Sharing half of a sandwich

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39 Responses

  1. askgirl says:

    I don’t understand something. If Albert was slowly showing his real feelings to Candy, why did he announce in the engagement party he was his adopted daughter? Did he explain his actions in ccfs? Please clarify me. Thank you.

  2. Good article. I am going through many of these issues as well.

  3. Enaka says:

    Dear Marjorie,

    Since you’re a Literature bug, why don’t you shower us an Albert-Candy fanfic of your own? Wouldn’t you agree with me, fellow fans? 😉

    • Marjorie Townsend says:

      haha! my kind of literature major is to criticize and not to produce! very ashamed of myself! You actually learn how silly literature can be and of course, grow to have appreciation of great writings and great minds of all ages. Literature is a product of the population as well as the minds of selected few…. (ok, stopping myself from rambling on like a true literature major…) the short answer is, I am not capable of writing with a vivid imagination…. 🙂 thanks so much though! I just love to read. I am only good at writing term papers… hahahaha

      • CKati says:

        Yes Enaka, it would be great to have another English CC fanfic writer. But as Marjorie claims she has no vivid imagination, we will have just have to do with only her comments then ;-). I’m just kidding, that was no criticism towards you dear Marjorie 🙂
        Enaka, I can almost hear you say, ‘look who’s talking’ . Yes, I know, I have no vivid imagination either, so I will sit comfortably on my couch and read what you, productive writers produce and comment on that LOL 😀

        • I actually appreciate the comments from you all, and I enjoy reading them! Thank you all for the support and encouragement by leaving remarks on my posts! 😀

      • Don’t be so modest, Marjorie! I’m sure you can produce something 😉

  4. Guest says:

    Where can I buy a copy of colored manga?

  5. 221BBakerSt says:

    What I find funny is…I thought Candy had moved on and let go of Terry, and yet she came with a total stranger at the sound of Terry’s name.

    I strongly agree with your analysis, and I, as well, am into the group of breaking bread tradition, and only it doesn’t come with a butter or jelly. 😉

  6. CKati says:

    Albert was one step ahead of her when he offerd her half of the sandwich. He knew exactly why he was offering it. I wonder if Candy really knew the significance of sharing the sandwich, the way Albert meant it. Am I making sense?

    Funny that you mention the bread-breaking tradition. We also have this tradition, only our bread is really sweet.

    • Marjorie Townsend says:

      Great point in that Candy may not know the meanings of he sharing of bread with Albert! That leads me to wonder if Candy really knows what love is… maybe that is the reason why the author leaves everybody hanging …. What is love? desire? infatuation? or obsession?

      • Candyfan says:

        Probably so. If I were smarter than Candy and knew what Albert meant, then I’d blush vehemently. Saying it indirectly of his feelings for Candy was wise enough not to frighten the girl off and wanted to let her know that he’d be there for her.

        • That’s right. Albert knew Candy wasn’t over Terry yet, but he still wanted Candy to know that he would be there for her whenever she needed him. Snif snif…

      • I don’t blame Candy though… she hadn’t yet forgotten Terry then… she was blind to see there was someone who deeply cared for her… sigh.

      • CKati says:

        Dear Marjorie, I believe that Candy did know what love was. But as MS Puddleglum said, she was young. Her love for Terry was a passionate teenager love (without the sex of course). What I mean to say is, that her love is never superficial, neither for her big love, nor for her friends. When she loves, she loves deeply 🙂

        • Well said, CKati. What I like about Candy was that even though she knew Archie and Stear both had fallen for her, she never led them on or gave them wrong signals. When she loved Anthony or Terry, she put all her heart into it, so that was why she was hurt so deeply afterwards and could not forget either one easily.

    • CKati, so you have that bread breaking tradition too? Nice to know that! 🙂
      I agree with you that Candy might not have known the significance of the meaning behind sharing the sandwich yet at that moment, but she was apparently very touched by Albert’s kindness to her. After Albert had vanished, she remembered this sandwich in CCFS and wondered why he had left her after all. You probably know that I have used this point in my stories too :P.

      • CKati says:

        Ms Puddleglum, you are absolutely right. What I actually meant was that she didn’t know the significance at that moment. Albert had to dissapear before she finally realized it. It’s often that way, you don’t what you have until you loose it 🙁

        • i know, CKati… that’s very true… she didn’t know how important Albert was to her until he was gone… as I have mentioned in my previous posts… sigh!

  7. Candyfan says:

    Obviously…the way Albert and Candy tease around in the apartment in both manga and anime like long-time best of friends, shows how inseparable they are. You can’t see that kind of deep closeness between Terry and Candy.

    • That’s right… even though Terry and Candy also bantered around a lot while in London, but their time together was so much less when compared to Albert and Candy. 😉

  8. Sadie says:

    This is one of my favorite scenes, too

  9. mojoqueen says:

    So wonderful to learn of all the different wedding rituals! And, I agree with you 100%… the bread sharing scene is more than just between friends…. it is a life-long promise between husband and wife…. Yes…. that is what Mizuki has in her mind all along. Unfortunately, the lovely Terry has touched off such firestorms among fans that he will never go away … author, i guess trying to be very smart in her writings, does not help at all in CCFS.

    • Yes! It’s a lifelong commitment that a husband and wife are supposed to do for each other–sharing joy and sorrow in life!

    • you-know-me says:

      In reply to mojoqueen:

      Wow, we think alike, MQ. You said exactly what I was going to say. Yep, what Albert did was like proposing his love to Candy already. And also, I believe they already have deeper bond between them when Candy was open of her ‘POTH crush’ secret to Albert only which she never shared with Archie, Stear, her own buddy Annie, and not even to Terry. Apparently, it shows that Albert was really meant for Candy. Hope one day the fans of opposite will open their eyes to the truth.

      Thank you for sharing the meaning of breaking bread, MPG, I learned a lot from you. Have a good week, all!

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