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44 Responses

  1. Antlay says:

    Merci Agnès pour votre aide, car l’anglais n’est pas ma tasse de thé ! Mais grâce aux histoires de Ms Puddle, je commence à apprécier la langue de Shakespeare. Merci Ms Puddle de me réconcilier avec l’anglais. Merci aussi Evelyn, il est vrai que je préfère l’espagnol qui se rapproche beaucoup du français, mais j’ai quelques notions seulement, les vacances en Espagne, ça aide !
    Bonne soirée à toutes, have a good evening, buenas tardes. 😉 (^_-)

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Antlay, you’re so funny!! Hahahaha, but thanks again for your encouraging words! By the time you read this, it is already Saturday morning your time, so bonjour! 🙂
      My friends have been to Spain (forgot which city) in the summer as well, and she said it was a very beautiful place. I believe your Spanish is fluent enough for you to read and write? 🙂

    • Evelyn says:

      Je suis content de vous connaître tout. Se il vous plaît, excuser mes erreur grammaticales. J’ai toujours pensé que le Francais c’est similaire à l’espagnol. Je viens juste à commencé de practiquer parler et ecrire mais avec beaucoup de difficulté. Así que no intentaré de escribirlo más!
      Yo fui a España y a Francia cuando era una niña como estudiante de intercambio a Francia por 3 meses. Fué una gran experiencia! Gracias Ms Puddle y a todas por hablar con migo! Siento tener nuevas amigas 🙂

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Yes I agree these two languages are somewhat similar. So you’ve been to both Spain and France. Must be a memorable experience. Once again, nice to meet you here! 🙂

  2. Agnès says:

    Hello ladies!

    Thanks for the compliment Antlay however my English is not perfect! 🙁

    I confirm your translation Antlay for this French expression, you could say as well: “This is so like you!” or “It is quite you”. It’s pretty the same in Japanese, thanks Ms Puddle for your direct translation!

    I’m happy to meet you Evelyn! I can’t be more agree with all you’ve written! 🙂

  3. Antlay says:

    Buenas dias Evelyn
    Hablas muy bien el frances ! No se como se traduicira eso, es una expresion. “esto es tipico de ti”
    In english “that’s you all over or it is you”
    Agnes qui parle très bien anglais peut nous aider à traduire ?
    Hasta la vista ! 🙂

    • Evelyn Belitz says:

      ¡Buen dia Antlay! Gracias por el cumplido y por la magnifica traducción. Entiendo ahora! 🙂 Mi Frances no es de ninguna manera perfecto y escribí el post que leíste con la ayuda de un diccionario y un traductor para que la gramatica fluya mejor. No pretendo saber hablar el frances a la perfección, pero sí lo entiendo si es un texto simple. 🙂 Chao! 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Wow! Antlay, your Spanish is great too!! That’s wonderful!
      For you and Evelyn: in Japanese manga version (I use direct translation),

      Albert remarked smilingly, “It’s so Candy, good…”
      Then Candy thought inwardly, But… to be separated from Albert, (I will be) a little lonely…

  4. Agnès says:

    What such a great news Ms Puddle! I’m truly happy for you!

    Je ne vais pas répéter ce qu’a dit Antlay mais c’est exactement ce que je pense ! 🙂
    Beaucoup d’occupation en vue… ! 😉

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Merci, Agnès! I’m very excited to finally receive the books! I couldn’t help skimming through the passages I’ve been wondering about! I’ll try my best to share with you all a bit at a time 🙂

  5. Antlay says:

    Bonjour Ms Puddle

    GREAT ! C’est un merveilleux cadeau ! Comme je vous envie, j’espère qu’un jour CCFS sera édité en français…
    Mais en attendant je sais que vous allez nous régaler en nous faisant partager de nouveau spoilers
    Pour info on peut acheter CCFS en italien sur le site Amazon Italie.
    Pour répondre à Evelyn, dans le manga français, Albert dit à Candy “C’est toi toute crachée”. Je suis entièrement d’accord avec vous toutes, à chaque moment important de sa vie, elle est retournée aux sources, c’est d’ailleurs le titre du dernier épisode du dessin animé en France “Le retour aux sources”
    Ms Puddle, CCFS n’aura plus aucun secret pour vous ! 😀 😉

