.
Concerning the aforementioned events in Canada, provided that they are peaceful protests, I am in full support of them. Each person should have the right to get vaccinated or not without losing their jobs or being denied access to essential amenities and services. Imposing such restrictions constitute a slippery slope which often lead to undemocratic practices which eventually benefit neither the vaccinated nor the unvaccinated.
This is my perspective on this otherwise acutely controversial matter.
I agree with you, @Jesse. Health is vitally important but so are our democratic/human rights.
You’re absolutely right, @Jesse, that this is acutely debatable. It’s indeed a slippery slope, but to me what’s worse was that Quebec Premier had proposed to impose tax on the unvaccinated. His main reason was that more than 50% of ICU beds were occupied by unvaccinated individuals. So glad that they let the matter drop now.
About vaccine passports for travellers, I was told that history repeats itself. Between the end of 18th century and the beginning of 19th century, tuberculosis was at its worst, killing many people. Back then people onboarding any vessels had to show some proof that they were free of TB or something along the line. I don’t know if this was true though. 🤔
The issue is that this virus is spread by both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. The only difference is that those of us who are vaccinated have a lesser chance of getting severely ill by the aforesaid pandemic; however, that’s not for sure either because even those who have been fully vaccinated have required intensive care units and treatments. Treating the unvaccinated as 2nd or lesser tier citizens even though they are legal tax-paying citizens is not the answer. Instead, the unvaccinated are being used as a scapegoats for the sordid failures and political ineptitude of our governments to fund and support public healthcare. To reiterate, I am diametrically opposed to the rhetoric deployed by the anti-vaxers but treating them as dregs of society is not indicative of a democratic society. Hopefully, the emergence of “traditional” vaccines such as Novavax will get the anti-vaxers and the vaccine-hesitant to immunize themselves against this lethal virus. Nevertheless, the major issue at hand right now is not the virus itself but the massive and catastrophic financial recession which is imminent worldwide.
Well said! It goes beyond saying that people should get vaccinated in order to shield themselves from this pandemic as much as possible but that has to be achieved via democratic means-in other words by using persuasion in tandem with logical reasoning and not coercion and systematic persecution.
This reminds me of what Miguel de Unamuno in his confrontation with Jose’ Millán-Astray (12 October 1936):
“This is the temple of intelligence, and I am its high priest. You are profaning its sacred domain. You will win, because you have enough brute force. But you will not convince. In order to convince it is necessary to persuade, and to persuade you will need something that you lack: reason and right in the struggle.”
Typo: *said*
Yes, @Jesse and @Aurora, I agree that people should have freedom to choose whether to vaccinate or not, and we should not demonize those who have chosen not to, so long as they mind their own business.
Unfortunately, some of them do make troubles or spread fake news, causing the indecisive ones to fear. While it’s sad that some people can be easily manipulated, the vaccine passports did help the vaccine-hesitant individuals to make up their minds.
I have friends who work on the front lines, and they said that doctors and nurses had been burnt out and exhausted for many months. They even got yelled at by the anti-maskers or anti-vaxxers. Many frontline workers were fed up and quitted their jobs, or they’ve become impatient with unvaccinated patients. I heard that similar things happen in other countries as well, which is depressing 😮💨
I agree with you but imposing severe restrictions on such extreme folks will not make them change their minds and their practices. Needless to mention that most of these awfully undemocratic restrictions have been imposed on those of us who have been vaccinated as well which is absolutely unfair.
Yes, @Jesse, I agree with you. It seems that there’s nothing we can do to change their minds. Though I heard that some did end up getting very sick due to covid…
Such a lovely illustration of Candy and Albert! Hopefully, I’ll manage to submit a short story by the given deadline. Thanks for the invite!
Hello @Lakewood! Thanks for your encouraging feedback, and take your time! Thanks for your interest 😘🤗
Thank you for sharing this lovely illustration of Albert & Candy. There is so much depth when it comes to the ways in which you have portrayed their mutual love and attraction.
On a different note, I’ll try to do my best in submitting a story. As you know, I’m not a writer but I’ll eventually come up with a story.
