Peculiar Relationship Chapter 7

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35 Responses

  1. Ruth says:

    Como deseo que suba otro capitulo me gusta la forma en que describe el carácter de Albert, es un completo misterio. Espero que siga con esa inspiración y nos siga deleitando con sus historias

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hola señora Puddle, me gusta la forma en que narra la historia, sin confusiones y de manera clara, también el toque de misterio que hay en Albert, usted me inspiró para escribir un fic sólo que como no soy muy culta lo hago con un poco de humor pero el misterio que usted describe me hace volar la imaginación , espero que ahora en vacaciones pueda escribir con más regularidad para que vaya avanzando en la historia quizás si tuviera la oportunidad de leer la CCFH no la tomaría porque confunde al lector no entiendo porque la autora no dejó aclarado todo saludos

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Yes I agree with you that CCFS is confusing in different places, especially its timeline, but clearly, by the time Albert told Candy he was her Prince on the Hill, he was ready for her. 🙂

      Good luck to your adventure in writing!! 🙂 😀

  3. Vera García says:

    An affectionate greeting Ms. Puddle

    Este capítulo lo considero hermoso, interesante pero algo frustrante y voy explicar mi punto de vista.
    Hermoso: Porque Usted describe como Albert percibe los pequeños detalles; donde de manera natural, Candy expresa su interés, aprecio(amor) por él. Primero al darse cuenta que Candy considera un valioso tesoro su insignia, segundo cuando ella se niega de una manera sutil, pero firme de no querer asistir a la representación de Hamlet.
    Interesante: Porque es genial su idea; que a través de un sueño, Candy considera a Terry como parte de su pasado y guarda en su corazón un sentimiento de afecto solamente. En lo personal considero que Candy se despidió de Terry en Roswtook, porque las lagrimas que derramo, no solo fueron por ver el estado tan lamentable en que se encontraba, sino también implicaban un adiós. Y considero que Candy reafirmo esto más conscientemente en la carta que nunca envió a Terry. Gracias por la nota al final del capítulo en relación a la carta de Terry concuerdo con su idea.
    La descripción de lo sucedido con Jack Ross me recordó lo acontecido con George.
    Frustrante: Porque desafortunadamente durante todo el trayecto del viaje, solo tuvieron una oportunidad para platicar, y en el momento en que Albert le quería comunicar algo importante a Candy, le interrumpieron. Y mi mente curiosa quedo con una gran interrogante ¿A caso Albert se ha decidido confesar sus sentimientos a Candy?
    Escribo hasta hoy mi comentario porque por cuestiones de trabajo tengo muy limitado mi tiempo libre para estar al día. Pero siempre pendiente de su historia, su amiga Vera

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Vera

      I can hardly believe I have totally forgotten to answer you! I hope you didn’t mind, mi amiga!

      Anyway, muchas gracias, Vera, for your long comment. I’m happy you found this chapter beautiful because Albert was sensitive and observant. Also, about the dream, I believe a person can’t pretend in a dream, so I imagine that was how Candy realized she was indeed over Terry. Like you, I think her actions in Rockstown were consistent with her unsent letter to Terry. Glad you like my brief analysis too.

      Please bear with me, Vera, and Albert would confess… for sure. Please be patient. Thanks again for following this story despite being very busy in your life.