    • Evelyn Belitz says:

      Merci pour votre aide, Antlay! cette phrase “Ce’st toi toute crachee” est particulièrement difficile pour moi de traduire. Est-ce une exprecion? que cela signifie exactement? si vous pouvez me dire en Anglais ou en Espagnol. Je vous remercie à nouveau! Thank you!! 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Merci, Antlay! I wish I could read Japanese like what you have imagined. 😉 As I said before, I read not without effort, but I’m gradually getting better! Reading something that I’m interested in (like CCFS) definitely helps me improve. 🙂

  6. Tiny12 says:

    Congrats!! Ms puddle!!! Felicidades!!!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Sorry I missed your first comment, Tiny12! Next time you might want to write your email address? The system only recognizes e-mail address for automatic approval. Thanks again, Tiny12! 🙂

  7. Tiny12 says:

    Congrats!!!! Ms puddle!! I am happy for you!!

  8. Evelyn Belitz says:

    Hi Ms Puddle!! Im so happy to see you have your own copy of Final Story. My name is Evelyn. I live in Florida. I’ve been following you silently since around August/September of last year. I’m fascinated with your work and blogs on Candy Candy. I grew up in Central America and saw the anime when I was about 10-12 years old. I was disappointed with the ending. Last year i remembered about this story back from when I first saw it on tv in Honduras and started researching it and found you! Then I found out about the manga. I’ve read and studied the manga in 3 languages. Spanish, English and French. The English version is the one that differs the most from Spanish and French, these last two holding the most true to each other in translation accuracy. The English translation does not do justice to Albert’s character compared to the Spanish and French translations. Anyway, I’ve been meaning to tell you I’ve been following you now for a few months and love you work 🙂 Still have not read all you stories but try to when I find some time after putting my kids to sleep. 🙂
    How do I register to your website? I did sign up to get updates but I don’t have a user name yet. Not sure where to look for this. Thank you! ¡Gracias! Evelyn 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Evelyn!! Your English is very fluent I must say; I suppose Spanish is your native tongue? Thank you so much for following my blog for some time already. ¡Muchas gracias! First off, you don’t need to register. Now that your first comment has been approved, your future comments will be automatically approved as well. Looking forward to hearing more from you!

      Rest assured you’re not the only one who are disappointed with the anime ending. 🙁 The manga has done a much better job, and it was clear that Candy had changed — no longer influenced by Terry or his actions. She had outgrown the stage and become independent. Though she missed Albert, she still decided to move back to Pony’s Home for some untold reason.

      About the manga versions, I heard the French one was very accurate, and the Spanish version was very close. Regrettably, the English one wasn’t official (done by fans). So quite a few important conversations were poorly done or even missing. 🙁 That’s why I discuss some scenes in the manga from time to time, especially for those who haven’t heard of the manga at all.

      Once again, it’s nice to ‘meet’ you here. If you like to read my stories, I have links on the top. Take your time, no rush at all! 🙂 Have a wonderful day!

      • Evelyn Belitz says:

        Hello Ms Puddle!! Yes thank you for the compliment, but I still make many mistakes specially when it comes to expressions 🙂 You are correct. My primary language is Spanish which I still speak and continue to build and improve. I moved to the US when I was 16 and learned English from scratch. I’m now 41 …don’t tell anyone ;). Anyway, while in elementary school through 5th grade, I attended a French/Spanish school so my French is not great nor fluent, but I understand quite a bit of verbs and simple conversational french.

