No sé si es amor: Capítulo III “Brazos”

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21 Responses

  1. Martha Cervantes Quiroga says:

    Sorry I have to write in Spanish.
    Es que si no se me va la idea, y estoy muy emocionada. Aunque ya sabía como sería el encuentro de Candy con el Príncipe de la Colina, tu narración me ha llenado de emoción.
    Esa despedida de Candy dando gracias a Albert es muy conmovedora.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola mi querida amiga! 💋 No need to say sorry. Once again, thank you so much for reading this story, Martha. I love all my stories, but this one has a special spot in my heart. 😍😘💖💗💞 Because of this chapter 3, Albert’s confession to be Prince on the Hill😍

  2. Lydia says:

    I thought Albert was taller? In the manga, Candy was supposed to be up to Albert’s shoulder only. 🙁

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thanks for asking. If you check my other drawings you will see that I did know that Candy was only up to Albert’s shoulders. But in my imagination, they were running towards each other. Candy threw herself onto Albert by jumping, and with Albert leaning down and taking strides, their height difference was shortened. I hope this makes sense to you. 😛

  3. Anonymous says:

    es muy bonito este capitulo

  4. Loris says:


  5. victoria40 says:

    Estoy completamente de acuerdo contigo y asi lo e imaginado siempre. Tu historia esta genial!!!

  6. Anonymous says:


    One of your fanfics is being added for Christmas video.

  7. CandyFan says:

    This is just so attractive, good job!

  8. Alexandrite says:

    So cute Ms Puddle! I love it! Candy looks so pretty 🙂

  9. Guest says:

    Is this really Albert? He looks like Anthony’s size?

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