Upcoming Valentine’s day
Lately I’ve been quite exhausted after work that I chose to draw to relax my brain. Consider this a spoiler, my friends. 😉
In my fanfic Forget-Me-Not, Candy and Albert will get married. My new illustration is an attempt to show that, as newlyweds, their bliss has just begun. For those who have not read the manga version might not know that Candy bought matching pajamas for Albert and herself. I did not make this up, and for your interest you can read my old post Matching Pajamas. 🙂
I’m asking for a contribution to my fanfic. This takes place in the morning in a bedroom, but not necessarily the morning after the wedding night. If you’re interested to participate, please write something based on this illustration — nothing explicit (at most PG13) and no more than 500 words — in the present or past tense, with or without dialog. One entry per person please. If you’re new to my blog, your comment will be put in a queue for manual approval. I reserve the right to reject any entry that does not meet the criteria.
The deadline is February 14th, 11:59 PM PST (Vancouver / Los Angeles). Whoever submits a writing that matches (or the closest to) what I have in mind will be the winner. I’ll announce by updating the post within three days after the deadline. When my story eventually gets to this point, I’ll re-post the entry and give the credit to the winner. 🙂
Thank you moira78, Chiaroscuro, Sarah, Lynn, Elena, Gabriella, Avon, Anita, Myra, and Lakewood for participating! 😍 I’m incredibly humbled to have received your brilliant entries for this Valentine’s Day contest, and who am I to judge? In fact, I’m sure you’re all in agreement with me that the entries are top-notch! 👏👍 To those who haven’t yet read the mini-stories, I’d highly recommend them, but please do not read my comments below (I don’t want to spoil the fun).
moira78 – Well my friend, you’re a writer after all, because you could submit your mini-fic within a short time! I was truly impressed!
Chiaroscuro – I’ve enjoyed reading “Tranquil Morning…”, and it’s cute that Candy was jealous but thought about traveling with Albert. This reminds me of the ending of the Old CC novel.
Sarah – I like how you described Candy’s fond memories with Albert in the House of Magnolia and that they got engaged and married quickly with blessings from Aunt Elroy.
Lynn – Sigh… wedding gift of matching pajamas that actually fit them. 🙂 I love how your mini-fic began and ended at the same spot, but in between it was a bit of a history of how their love evolved and matured.
Elena – When reading your mini-fic, I felt like eating something sweet! Lucky Candy, isn’t she? Interesting idea that the newly weds chose UK as their home.
Gabriella – I can imagine how busy Albert could be right after honeymoon, but Candy got her driver license to be independent too! I like the anniversary gift and how your story ended. It’s touching!
Avon – I like that you introduced a spring cottage, and Albert as the loving husband offered to help at the annual charity event at his wife’s beloved orphanage. Like you said, they were a beautiful couple inside out!
Anita – It melted my heart to read that Candy was early in her pregnancy, and I love the playful interactions between Candy and Albert!
Myra – What can I say? The passion between the bride and the groom was palpable, and I like your imagination of their wedding, particularly how they dressed for the occasion and where it took place.
Lakewood – I like how it began with a question from Candy about when Albert realized he was in love with her. I also enjoyed reading how Candy became aware he was attractive with a fine masculine body.
As in the past, it’s not easy for me to pick a winner, so I had to take a step back and rethink what I have wanted when I decided to ask for contribution. As mentioned above, it’s for my current fanfic in progress, so eventually the story will reach this point, and I will repost the winner’s entry. I set 500 words as the limit mainly because I would like the mini-fic to be more focused on the interactions between Albert and Candy at the current moment. I re-read all your stories again and again (I’m serious!), and I finally shortlisted Anita and moira78’s stories. It was a tough decision until I realized I had mentioned they were newly weds, so moira78, thank you so much for your contribution! Congratulazioni! Grazie mille❣️🥰
Il profumo delle rose gli inondò le narici, portandolo al risveglio, e Albert prese un lungo respiro tra i capelli di Candy. Adorava svegliarsi accanto a sua moglie e non capiva l’abitudine di molte coppie di dormire in stanze separate. Nello stesso letto potevano godere del calore uno dell’altra, abbracciarsi sotto le coperte, udire il respiro nel sonno e… molto altro. Con un sorrisetto malizioso, Albert ripensò alla loro prima notte di nozze e anche a quelle successive.
