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18 Responses

  1. Lisette says:

    Sorry…I meant chapter 101 (the sweater scene) ups!!!

  2. Lisette says:

    Thanks Mrs. Puddle! 🙂 These weekend I was watching on Youtube the last chapter of this Anime, and gladly can say, that the audience, little by little starts to accept that is destiny for Albert and Candy begin a new chapter in their lives together. Specially when you watch chapters 111 and 113 ( the sweater scene and the sandwich scene, so romantic, both of them). I think, and it´s only my point of view, the general disappointing about episode 115, the last one, it´s all about how quick things solved, and the lack of emotion when Candy discovers who her Prince is… 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      I agree with you Lisette! It was the lack of emotions in the last episode that was disappointing! Neither Albert nor Candy showed the immense happiness that was clear at the end of the manga! However, the sweater scene and sandwich scene were great as you have pointed out. 🙂

  3. Lisette says:

    They belong together for sure!!! For me this story, has as one of its basis, the moment when Candy and a young William Albert Aldrey met for first time and their lives bound each other. There´s no good byes with them, there´s always the possibility to encounter in the future, their relationship flows as a river. And the origin is also the destiny of our couple: Pony´s Hill, that is their place where the story began and where the story ends. Even though appears a new character in Candy´s life, Albert is always there as the prince of the hill or as Uncle William or as himself. Trough the story he never fades and at the End his presence becomes stronger than ever.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Lisette, I totally agree with you. Very good analysis indeed. 🙂
      In the manga it was very clear that Candy and Albert had belonged to each other since their first encounter on the hill. Many things had happened and people had come and gone, but Candy had never forgotten her prince, and unknowingly, she had remained close to him and their bond was invincible! The story ended exactly on the same spot, Pony’s Hill, where their story had begun. He was her destiny! 😀

  4. Stitch says:

    It’s funny when Candy hardly knows Albert at all, yet she felt comfortable telling him they shared the same fate that they were both lonely and homeless. compatible, in her opinion? If she had known that he was the boy she met on the hill, she’d die of embarrassment. it was like she had professed her love for him already 😛

  5. CKati says:

    This could be part of their wedding vows. It is really beautiful!

  6. candyfan says:

    Indeed, they are soulmates.

  7. Mavelle says:

    That I’m upset with him for doing so. >:( Still, he didn’t let the Leagans succeed by bringing Candy to Mexico, nor getting devoured by a lion 😉

  8. Mavelle says:

    Apparently, they’re afraid to lose each other 😉

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Well… Albert had made a painful decision to leave her… :'(

      • Mavelle says:

        hat I’m upset with him for doing so. >:( Still, he didn’t let the Leagans succeed by bringing Candy to Mexico, nor getting devoured by a lion

      • Mavelle says:

        Now that I’m upset with him for doing so. >:( Still, he didn’t let the Leagans succeed by bringing Candy to Mexico, nor getting devoured by a lion 🙂

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