My old fanart
No, I wasn’t neglecting my blog… As a matter of fact, something serious has happened, and I have to take care of it first. 😥 However, recently I was informed that a Candy Candy...
... where I share my thoughts and personal creative works
No, I wasn’t neglecting my blog… As a matter of fact, something serious has happened, and I have to take care of it first. 😥 However, recently I was informed that a Candy Candy...
First of all, I’m more than thrilled that my latest drawing has been well received, and thank you all very much for your kind words!! It’s very encouraging to read your positive comments and feedback. 😀...
Ever heard of the following quote? “One day someone is going to hug you so tight that all your broken pieces will stick back together.” — Unknown I think that’s what happened to Candy...
Have any of you watched the movie, The Time Traveler’s Wife? I enjoyed watching it, and it actually brought tears to my eyes at some points. Anyway, (SPOILER ALERT) near the end of the movie,...
As we journey through our lives, there are many things that we will soon forget, but there are certain things that we have imprinted in our minds, and we will never erase them from...
As mentioned before in Love Triangle (Part 6), Stear had invented a music box for Candy, and he named it “Candy Happy Maker”. Below is an excerpt (from spoilers) of Candy Candy Final Story...
After talking about Rockstown again and again, it’s about time for me to talk about what happened afterwards. 🙂 In Candy Candy Final Story (CCFS), it wasn’t clear if Terry had learned of Candy’s...
When I was writing my story “Love Never Fails”, I thought of using Stear’s invention, the music box “Candy Happy Maker”, for the plot, but at last I let the matter drop. Recently, this idea...
I’ve been quieter than usual lately because I’m not feeling well. Don’t worry though, because I’m getting slightly better. 🙂 Besides, a message from Antlay actually cheered me up! She got the first chapter...
I haven’t heard of this quote before until just recently: “Invisible Threads are the Strongest Ties”, a quote by the famous philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). I read that he had meant that threads of love and...
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