Thank you for the encouragement!

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53 Responses

  1. MN027 says:

    Really? What’s gonna be?!

  2. Raquel says:

    When I was reading your story, I feel the warm-hearted tension from you as though you were Candy. I’m going to visit here every day and read your blog.

  3. Guest says:

    I want to thank you for being an inspiration to all of us. I love you!

  4. Inah says:

    I will be waiting, Ms Puddle!

  5. Guest says:

    That’s good news! I think we fans deserve a burger and a shake from you 😉

  6. LorenaG says:

    Once again, you made me express a smile on your new chapter, and congratulations!

  7. 24miles says:

    Wooot! Yes, go for broke!!!

  8. Alexandrite ;) says:

    Yay! Esp. for the new illustration 🙂

  9. Albertfanatix says:

    Whatever you choose to illustrate from any scene as long as it’s from you, I’m happy with it. You’re an awesome artist with wonderful ideas.

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