Era incredibile come si potesse sentire completo nel corpo di Candy, fosse stato anche solo per carezzare quella pelle morbida e setosa, baciarla fino allo sfinimento, guardarla mentre ansimava dolcemente sulle sue labbra. Albert si accorse a malapena che la sua mano era scesa dalla lunga criniera di riccioli fin dietro la schiena di lei, attirandola un po’ di più a sé, il desiderio che cominciava a fargli perdere la lucidità.
Era bella anche con quel pigiama a righe che la copriva in modo così casto, il gemello di quello che indossava lui e che avevano ripreso apposta dalla Casa della Magnolia. Ovvio, adorava vederla nella sua gloriosa nudità, ma quel dettaglio del passato aveva un valore quasi magico e profondo, che sanciva le radici del loro legame ai tempi in cui lui era solo uno smemorato e lei la sua infermiera.
Candy si mosse nel sonno e borbottò qualcosa che poteva essere il suo nome: Albert si sentì morire d’amore e decise di non svegliarla, anche se gli sarebbe piaciuto molto far l’amore con lei proprio in quel momento. Si alzò, pur riluttante, dal loro letto e si diresse in cucina per preparare la colazione. Si sorprese a canticchiare un motivo sciocco mentre rompeva le uova e faceva bollire l’acqua per il caffè. Presto, i profumi inondarono la cucina così come il sole la illuminava dalla finestra: sarebbe stata un’altra splendida giornata!
Il rumore di piccoli passi strascicati lo raggiunse e lui sorrise senza alzare gli occhi dalla padella: “Buongiorno, dormigliona!”. La salutò.
Si volse e catturò l’immagine di Candy che si strofinava l’occhio con il pugno chiuso come una bambina e sbadigliava. Quella donna che poteva essere una ragazzina e un’amante che vibrava fra le sue braccia lo avrebbe fatto impazzire, prima o poi. Non dovette attendere molto: lei gli si avvicinò, annusando l’aria e allacciandosi al suo braccio: “Come ai vecchi tempi?”, chiese accennando con il mento alla padella.
“Come ai vecchi tempi”, confermò voltando il capo per baciarla.
Fu un bacio breve ma intenso e Albert allentò la presa della mano destra sulla padella mentre Candy gli stringeva il braccio sinistro appoggiandosi al suo fianco per arrivare meglio alle labbra. Si staccarono col respiro un po’ affannato: “Credo che tu debba girarla”, mormorò lei.
“Cosa?”, chiese confuso, stordito dal sapore della bocca di Candy e dalla sensazione del suo seno, dietro al pigiama a righe, premuto sul braccio.
“La frittata. Si brucerà se non la giri”.
“Oh…!”. Suo malgrado, Albert si staccò un po’ da lei e, afferrando meglio il manico della padella, con un movimento fluido del polso fece sollevare la frittata e ricadere perfettamente dall’altro lato, strappandole una risata e un piccolo applauso.
Many thanks for the invite and please see my entry as posted here. However, the word limit has been exceeded but not too much. My apologies, in advance, as well as for any possible typos. I’ve re-checked it myself but sth may escape notice..
Although trying to conceal his emotions, Albert was overwhelmed with delight with Candy’s reaction upon unwrapping his gift for her. He wanted to wait until the morning of their wedding anniversary during their brief holiday abroad. Albert had notified George that he would be on leave for a fortnight so as to spend quality time with Candy since it coincided with their wedding anniversary. They had been married for a year but almost immediately after their honeymoon, Albert had to resume to his usual business meetings, especially with a high-profile business executive who was about to land a most lucrative deal which would immensely benefit all relevant parties involved. Whilst Candy made a significant effort to suppress her disappointment, Albert could easily sense this and had promised her to make up for any lost time. Maintaining his promise turned out to be no mean feat as one successful business deal was consecutively following the other. Even though George constituted an excellent mentor for Albert, the scholar eventually exceeded the tutor and surpassed George in attaining a reputation of a highly intelligent, resourceful and shrewd businessman.