      Saludos! 😀

  4. Antlay says:

    Bonjour Ms Puddle

    Un grand et long chapitre une fois de plus. Merci pour prendre votre temps pour écrire.
    Albert est très touchant dans ce chapitre. Il est un homme au coeur noble, un homme sensible, généreux qui est à l’écoute des autres. Malgré une enfance marquée par la perte de ses parents et de sa soeur bien aimée, il ne s’est jamais révolté, bien au contraire.
    Il s’ouvre à Candy, la rencontre de son père et de George est très touchante, comme lui son père devait être un homme bon. Pauvre Jack Ross, combien de pères, d’époux, de fils ont perdus la vie dans cette guerre pour défendre un pays qui n’était même pas le leur, mon pays la France qui est libre aujourd’hui grâce à ces hommes qui ont sacrifiés leurs vies. Je leur rend hommage aujourd’hui ainsi qu’a ceux qui ont participé à la deuxième guerre mondiale.
    Mme Watts est comme George, elle arrive toujours au mauvais moment, ne pouvez-vous pas les marier ces deux là ! 🙂
    Et Candy qui tient dans sa main son médaillon devant Albert ! Elle ne pense même pas à lui demander à qui appartient ce badge, elle sait pourtant que son propriétaire est un membre de la famille Ardlay, elle n’est vraiment pas curieuse et elle ne fait pas le rapprochement avec Albert avec ses beaux yeux bleus, ses cheveux blonds, sa voix douce et son merveilleux sourire ! 😉 Quand va-t-il lui avouer qu’il est son POTH, il fait durer le plaisir ! 😀

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Antlay! Glad you like this long chapter! 🙂
      It’s my pleasure to write this story in my head… I just wish I had more time to write 😉 😛

      I’ve always thought the late Mr. Ardlay must also be a very generous and kind man, so like father like son. 🙂 Albert adopted Candy on his own authority and had been very kind to her since the beginning. He didn’t realize fate had brought her to him again and again!

      Totally agree with you about the heroes who have sacrificed their lives for the great war. :'( Many families lost their loved ones back then… Sigh! In my imagination, Jack Ross was a good lad, just too desperate. 🙁

      About Mrs. Watts and George… LOL… This is hilarious, my friend!! Ha ha ha…

      About the badge, it was precious to her because she wanted to return this important item to her prince, but she was no longer eager to find him. She cared way more about Albert. 😉 She could be the worst detective in the world, right? (In Daddy-Long-Leg, this was Judy’s comment about herself after discovering who her ‘Daddy’ was…)

      Have a good afternoon!

      • Antlay says:

        Not everyone can be Eliot Ness ! Lol 😉

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Eliot Ness? The Untouchables? 😉 I’m sorry I don’t understand, Antlay dear?

        • Agnès says:

          Hello ladies!

          Antlay, je suis entièrement d’accord avec tout ce que vous avez dit! Tous ces gens morts à cause de la folie humaine de quelques dirigeants! Et ce, quelque soit la guerre d’ailleurs et quelque soit le camp, il y a beaucoup de morts, de blessés et de souffrance! :'(

          Pour finir sur une note plus légère, vous m’avez bien fait rire avec Ms Watts et George!
          Quant à Candy, eh non elle n’est pas un grand détective comme Eliott Ness, ça c’est certain! 😆

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Ah! Thanks, dear Agnès!! I see now. 😛 Of course Eliot Ness the great detective! I assumed Antlay meant George or Eliot’s marriages, so I was scratching my head… 😛 😆

          • Antlay says:

            Bonsoir Agnès

            Je suis bien d’accord avec vous peu importe le camp, des vies entières sont brisées.
            Yes Ms Puddle, Eliot Ness the detective of Chicago 😀

  5. Evelyn says:

    Mrs Watts timing is horrible!! Just when Albert was about to maybe “kiss” Candy wrapping his strong arm around her lost in each other’s gaze!! Ahh! So romantic the way you describe this scene getting lost in each other eyes!! I hope Albert gets some private time alone with Candy at some point! 😛

    I’m glad, Ms Puddle, that you are showing this side of Albert opening up to Candy. Sharing his past memories and griefs with her!! In the manga we only see an Albert who is all ears and supportive for Candy but we never really see him opening up to her and sharing his troubles. He is always the strong one, which should be, but here we see a normal guy carrying his own burdens and hardships. Someone who has feelings, needs and longings 😉 That’s why I love CCFS because it shows Albert’s human side when he opens up to Candy with his private life showing her that she is special to him by his actions!

    C&A have so much in common, really! They both grew up without the love of a mother and father but they both had a good support system and people who genuinely loved them. Love the scene of Jack Ross! Just shows that Albert really is a good person and Candy should definitely be falling more in love with him because of that! This entire train ride is so crucial because is making them grow fonder and fall even more for each other. Specially Candy seeing a side of Albert that she did not know before and she is mesmerized by him!