Take care and stay safe!
Thank you @Myra for your highly encouraging feedback to my new drawing ❣️ Thanks for your interest and no pressure! You take care and stay safe too 😘
I appreciate your understanding. If all goes well, I should be able to send you my contribution by the end of this week or this weekend at the latest.
No worries, @Myra! I understand we are all busy. Please don’t feel obligated, but if you like to participate, that’s wonderful!
I don’t feel obligated at all. On the contrary, I would love to take part as long as my story is worth submitting.
Just a brief question though.. Could we use “flash-backs” if we want in these submission? Apparently, the entire story won’t be based on them.
@Myra sure you can, as long as your entry meets the criteria indicated in my post. 🤗
Awesome! Thanks again!
Hi @Ms Puddle! Love your new fanart of Candy and Albert. I immediately thought about the “matching pyjamas” too as depicted in the manga by Yumiko Igarashi and narrated by the author, Keiko Nagita. This scene is not mentioned in the novel but Nagita has intensified Candy’s longing for Albert even more and emphasizes the sorrow she had felt when Albert left without a trace from the Magnolia. It’s due to his sudden absence when Candy realizes the vast gap his departure left in its wake. It’s as the saying goes that only when you lose someone do you realize how important that person really is.
Thank you @DreamCatcher for your positive feedback 😘❣️ My sentiments exactly! I also think that Nagita sensei has intensified Candy’s longing for her missing roommate in the novel. The author changed it slightly though (in the manga Albert told Candy in his departure note that he had been keeping his recovery from her), and that many Terry fans believe Candy was simply being a good friend to Albert (like she had always been) and tried to find him because he wasn’t yet recovered blah blah blah. But Candy realized Albert was not only important to her but also special (not just a brother or a family member). 😍
Exactly and I couldn’t agree with you more on your most insightful comment!
Beautiful drawing of Candy and Albert! Thank you so much for sharing, @Ms Puddle.
Concerning the aforementioned fanfic competition, should the entries be posted here or sent via email to you? If all runs smoothly at work and I’ve got some free time, I’ll be most pleased to submit an entry as well.
Thanks again and take care!
I’ve got the same question as I’m also considering submitting an entry…
Thank you @DreamCatcher! Please submit by writing a new comment 💞
Thanks for the info, Ms Puddle!
Thank you @Lynn for your encouraging feedback ❣️ Glad to hear you’re considering to write too. 😘 Please submit by writing your story in a comment.
OK. Thanks for letting me know, @Ms Puddle.
Hello Ms Puddle,
I’ll try to submit a short story by the requested deadline. I’ll keep it less than 500 words.
Hello @Anita! Many thanks for considering too ☺️🥰
I might also give it a go.. Thank you for letting us know well in advance.
Awesome, @Jesse! The more the merrier ☺️🤗
Ciao! Ecco il mio piccolo contributo. Ti chiedo scusa, temo di aver superato un poco le 500 parole e mi sono anche trattenuta dallo scrivere di più! Spero ti piaccia ^_^
Il profumo delle rose gli inondò le narici, portandolo al risveglio, e Albert prese un lungo respiro tra i capelli di Candy. Adorava svegliarsi accanto a sua moglie e non capiva l’abitudine di molte coppie di dormire in stanze separate. Nello stesso letto potevano godere del calore uno dell’altra, abbracciarsi sotto le coperte, udire il respiro nel sonno e… molto altro. Con un sorrisetto malizioso, Albert ripensò alla loro prima notte di nozze e anche a quelle successive.
Era incredibile come si potesse sentire completo nel corpo di Candy, fosse stato anche solo per carezzare quella pelle morbida e setosa, baciarla fino allo sfinimento, guardarla mentre ansimava dolcemente sulle sue labbra. Albert si accorse a malapena che la sua mano era scesa dalla lunga criniera di riccioli fin dietro la schiena di lei, attirandola un po’ di più a sé, il desiderio che cominciava a fargli perdere la lucidità.
