Relación Peculiar Capítulo 10 (Parte 2)
¡Feliz día de San Valentín! ❤ ❤ ¡Muchas gracias por traducir, QuevivaCandy, mi querida amiga! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ -Ms Puddle Capítulo 10 (Parte 2) Sin embargo, para su gran sorpresa, la Tía Abuela Elroy invitó a...
... where I share my thoughts and personal creative works
¡Feliz día de San Valentín! ❤ ❤ ¡Muchas gracias por traducir, QuevivaCandy, mi querida amiga! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ -Ms Puddle Capítulo 10 (Parte 2) Sin embargo, para su gran sorpresa, la Tía Abuela Elroy invitó a...
Para aquellas que no están familiarizadas con los spoilers de Candy Candy Final Story (CCFS), por favor sean pacientes conmigo. No quiero repetir lo que Mizuki ya escribió en el epílogo, por lo que...
My original plan is not to post anything until the new year, but what a wonderful surprise! 🙂 I’ve received marvelous Christmas presents from my dear friend Antlay. Merci beaucoup, mon amie! 💓💓💓 She made montages...
I’m glad that some of you like the pictures from Silvia in the previous post. 🙂 Now, this is a set of marvelous montages composed by Antlay. ❤ALERT! This contains spoilers to my current story, A Man...
Many thanks to my friends who have given me feedback on Facebook or Chapter 5. Your comments inspired me to keep writing, so thank you. 😘 This time it didn’t take me as long to write a new chapter to “A man...
My appreciation goes to all the friends who have written comments on Facebook or Chapter 4. Your positive feedback has kept me motivated. Thank you so much for your patience, and some have asked if they would see Albert...
I appreciate all the friends who have given me feedback to Chapter 3 on Facebook or here. Your enthusiasm certainly motivates me to keep writing. 🙂 Hope you also like my new update to “A man...
Thanks for your patience. Originally I planned to publish this as my gift for Albert’s birthday. Oh well… hope you like this new chapter. 😍 If you do, I’d like to hear from you....
My appreciation to many of you for your enthusiastic feedback to the first chapter, so I hope you like this too. 😍 — Ms Puddle Chapter 2 When I thought there couldn’t be any...
Soon after writing my minific Reunion, this short story formed in my head. I hope you like it as much as my other stories. If you do, please let me know. I’d like to...
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