    Beautiful story as always, Ms Puddle!! Please take care of yourself! <3 <3 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Evelyn! The trip was over? It must have been exhausting but wonderful! 🙂

      I expected my readers to be mad at Mrs. Watts LOL 😉 Yeah, Albert and Candy really needed some time alone with each other, didn’t they?

      Like you, one of the reasons I like CCFS is that it shows Albert’s vulnerable side. He was human after all, and he also needed someone to be his listener and to love him back. Candy should also feel that in his writings, and that was why she shed tears reading his letters, feeling that he had grown closer to her. I bet she knew how special she was to him by then. Sigh!

      Glad you love the scene of Jack Ross. Back then, right after WWI, there were more widows due to high casualties. The welfare system wasn’t well developed either, so I imagined a youth who was so desperate, which also proved that Albert was a kind and generous man just like his late father.

      Thank you so much for your encouraging words, my friend! Yeah, I want both Candy and Albert to be more convinced that there was something going on between them. 😉 🙂

      • Evelyn says:

        Hola Ms Puddle!! Sí. This trip is over. Lots of driving around visiting natural attractions and wonders. Glad to be back home though. 🙂

        You did accomplish your goal my friend! I am extremely annoyed at Mrs Watts 😉 Can we make her jump off the train? Ooops! just kidding… she seems like a nice lady!! Lol!!

        Yes indeed! We can now see Albert’s human side much better than before. You are going to make me cry, Ms Puddle!! Albert just wanted to be loved back and be listened to, and he found just that in Candy!! So touching. Sigh!!!

        Excellent analysis about young man right after WWI!! It makes sense why would a youth would resort to stealing out of desperation to provide for their family! Albert definitely showed great compassion with this young man and I bet Jack will straighten his ways from now on! 🙂

        Candy and Albert are definitely getting to know each other more! They need time to talk, interact and let their love blossom naturally! Thank you for this beautiful story, my friend! 😀 😛

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Home sweet home, eh? It’s always good to be home indeed!

          Lol… Evelyn, you made me laugh… About Mrs. Watts! 😉

          I agree with you, that Albert, despite being so rich and powerful, was just a man who wanted to be loved, and he trusted Candy more than anyone else. I’ll write more about that in one of the following chapters. 🙂

          I wish I had time to read more about veterans’ lives and compensations to the families whose husbands or fathers died in the great war, but I didn’t have the time, so I skipped giving details. Yet, that was in my mind about Jack Ross. 🙂

          Yes, both Albert and Candy longed to find time to talk, to get to know each other more. Sigh! 😛

  6. Tiny12 says:

    That was a long chapter but i enjoyed it, at the end I thought that albert was about to kiss candy but mrs. Watts question!!!! Now i have to wait for the next chapter to see what is going to happen.. Great job ms puddle!!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you dear Tiny12! Glad you enjoyed reading the long chapter. 🙂 I know my readers will hate this chaperone lol, but otherwise she was a nice lady. 🙂 😉 Thanks again for your kind words!

  7. Reeka says:

    What a long chapter you wrote here, Ms Puddle! Thank you. <3

    For a moment, I thought you would make them meet Terry in NY, but you didn't. I should've known you wouldn't prolong this story with unnecessary plot ;-). Candy's dream about Terry, somehow I think it's reasonable for her having such a dream every now and then. More over after she received Terry's brief letter. I understand if Candy felt a bit unsure to ignore the letter. Not that she had some left over feeling to Terry. No. More to her overly kind hearted personality. That's why I believe one strong reason Candy had not responded to Terry's letter was her growing feeling to Albert.

    I like the part when Albert witnessed how Candy really treasured his badge. And how she felt guilty to Albert for expressing her feeling to POTH in front of Albert. Hahahaha if only she knew. 🙂 Poor Candy. I got a feeling Albert was very itchy to tell her who POTH was at that moment.