Era bella anche con quel pigiama a righe che la copriva in modo così casto, il gemello di quello che indossava lui e che avevano ripreso apposta dalla Casa della Magnolia. Ovvio, adorava vederla nella sua gloriosa nudità, ma quel dettaglio del passato aveva un valore quasi magico e profondo, che sanciva le radici del loro legame ai tempi in cui lui era solo uno smemorato e lei la sua infermiera.
Candy si mosse nel sonno e borbottò qualcosa che poteva essere il suo nome: Albert si sentì morire d’amore e decise di non svegliarla, anche se gli sarebbe piaciuto molto far l’amore con lei proprio in quel momento. Si alzò, pur riluttante, dal loro letto e si diresse in cucina per preparare la colazione. Si sorprese a canticchiare un motivo sciocco mentre rompeva le uova e faceva bollire l’acqua per il caffè. Presto, i profumi inondarono la cucina così come il sole la illuminava dalla finestra: sarebbe stata un’altra splendida giornata!
Il rumore di piccoli passi strascicati lo raggiunse e lui sorrise senza alzare gli occhi dalla padella: “Buongiorno, dormigliona!”. La salutò.
Si volse e catturò l’immagine di Candy che si strofinava l’occhio con il pugno chiuso come una bambina e sbadigliava. Quella donna che poteva essere una ragazzina e un’amante che vibrava fra le sue braccia lo avrebbe fatto impazzire, prima o poi. Non dovette attendere molto: lei gli si avvicinò, annusando l’aria e allacciandosi al suo braccio: “Come ai vecchi tempi?”, chiese accennando con il mento alla padella.
“Come ai vecchi tempi”, confermò voltando il capo per baciarla.
Fu un bacio breve ma intenso e Albert allentò la presa della mano destra sulla padella mentre Candy gli stringeva il braccio sinistro appoggiandosi al suo fianco per arrivare meglio alle labbra. Si staccarono col respiro un po’ affannato: “Credo che tu debba girarla”, mormorò lei.
“Cosa?”, chiese confuso, stordito dal sapore della bocca di Candy e dalla sensazione del suo seno, dietro al pigiama a righe, premuto sul braccio.
“La frittata. Si brucerà se non la giri”.
“Oh…!”. Suo malgrado, Albert si staccò un po’ da lei e, afferrando meglio il manico della padella, con un movimento fluido del polso fece sollevare la frittata e ricadere perfettamente dall’altro lato, strappandole una risata e un piccolo applauso.
Hermoso! Gracias!
Grazie a te! Spero piaccia anche all’autrice XD
Thank you for sharing!
Ciao @moira78 🙂 You’re incredible! I won’t comment on anyone’s entry at this point, but I’m more forgiving on the limit for non-English entries. Grazie mille 🥰
Hello Ms Puddle, perhaps it would be best if all languages are accepted since the “Candy Candy mundo” is so diverse, international and eventually multilingual. Again, this is only my own perspective but I would appreciate it if it is taken into consideration.
As for @Moira’s entry, her story is fabulous and I am looking forward to reading more entries as well as submitting my own in due course.
Thanks again and all best!
Thanks @Sarah! I’m also looking forward to reading all the entries as well! But as I told @moira78 I won’t comment on any of them yet. 😉
Yes @Sarah I meant to say I accept all languages but will be more forgiving on the word limit for non English ones 😉 Your reminder is much appreciated 🤗💞
That’s great! Thanks for clarifying.
Grazie di cuore, in realtà, se il mio documento Word dice il vero sono 526 parole… 😉
Grazie mille @moira78 🥰
Hi! Love this drawing of Candy and Albert!💗💗💗
Thank you @Michelle for your kind words❣️😘
Amazing fanart and it wouldn’t be hyperbolic to say that it’s one of your best!
As for the fanfic, I’ll probably send you a story. See how it goes..;-)))
Yeah, maybe I’ll write sth too.😊
Sure! Give it a go! Your other stories were really good.
Thank you, Sarah!
Thanks @Michelle for considering! 🥰 You’re all awesome I must say 🤗
Thanks, Ms Puddle! That’s very kind of you!
Great! Thanks for considering, @Sarah!
Thank you so much @Sarah❣️So glad to hear that you like my new fanart 😍