Albert the Prince Charming

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10 Responses

  1. CKati says:

    Hi Ms Puddle,

    I liked the first version of this drawing, but the modifications have made it better 😀
    You’ve captured the melancholy look really well!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you CKati dear! I’m so glad you like this one too! I hope to reuse this look later as mentioned in my post 😀

  2. Reeka says:

    Hi! recently i’ve found your comment in one of spanish fanfic and i understood that you got it translated as you don’t speak spanish. Are you using google.translate or else? I’m so frustrated with google translate though. It helped me to understand the story and the flow, but it gave me huge headache to read it. LOL.

    And i’m very pleased if you can recommend me some spanish fanfics ( of course i want albert version, though i also welcome terry’s if the story’s wonderful. ). So my effort in dealing with google translate isn’t ended up in vain.

    Thank you very much, mspuddle.! Btw can’t wait for LNF 43 ^^

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Reeka! Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner.
      No I don’t understand Spanish, so I used Google translator to read (or guess). It was a pain in the neck, and for some I simply gave up LOL. There are some long stories that are very good I heard, but for long ones I don’t have the patience. Let me see if I can find the list my friend sent me. 😉

      Yes I’m trying to write ch 43… I’m getting there… slowly. 😛 Thanks again for your encouragement!

      • Reeka says:

        Ms Puddle, i’ve tried to google-translate the one with title ” in fragrant” because i saw it has thousands reviews. And it’s worth it. The story was wonderful. 🙂 I think you’ve read that one too, right?

        btw, recently i’ve found this video on youtube, i thought you might be interested. 🙂
        i don’t know whose song it is, but it amazingly fit into albert-candy.


        • Ms Puddle says:

          Hello Reeka!
          Yes I’ve heard of that story too! Have you finished it? It’s long, but I haven’t had a chance to read it yet.
          Thanks for the link to the video! It does capture Candy’s dream of meeting her prince one day! 😀

          • Reeka says:

            Yeah i’ve read it. If you want, i can email you the translation. I got it until chapter 40. But i warn you that you gotta be extra patient to read and re-read it since i had it from googletranslate. The he-she-it, the arrangement of manners/verbs and objects was stessfully confusing. But once we got used to, we’d survive! Hahahaha.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              I understand the pain of reading machine translated stories lol!!! That’s exactly the reason why I hesitate to read long stories in a foreign language even though I know they are great. I guess I’ll pass until I have more leisure time to read. Thanks for your offer though 🙂

  3. All Albert needs is a comfort love from me 😉

    I love your new version, by the way. 🙂

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