    And of course, I like your idea of changing the place and situation where Albert told Candy about his father and George. I really love this part of CCFS when Albert told Candy about his family. For once, it's Albert's turn to share his sandwich to Candy. And by changing the scene to face-to-face conversation instead of writing/reading a letter is making it more intimate. Sigh.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello dear Reeka! Thanks for your compliments! 🙂

      As I mentioned before, I meant to write a short chapter, but it turned out to be slightly longer than the previous one, LOL!

      You’re right. I didn’t want to complicate the plot unnecessarily. 😉 Besides, I have a feeling that Candy hadn’t met Terry again after Rockstown in CCFS. What do you think?

      I think it’s natural for Candy to dream of Terry from time to time although it wasn’t written in CCFS. On the contrary, she dreamt of Anthony even after getting married to her beloved. 🙂

      I still don’t understand why some people think Candy didn’t receive this letter from Terry, but like you, I think she might feel bad for doing nothing to respond. Yet, throughout CCFS, more than once she determined not to get in touch with him, so I guess she wouldn’t reply. Plus, by then, her feelings for Terry had changed. I even have a feeling that her unsent letter to him was her ‘reply’. 🙂 She wrote ‘P.S. I loved you’ right? 😛

      To me, that is her answer to his brief letter. Unlike him, she had changed. He already belonged to her past. 🙂 I’ll talk more about this in a different post. 🙂

      In my imagination, I think Albert somehow found out Candy still treasured his badge very much, and yet, like Luna said before, Candy loved Albert for Albert, not because he was her prince. Nonetheless, the fact she accepted him as her prince implied she loved him already. 🙂

      When I read Candy’s letter to George, it’s clear Albert told her the story face-to-face, not by writing, so I just needed to fit this somewhere in my story. I also wished that Mizuki could have written this out directly without using the epistolary style. Sigh!!!! 😕 Thank you for your encouraging words though, Reeka! Glad you like this part too! 😀

    • Reeka says:

      Oh my friend, how could I be so absent-minded and forgot to mention about Jack Ross on previous comment? The scene in fact made me almost shed my tears as it’s really moving and how Candy couldn’t help starring at him with so much adoration. I wonder whether Albert could also feel the love on candy’s eyes? :). I bet you brought Jack Ross character as a bridge to the story of William Charles Ardley and young George.

      Is Jack a name so dearly to you? It’s the second time you use Jack name if I’m not mistaken. Jack Ross and Jack Frost. 🙂

      Btw, while I’ve mentioned Albert’s father name W.Charles.Ardley, I want to ask you about the Ardley’s family tree circulated around the internet. Is it from Mizuki herself? That the middle name of his father was Charles, and his mother was Pricilla?

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Dear Reeka, thank you for mentioning this scene. Yes, how could Candy not fall for Albert? 😉 He himself had always been generous and kind to her too, but right now, she no longer regarded him as her benefactor. He was much, much more… 🙂

        You bet, I used this scene to bring up young George’s story. 😉 The name Jack? Well, I just picked a common and simple name that came to my mind… 😛 Thank you for remembering Jack Frost 🙂

        I’m not sure if the family tree was from Mizuki herself. In CCFS, as far as I know, Albert’s father was called William C. Ardlay (just like Granduncle William used to be known as William A. Ardlay). However, some people believe he was William Charles Ardlay and his wife Priscilla. Perhaps they have the source to prove it? I don’t know. 😛

  8. CKati says:

    Great chapter! Full of background info.

    Why did Mrs Watts have to wake up at that moment?

    Anyway, I really admire you for all the time and effort you put in your writing, even though your time is limited.
    Thanks for providing and sharing what you know and think.

    I always enjoy reading it

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you, dear CKati! Parts of this chapter are my imagination only, like their journey back home together and their conversations. However, George’s story is totally based on CCFS. 🙂 It’s also written in CCFS that Albert personally told Candy this story about George and his late father with moist eyes.

      Yeah, Mrs. Watts… the third wheel? LOL 😉

      I’m more than happy that you enjoy reading the story so far, my friend! Thank you so much for your support and encouragement! 😀 🙂

  9. Luna says:

    Dear Ms Puddle,

    Very nice indeed. ..Thank you very much for sharing this huge effort with us. At least for myself, I could say that your writings are brightening my day.