Yet, this came at a hefty price and it was reducing quality time with Candy to a considerable degree. Candy did not remain idle, however. On the contrary, she progressed upon her professional experience as a nurse fleeting between the city of Chicago and Dr Martin’s clinic back at the orphanage. She had recently acquired her driver’s licence and thus mustered the independence of being in control of her own car which she had purchased with her well-deserved earnings. Albert was so proud of her and never ceased to support Candy in her professional aspirations and initiatives. Nevertheless, he felt profound remorse for having had to increase his working hours, often at the expense of his personal moments shared with his dearly beloved wife. He knew that Candy understood-and she did-but that was not enough for him as being apart due to professional obligations cost them both emotionally. That is the reason why Albert was resolute in his final decision to devote an entire fortnight with Candy travelling around Continental Europe, in particular, Italy, France and Switzerland.
Having enjoyed their time in the Piedmont region, they decided to extend their stay a bit longer. This trip was a surprise gift to Candy but Albert wanted to offer her more. She kept on teasing him that this was due to “compensation” for having to work overtime but then she would then throw her arms around him and they would bounce back into bed (or the sofa..) impatiently removing each others’ clothes and making love until the early hours of the morning.
Upon waking up and still being rather drowsy, Albert caressed Candy’s pearl-white face and gave her a gift. She eagerly unwrapped it like a child on Christmas Day and was astounded to see a Damascene jewellery box. Albert explained to her that it had belonged to his sister, Rosemary, and it was customary to hand this invaluable heirloom from generation to generation to the most prominent member of the family. Candy was so speechless that it took her a few seconds to reply and then she initially tried to downplay her importance by claiming that she was unworthy of this precious gift which was of the finest and most exquisite taste. Albert quickly responded that this gift is important only because it now belongs to the most essential woman in his life. After their stichomythia surrounding what she could or would do with such an invaluable item, Albert simply suggested that she should do whatever she wants with it because it belongs to her and no one else. Candy ought to have expected this response as Albert has never been prescriptive nor possessive-two traits Candy had always appreciated and adored about Albert, being an independent individual herself. Apparently, Candy accepted Albert’s gift and felt honoured to have Rosemary’s fine jewellery box in her hands. She promised herself that she would make the best of this gift and place all her cherished memories inside.
Apart from this gift, Albert made a promise to Candy that he would never leave her side ever again and whether for business reasons or other affairs, he would always endeavour to have her by his side. Candy did not respond verbally but gazed into his azure eyes admiring his determined demeanour and impulsively wrapped her arms around his torso. They sealed their mutual promise with a passionate kiss whilst holding each other in the tightest embrace possible.
Thank you @Gabriella! I’ll read it soon. No worries about typos or anything. I know how you feel 😁
Thanks, Ms Puddle!
Dear Ms Puddle, I would be grateful if my contribution is also considered. I have decided to describe a brief but tender moment between Candy and Albert as newly-weds in the early morning hours of their lifetime together. In terms of the word-length, it’s safely within the requested limit of 500 words. Thank you very much for the opportunity and I am looking forward to reading all the entries submitted.
Brief Fanfic Submission
The scent of freshly ground morning coffee along with the fragrant aromas of strawberry and cream had Candy’s nostrils quivering with delight. Albert could easily manage to wake Candy up from her deep sleep without even trying knowing that preparing her favourite breakfast would get her up in no time. Tres Leches cake with a generous amount of fresh cream topped with strawberries and a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg was not only Albert’s ‘specialty’ but also Candy’s most beloved dessert. The scent emanating from the warm ceramic coffee mugs permeated Candy and Albert’s bedroom which was warmed further by the fireplace.
As Candy gingerly got up from bed, Albert kissed her tenderly on her forehead. Her emerald-green eyes met with his sky-blue orbs which sharply contrasted the charcoal-grey sky as seen from the window. It had been snowing all night which temporarily subsided but continued yet again with a vengeance early in the morning. The scenery outside was stunning, nonetheless, even during such overcast weather. The lush rural landscape laced with the overflowing river never lost its natural beauty whether during mild or inclement weather.
