Time to celebrate!

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40 Responses

  1. Guest says:

    I can feel Albert’s hand on mine, lol! Excellent drawing!

  2. c.a.w. says:

    I want to thank you for permitting me to post your wonderful image in my page. It is indeed a romantic one and we love it. Brilliant adventure, Ms Puddle! Keep your A & C magic pen burning!

  3. hopelynn says:

    Hello there, nice to meet you. It’s so great to see a devoted fan who comes up with a site for Candy and Albert and I hope to check this out every day. All the best for Candy and Albert!

  4. Guest says:

    “Without your constant support, this site would not have been possible!” —Nope. 😛 Without your stories, we fans would not have found out about the manga, and congratulations on your domain!

  5. MN027 says:

    Ms Puddle strikes again! You deserve a big hug offering!

    So, this is your new home? Am I getting an invitation for domain blessing? 😀

  6. Patricia says:

    It is very, very nice! 😀

  7. CKati says:

    A & C look so happy together. Very nice drawing (I keep repeating myself).
    And also congratulations on this new domain 😀

    • mspuddle@outlook.com says:

      Hello CKati! Don’t worry about repeating yourself because I’m glad to hear from you every single time! 😀 Thanks again for your support and encouragement!

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