        I always go back and forth between the Spanish and French translations of the manga. In addition, I try to follow the spoilers and I completely agree with your way of seeing the ending of this story. I’d like to jump in when possible to comment on your blogs because this story has captivated my interest and I strongly feel that Mizuki has always intended for Albert to be the one for Candy. I read you post from May 21, 2014, “Dance Like A Nymph”. In it, you left a link for one of your readers to the letters of the Epilogue on CCFS which was translated by a Japanese fan. If these letters are accurate and correct, there is no doubt that Candy and Albert are in love with each other and Albert dearly cares for Candy. We see a more real Albert who went through stages in his own life from his own perspective from childhood to a young adult. Also, it is so cute to see how the two of them joke and kid around with each other but always with a hint of puppy love and care for each other. I’m so excited that you now own a copy of CCFS so that you, with your knowledge of the Japanese language, in time can interpret and translate these letter and probably the entire book for us 😉 …no pressure 🙂

        You mentioned that Candy decided to move back to Pony’s home for some untold reason. You are right! When she first had the idea of moving back to Pony’s home, she was missing Albert tremendously so Pony’s home had always been her place of refuge. I don’t have the exact French words in front of me as the link I was using for reference has been disabled, but in the French manga Albert said something like this when he responded to Candy: “…it is like you to want to do this”, in other words that it was Candy’s nature to want to go back and help at the Pony’s home or selfless. (Please someone correct me if I’m wrong), In the Spanish version he says: “Si eso es lo que deseas…” or “if that is what you desire(want)…” I think, perhaps, Candy may have wanted to get away to analyze her situation and her feelings toward Albert after his revelation of being her mentor. Remember when she separated from Terry which was a life changing event, she went back to work as hard as she could? In this case, maybe she was just trying to process her feelings and thoughts by keeping busy, because this also was a life changing event? After Albert’s response, she thought to herself “on the other hand, I do not want to separate myself from Albert…” (from the Spanish translation). So the way I see it is that she is trying to process or cope with her feelings and thoughts and that it might be a good time in her life to move back to Pony’s home to help with the children. After all, she knew now where Albert was. He was no longer missing person in her life so she was at peace in her heart, and Albert could always visit her when he wanted.

        Sorry about my long post, Ms Puddle. It is my pleasure to “meet you” as well!! 🙂 Have a wonderful evening!

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Dear Evelyn, it’s always nice to know a few languages. I think my Japanese is not as good as your French, but like you, I think I know some common phrases and verbs. With the help of Google and various dictionaries, I’ve improved my knowledge a bit over these months. So far, I’m comfortable to share what I’m certain of. Otherwise, I won’t even try. 😉 You know what I mean?

          I can’t agree with you more about the letters in the CCFS Epilogue. Now that I can read them in Japanese, from their lively correspondence, it is very clear that they are very close, at least as very good friends. I will share what I find on my blog, one thing at a time. 🙂

          About why Candy returned to Pony’s home after discovering Albert’s true identity, I have very similar thoughts too. I also feel that Candy had to sort out her feelings for her guardian, whom she had missed so terribly for months. Pony’s Home was always her refuge when something huge had happened in her life (“life-changing event” as you said, after Anthony’s death and Terry’s departure). Therefore, I wrote a short story “It must have been love” based on this assumption. However, you don’t have to read it, but I just want to let you know that great minds think alike! 🙂

          Buenas noches!

          • Evelyn Belitz says:

            Once again, thank you for taking the time to reply! I agree with everything you say, Ms Puddle! Looking forward to reading “It must have been love”. Also trying to start reading “Love Never Fails” … Have a great day!!! 🙂

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Thanks for your interest, Evelyn! For your information, I’m currently revising the early chapters of Love Never Fails mainly because my friend is translating it to Spanish, and I also found my writing back then was rough and unpolished. 😛 As of now, I’m working on chapter 5. 😉

          • Evelyn says:

            I look forward to reading all chapters of Love Never Fails! 🙂

  9. Reeka says:

    Yayy! Waiting for many more untold spoilers! 😉

    Btw, Ms Puddle, my friend in Tokyo managed to get me one of these two. It’s the one on the left. Is it part 1?

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Good for you too, Reeka dear! The one on the left is Part 2, which is the one I’m more interested in 😉

      • Reeka says:

        Really, the green one is the part 2? Yayyy! 🙂 If I could only get one part, I prefer the second one.

        Good Night to you, Ms Puddle!

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Yes, Reeka, the green one with yellow diamond 😀
          I read a bit of Part 1 today, little Candy’s encounter with her prince. Soooo cute 😉

  10. Delhia Diaz says:

    Felicidades!!!!! 😉

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