Prince on the Hill

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18 Responses

  1. CKati says:

    Dear Ms Puddle,

    You did it again. Beautiful, wonderful drawing!
    To me it seems as if he’s looking longingly at Pony’s Home, or maybe I’m wrong.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you very much, CKati! 😀 Yes, you can say that he seemed to be looking longingly down there. 🙂 In the original drawing, Albert faced that way too as though he was looking at Pony’s Home, but in fact, he still had no clue back then that he would end up paying for the reconstruction of this orphanage in the future just because someone very important in his life cared about this orphanage so much 😉

  2. SweetCandyAndley says:

    Oh, my dearest Ms Puddle,

    It is such a lovely piece of art! I can almost feel the way he was feeling at that time. Probably he was just looking for a special spot where to manage his own feelings. He needed some kind of freedom, cause he probably felt in a golden cage. The way the wind was blowing in his face and his hair could be like a caress from Mother Nature. The kind of bond he felt towards nature afterwards might be explained in here. He was a lonely boy, yet he could feel connected to his surroundings. He was considering his own problems and limits, pondering how miserable he felt, when suddenly he realized that there were others (Candy in this case) who suffered worst things. It became such an important moment in his life, that he would always cherish “Pony’s Hill”.

    You are doing such a great job! I loved it! Keep it up, my friend!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola SweetCandyAndley, mi querida amiga! Nice to hear that you love this drawing, and thank you so much for your kind words. In fact, you read my mind! I was gonna talk about something similar to what you said in your comment, but this post was quite long already, so I cut it short. 🙂 Thank you for reminding me, my friend!

  3. Criss Cerón says:

    Is a beautiful job, Albert looks so handsome in this kilt, and you have reason, Albert hasn´t 17 when he meets candy, he maybe could be have 14??? and be around 1.65 ….. is very difficult to believe he has 17, when in this age his appearance almost could be like now as an adult.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you, Criss, for your encouragement! 🙂 Yes, when a boy is 17, he’s almost an adult, so he won’t look boyish anymore. In the manga, Prince on the Hill looked more like 14 or at most 15 😉

  4. Quevivacandy says:

    Ms Puddle, I just love the way you drew it… the skirt lenght, the colors, how the breeze blows his hair, I can feel like I’m in the top off the hill with him, and the way he’s looking down to Pony’s Home… awwww <3 Love it!

    Not long time ago, some girls and me were talking about Albert's features and the ones of the POTH. You are right, a boy in his seventeens is so close to have reached his height and I guess that was the case of Albert but… his features still have to change. It's just my guessing, but I think because the years elapsed between their first met and the time he found her in the cascade, There is no way she could reconigze him. That happened to me last year. I met a boy, grandchild of a friend, around 8 years ago, he was a teenager by that time, but when I met with him again lastyear, I couldn't tell who he was. I only felt I knew him from somewhere but could tell from where. It was until my friend told me that I said… what???? is he Jason? Until then, I associated my memories with what I had in front of me. He was the same kid with more matures features. And Albert, well, he also was wearing a beard.

    3 things are the ones Candy couldn't forget about the prince of the hill… the color of his hair, his voice and his sweet smile. I guess when she met once again Albert in London, she didn't associate those things with him, having the old memory of Albert, indicating he's a different person from her prince. That is why she was shocked when he made 'the confession', until then, she compared the description of her prince with Albert, indicating they both were the very same person. Hmmm hope I could explain myself. :p

  5. Agnès says:

    Bonjour Chère Ms Puddle,

    Personnellement, je m’étais toujours imaginé le Tartan du Prince de la Colline dans des teintes vertes et bleues rappelant ainsi celles des yeux d’Albert et de Candy mais quand j’ai vu votre dessin… le résultat en rouge et noir est tout simplement splendide ! Merci pour ce magnifique chef d’œuvre ! <3 <3 <3 J’adore le doux visage et les yeux couleur azur si lumineux et effectivement peut-être un peu mélancolique d’Albert mais n’oublions pas qu’il était malheureux à l’époque (isolé, perte de sa sœur…). J’aime aussi la « Maison de Pony » faisant référence à Candy. On dirait que le regard d’Albert se porte vers elle, comme s'il se languissait !

    Quant à ce personnage du Prince de la Colline, pour moi c’est un fil conducteur depuis le début jusqu’à la fin de l’histoire. C’est lui qui a était le phare du cœur de Candy. Quand elle a rencontré Anthony, elle a d’ailleurs cru que c’était son Prince et je pense, qu’au départ en tout cas, elle en est tombée amoureuse pour cette raison ! Ensuite, quand elle a vu Terry sur le Mauritania pour la 1ère fois elle a pensé voir Anthony donc quelque part son Prince aussi puisqu'ils se ressemblaient! Ce qui est amusant est le paradoxe que le seul qui ne lui ait jamais rappelé son Prince est justement Albert ! Il faut dire qu’avec son déguisement près de la chute d’eau c’était impossible et puis il était devenu adulte. Les garçons changent beaucoup entre l’adolescence et l’âge adulte.

    Pour moi il serait logique que Candy termine sa vie dans CCFS avec son 1er amour donc son Prince. La boucle serait bouclée ! Sinon effectivement pourquoi faire apparaitre ce personnage tout au long de l’histoire ? Cela n’aurait pas de sens ! Albert a été son pilier, son refuge, son protecteur même au péril de sa vie (attaque du lion) tout au long de son existence!