Candy and Albert’s love for nature had prompted their intention and ultimate decision to select property in a tranquil environment much akin to Ms Pony’s home. It did not take long for Albert to find such a fitting place and both he and Candy have George to thank for that as the latter had made all the necessary research and arrangements for the finalized purchase well before the two blondes’ wedding. Albert’s business ventures were running just as smoothly in the United States as well as in Britain in spite of the imminent financial recession. His business acumen along with George’s expertise rendered them a most competent collaboration to the point where Albert decided to promote George to a business partner, especially with regards to his enterprises in North and South America; Albert, in turn, would take full control over his highly successful businesses throughout the British Isles. Despite being based business-wise in the densely populated cities, Albert wanted his home to be away from the hustle and bustle of urban dwellings and thus preferred to seek property in an idyllic rural environment which would be within reasonable proximity to his job via vehicle. Candy was elated with Albert’s intentions as she also preferred to live in the countryside. They chose their ideal home together and managed to enjoy the rural establishments by the time they got married.
Looking towards the breath-taking view of the grassy hills and undulating stone-wall paths alongside the flowing river, Candy and Albert enjoyed their warm cups of coffee accompanied by the delectable Tres Leches cake slices. The long and heavy quilt more than sufficed to cover Candy’s small slender body as well as Albert’s lofty height and long legs. Nothing could warm their hearts more though than pleasant memories of their previous night together along with the intense anticipation of resuming their intimacy underneath the quilt soon after enjoying the final sip of their freshly ground coffee.
Hello @Elena thanks for participating! 🤗
It has been a pleasure. Thank you again and best regards.
Hello Ms Puddle,
My apologies for having exceeded the word limit. It’s actually 620 words.. If you decide to disqualify it from your writing competition, I fully understand.
Thank you again and take care!
[[[Candy was admiring her reflection in the mirror adorned with Albert’s additional wedding gift. None of his gifts were lavish nor pompous but graced with a line of subtlety, elegance and tenderness towards his significant other.
Several years ago, Candy bought a pair of supposedly matching pyjamas (they were rather small for him and too big for her) at an open market she had stumbled across while returning home from work. Her new home was the frugal but comfy flat she had decided to share with a mysterious young man who had saved her life many years ago when she was a child. Since then, the two of them would sporadically meet at different parts of the world but never would this man open his heart and soul to the young lady who had invested all her love and trust for. Her love began as an innocent one based on friendship but what was in store for them was completely different and unbeknownst to them further on into the future as they had crossed paths again but this time, under bleak circumstances. Albert’s amnesia had brought despair and dread to both of them but it also functioned as a catalyst for Candy and Albert to become more and more drawn to each other. Although Albert had never made any advances towards Candy, it had become more than apparent that their initial friendship had evolved into a deeper relationship which none of them wanted to admit and steered clear from wishing to interpret-each for reasons of their own. The most fascinating of relationships are those which initially begin as friendships. However, such relationships are also the most difficult to kick off as there is so much at stake and so much to lose, hence, incurring further apprehension and angst between and within those tormented two involved.
Candy was willing to make the first move but Albert had already taken flight leaving only a letter thanking Candy for her services. Adding insult to injury, Albert also added a generous sum to Candy’s bank account as he did not intend to burden her any further. Candy was obviously upset but also profoundly concerned for Albert’s safety. Most of all, however, Albert’s absence had left a gaping wound in Candy’s heart and it was only then when she realized how important he was to her. When Candy eventually discovered Albert’s true identity as the head of the Ardlay clan, she felt betrayed and did not stray from expressing her anger against Albert. Nonetheless, her dismay easily subsided when she began to understand that her feelings for Albert were reciprocal and he had never meant to deceive her. Via their letters of correspondence during her return to the orphanage, Candy was overwhelmed with love and gratitude for Albert’s equivalent overflow of emotion and expression of love for Candy even though there was nothing inappropriate or explicit in their letters due to maintaining a certain form of decorum. Besides, Candy’s letters had been exposed and read by others in the past and neither Candy nor Albert wanted their feelings to be expressed in written form where third parties could have access to them. Letters and words were irrelevant anyway as both of them were by that time fully aware of each other’s feelings and sentiments.
As words moved to actions, Candy and Albert decided to officialise their relationship even though that caused a storm within the Ardlay clan. They proceeded with their relationship and doubled-down, regardless.
As Candy continued to admire her figure in front of the mirror, she felt Albert’s arms being wrapped around her and, in turn, admiring their mirror-reflection adorned with a dark-blue and streak of sterling-grey matching pyjamas he had bought for the two of them as a wedding gift. But this time, their matching pyjamas were a perfect fit for both of them.]]]