    De plus du point de vue caractère, je trouve que Terry correspond moins à Candy et pourtant j’ai étais bouleversée quand ils ont rompu mais avec le recul et la maturité je me suis rendue compte, grâce aussi à vous Ms Puddle, qu’Albert est sa véritable âme sœur ! Terry est un jeune homme déchiré, révolté qui a été rejeté toute sa vie qui s’est construit une muraille pour se protéger. Mais impulsif et sarcastique aussi. Albert a beaucoup souffert lui aussi mais il a réagi autrement de par sa personnalité plus altruiste, tout comme Candy. Il s’est ouvert sur le monde, la nature, les animaux d’où son voyage en Afrique par exemple ! La reconstruction de l’orphelinat aussi… Ils ont beaucoup plus de points communs. Mais ce n'est que mon avis! 😉

    Voilà, j’ai fini par choisir de m’exprimer en français car c’est plus évident pour moi d’être fidèle à ma pensée dans ma langue maternelle et puis au moins cela montre que vous avez des fans partout dans le monde ! 😉 🙂 😀

  6. Antlay says:

    Ah ! Most important, I like, I love your drawing Ms Puddle ! ❤❤❤

  7. Antlay says:

    Waow !!! Et bien cela valait le coup d’attendre. Votre dessin Ms Puddle est incroyable, fantastique, j’ai du mal à trouver les mots pour le qualifier. Albert est si mignon avec ce visage d’adolescent portant le kilt. Le choix du tartan rouge et noir, personnellement j’adore c’est bien mieux que le vert. Et tous ces détails, franchement je suis heureuse que vous ayez décidé de le dessiner, Il est si parfait, et j’étais convaincue de votre capacité à faire un tel dessin, avec un talent tel que le votre, qui pourrait en douter !

    Je suis heureuse et plus qu’honorée d’avoir choisi ce dessin en couverture de votre histoire “It must have been love”. Cela plaira beaucoup je suis sûre aux lecteus français !

    Quant à la fameuse scène à la fin du manga et celle de CCFS, qui sont identiques, si MIZUKI avait décidé de choisir un autre homme qu’Albert, je pense qu’elle n’aurait pas clôturer CCFS de la même façon. Right ?

  8. Reeka says:

    Once again, thank you so much! The Prince on The Hill sure looks charming here. His expression is a bit melancholy, yet his eyes show tenderness. I like it very very much, Ms Puddle.

    POTH was indeed a very important character in CC. As we once discussed, it made no sense that Mizuki created a character who only appeared very very brief in earlier chapter, and only made him reappeared at the very end of the story – if that character was not important. And how the whole story and background of The Ardlays which Mizuki created was so wasteful if Candy ended up with someone else ( here some believed it’s Terry) and moved to England. Non sense. — I know I am like a broken record for repeating it again and again, but I just couldn’t help. Those ignorants were helpless. 🙁

    MsPuddle, you’re right about Albert’s appearance must be changed due to his age, otherwise Candy should recognised him when she met him again in Chicago Hospital. However, I kinda think the changes were more to his body. After this scene, he went to London for school and he started his free-spirit lifestyle as vagabond. And remember that albert had never appeared with his short and blonde hair until Candy was back from NY. And I could understand why Candy had never recognised him as POTH. The first time she saw him with short blonde hair, her thought was in somewhere else. And just like Louis Lane never suspected Clark Kent was Superman, sure Candy was never thinking that possibility, too. She was even in a state of thinking POTH was only in her dream, if it was not for his badge :).

    Ah Ms Puddle, can I consider myself insane if every time I think about Candy-Albert’s love story, my heart feels warm and I feel like smiling all the time 🙂 🙂

    • SweetCandyAndley says:

      Dear Reeka, if you consider yourself insane, then I must say I feel the same way. Should we create a new psychological description, “The POTH Syndrome” LOL! Maybe Ms Puddle could become our therapist!

      • Ms Puddle says:

        No seriously I can’t be your therapist, lol! I am actually in the same club, but I’m sure we are not the only ones. 😉 This is why I like reading comments from you and the others! 🙂

  1. January 26, 2015

    […] Prince on the Hill […]

  2. January 28, 2015

    […] Prince on the Hill Merry Christmas 2014 Prince Charming (Christmas 2014) Albert et Candy à Lakewood Caught him by Surprise!? Albert and Candy in Lakewood Albert in a shower? Morning before honeymoon First night First Anniversary collage Dance like a nymph Candy's birthday Albert and Candy dressed up for her birthday My Prince Charming Good morning, my love Candy thinking of Albert Candy, smile! Hello there! My Facebook page! Love Never Fails Ch 17 Enjoy the view of the evening sky Love Never Fails Ch 20 Caught in passion! Love Never Fails Ch 30 Albert wearing a suit The Diary: Wedding night Happy 2014! Kissing under the fireworks! My Prince Charming Ch 5 Kissing on a snow mountain It must have been love (No sé si es amor) Pony's Hill Love Never Fails Ch 2 Sudden Embrace from behind Afternoon Nap (Siesta Vespertina) Love confession El Diario Capítulo 3 Horse riding together It must have been love Ch 3 Dreamy Candy Love Never Fails Ch 11 Stranded in the middle of nowhere Love Never Fails Ch 28 Good morning The Diary Wedding night Papa, what makes a prince? Morning hug The Diary Sharing the anguish Papa, what makes a prince? Afterglow Love Never Fails Ch 33 A choking hug Love Never Fails Ch 33 Sat huddled on a tree branch Love Never Fails Ch 34 Tearful embrace […]

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