Thank you @Lynn for your submission! I don’t know why I didn’t get notified of a new comment. Sorry for the delay!
No worries, Ms Puddle. It’s probably just a glitch.
Thanks for your understanding, Lynn!
Hi! Here’s my mini-fanfic but it’s exceeded the word-limit (570). If you want to trim it down to size, I have no problem with that. The reason why I didn’t do that myself was because I considered that it would affect the meaning a bit.
Being a rather light sleeper, it wasn’t much of an effort for Candy to wake up sooner than Albert. Besides, she had been accustomed to waking at the crack of dawn due to her long-term experience in working at Ms Pony’s home as well as being able to adapt to various shifts at the hospital and Dr Martin’s medical clinic, thereafter.
Albeit tempted to wake Albert from his deep slumber and tease him a bit, Candy decided to be more charitable and allow him to continue to enjoy his sleep. She fondly recalls his difficulty in waking up early in the morning during their cohabitation at the Magnolia estate because he was more of a ‘night time’ person than an ‘early bird’ like her. That did not mean he was lazy. On the contrary, Albert was always known for being a very hard-working person. However, getting up in the morning without the aid of several cups of coffee had often been a challenge for this statuesque and particularly tall blonde man.
Candy continues to reminisce with much fondness how Albert would never get upset or annoyed with her even when she would wake him up-usually accidentally-whilst getting ready for her night or early morning shifts. His sense of humour had that uncanny ability to superimpose any form of aggression or even mild irksomeness. However, there were moments when Albert would ‘return the favour’ and tease Candy back but this was done always with good intentions where they both enjoyed a warm hearty laugh afterwards. Indeed, Candy felt blessed for having met and especially for having had the time to live with Albert for a few years even though the initial circumstances were anything but favourable. Nevertheless, she would have desired to relive those moments with him-both the beautiful and difficult moments-provided that it was him she would live them with and no one else.
Through her life, there was nobody Candy trusted and respected more than Albert-not even Annie. However, it took a while for Candy to realise that her bonding with Albert was progressing from a friendship into something far more profound. Neither Candy nor Albert had ever anticipated what was about to happen to them emotionally and it took a considerable amount of time for the two of them to finally come to terms with their own feelings individually as well as their feelings for each other. There were various barriers but time and space assisted in the alleviation of any qualms or misconceptions. It wasn’t a matter of who would make the first step as both Candy and Albert simultaneously took initiatives in strengthening their bond and moving onto the next level of courtship.
Irrespective of the Ardlay elders, Candy and Albert got engaged and quickly married, indifferent to what the Lagans or the Ardlay elders preferred for Albert’s future. Yet, Albert’s concern was to achieve his aunt Elroy’s blessing because he respected her and he knew the feelings were mutual. He was right. Aunt Elroy eventually gave her blessing and even appeared at the close-knit albeit amiable wedding of Candy and Albert which was enveloped with the unconditional love of true friends which stood the test of time.
Taking a deep sigh, Candy hoped that her marriage with Albert would also stand the test of time. Yet, she needn’t worry much as she knew that she had finally found her other half with a man who unconditionally respected and loved her in tandem with being a very attractive lad beautiful in appearance as in character.
Thanks and pardon for exceeding the word-limit.
Thank you @Sarah for participating as well! No worries about the word limit 😉
Thank you for your understanding! I appreciate it.
I should thank you for sharing your minific 😊
Hello Ms Puddle,
Please find my short-story which I have posted on your blog just now. As requested, it is within the word-limit (slightly less than 500 words).
Thank you for your time.
Please feel free to correct any errors/typos. Thanks again and I am looking forward to more of your lovely fanart and fanfiction.
Thank you for your interest, @Chiaroscuro. I hope you enjoyed the process 😉
Thank you @Chiaroscuro for participating in my little contest. ☺️
Thank you for the invitation, Ms Puddle. I hope you enjoy my short-story.
Yes @Chiaroscuro! Thank you. But at this stage I won’t comment on anyone’s entry. Thanks for your understanding 🤗
Perfectly understood, Ms Puddle. You had already specified that in your initial post. Thank you again for your time.
“Tranquil Morning…”
The morning light gently caressed Candy’s eyelids causing them to open slightly and ending her brief nap…
Neither her newly-wed husband nor herself had slept much during their first night together. A smile graced Candy’s freckled-face as she remembered that lovely night and how Albert respected her needs and was so understanding to her initial nervousness. Nonetheless, any iota of insecurity had subsided due to the genuine passion which mutually went ablaze between those two blondes. Candy was a bit concerned about her lack of sexual experience but her love-making with Albert came naturally as he never coerced nor urged her in any way whatsoever. An infinitesimal element of jealousy did permeate Candy’s mind, however, as she was wondering whether Albert had many sexual encounters prior to her or not given the fact that he had travelled to so many places and endured a plethora of experiences. At some point she would ask him but for the time-being she found it not only unnecessary but uncalled for. Besides, both of them obviously had a romantic past with other partners but what mattered was the present moment. For that given present moment, Candy was absolutely certain that she was the queen of Albert’s heart as he was the king of hers; such certainty never emerges without pure reciprocal affection and uttermost devotion.
When Albert eventually awakens, Candy would want to ask him about his adventures now that his memory is fully restored. She intensely wants to share worldwide travel experiences with him in tandem with memorable moments which would accompany them throughout their collective lifetime. Albert had many estates in North America and the United Kingdom but Candy wanted to explore unchartered territory with him away from luxury and formalities. Apart from the aforementioned two destinations, Candy had never travelled anywhere else. Having read Albert’s letters, Candy always wondered how it would be like to travel to Africa and South America. Perhaps they could embark on a long journey to Australia together…
Abruptly, Candy’s quasi-hypnotic state was interrupted by Albert’s beloved velvety deep and soothing voice which always made her heart skip a beat. He asked her what she would like for breakfast as he could hear her stomach growling and incessantly complaining for food. Candy responded with her signature-style high-pitched chuckle and told him that he should know by now what her favourite breakfast is as they had spent so much time together at the Magnolia. Albert met her playful tone with an enigmatic grin and wrapped his long arms around her petite frame. Candy snuggled like a kitten in his arms and the two of them enjoyed an additional brief morning nap together accompanied by the rays of the morning sun which entered through the cedar wood window-sill.
Lovely short story. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Myra.
(Apologies, in advance, for this duplicate comment but my comment isn’t going through for some reason.)
Hi there!
Delighted to see your latest illustrations.
I’m currently working on the short-story for your quitting competition and I’ll probably get it done much sooner than the deadline.
Bye for now and best wishes!
Correction – not quitting competition but writing competition..
Correction – not quitting but writing competition..
That’s wonderful, @Gabriella❣️ Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best wishes to you too 🤗
Love this new drawing of our two beautiful blondes! It was wise of you to watermark this drawing and it’s best if you maintain that strategy as some people use your work without acknowledging you as the source.
Thank you so much for your kind words @Irana93❣️ Glad you noticed my watermark, because this time I tried something different (looks less obvious).
Hello Ms Puddle,
How are you? I’m very happy to see that you’re sharing more fanart with the CC/CCFS community. Albert and Candy look even more stunning in your new fanart.
Albert unable to promise anything, I’ll try to get a story in by next week when I’ll be less pressed for time.
Talk to you again soon!
LMAO! Please pardon my hilarious error whilst typing. I meant to say: “Albeit unable to promise anything, I’ll try to get a story in by next week…”.
I know, this exact typo happened to me before lol 🤣
Thank you so much @Avon for your encouraging feedback! You have made my day. 💞 And thanks for your interest too! No obligations, you know, and take care 🤗
You take care too!
Dear Ms Puddle, I would like to thank you for sharing more of your beautiful work with us. I agree with many folks here that this specific drawing is one of your finest. Albert and Candy look so gorgeous!
Hello @Aurora! Thank you so much 🥰💖 What a delight to hear that you think this new illustration is one of my finest ones! 🤗
There are so many favourites that it’s almost impossible to pick and choose the best one. All I can say is that apart from this most recent one, other favourites include the the ones where Candy and Albert are embracing each other in the snow as well as the more sensual ones.😉
Thank you so much @Aurora!! I’m very happy to hear that 🥰 This reminds me… I haven’t drawn any sensual ones for a long time… 😉
The sensual ones are definitely amazing because they are subtle and elegant.
Thanks for your kind words, @Aurora, and perhaps I’ll draw one later this year 🤗