    In this chapter, I like their journey together in the train and to see actually how much Albert is taking responsibility concerning his life and for others. We know Candy, she is trying her best after her rupture with Terry. And Terry , even not very happy with Susanna, is getting successful and bearing his own responsibilities . So why not Albert?After regaining his consciousness , he understood very well he lived a very free life as he wants without any problem related to money. It is very easy to hanging around like a vagabond with a huge economical support behind.Yes, we learnt that he was so alone and he lost his parents very early but this isn’t very acceptable as a good reason of this life style. .. if we just look at Candy ‘s life, we understand what I mean. But I’m very happy ,from the beginning ,he has a very good heart and very kind personality. …very trustful, sensible character …Otherwise he wouldn’t have adopted Candy or wouldn’t have granted her an education in London…

    I think , due to their life (Candy/Albert) together and then his witness to Candy /Terry s behaviour after their separation, he changed his attitudes. He was taking more action concerning his life. Honestly, when some people are complaining about his too much works related to his business, actually I don’t agree with them. In my opinion,contrary ,this is a very good sign that is proving us that he is really ready for Candy.

    For the note from Terry, I really don’t know the timeline in CCFS , but still I have some feelings that it should come just before Albert’ s revealing not after Susanna’s death… I thought a bit about this…well,I don’t know whether Albert is aware of the note or not but let’s say he knows it, then returning the diary is becoming very plausible. So he is giving a chance to Candy for going after Terry or maybe suggesting this.

    But I still don’t know whether this happened before the note or after the note.

    PS: As ,Socrates once said, I only know that I know nothing

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Luna! It’s my honor indeed to hear that my new chapter has brightened your day! That’s very encouraging, so thank you, my friend!

      About Albert, it’s clearly written that Albert was extremely busy as a businessman, and Candy complained in her letter to Archie that Albert had no time to talk to her. Yet, Albert did personally tell her the story about George and his late father with moist eyes, so I guess she really missed talking to him, but at the same time, she understood his situations.

      Like you, I think Terry had moved on in his life and become a successful actor despite not being with Candy. Unlike some people, I think Candy wasn’t his everything. The more I think about it, the move I’m convinced that he cared more about his career.

      I totally agree with you that the fact that Albert had undertaken the responsibilities of being the chief of his clan and the business proved that he had left his old life behind. He was getting himself ready for Candy too. I’ll write something along this line in my fic. Once again, great minds think alike, Luna! 😀

      About Terry’s note, I have a feeling that Albert might know about it, and that was probably why he hesitated to confess to Candy. Also, the return of the diary didn’t necessarily happen after Susanna’s death. We don’t know. I’m inclined to believe Susanna passed away at least several years after the success of Hamlet though. However, nobody knows the exact timeline except for Mizuki. Sigh. 😛

      So, I agree with you. I only know that I know nothing. 🙂

      Have a wonderful week ahead!

  10. Agnès says:

    Bonjour Ms Puddle,

    A new beautiful long chapter, Ms Puddle! It was absolutely well written, as always! 😀 A great job! Once more we have published in same time! 😉

    I like the way you’ve showed the character of Albert, his beautiful heart. The story of the kid has indeed reminded me George’s one! So we can guess Albert’s father was a good person too! It had to be in the family genes! 😉
    Candy who tried to get in touch with Albert, sneaked away from her chaperone, it was too cute!
    Bit by bit, Candy discovered more and more things about Albert, his past history, his sufferings, his pains. I like their exchange but at the end Ms Watts has spoiled their beautiful tender moment! Grrr! I hope they will have more intimacy soon, they need it, I can feel that!
    I’m wondering what will be the reaction of her foster mothers when they will see them, together!
    Ah the famous badge! Sigh! Albert has seen it and was surprised she always had it with her everywhere!
    As you know, my friend, I’m also convinced that Terry’s note was sent one year and a half after their breakup and your explanation speaks volume! And the dream was a brilliant idea! Now she has completely moved on Terry! But Albert must to be convinced of that!

    Have a great Sunday mon amie! 😀

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear Agnès!! I didn’t know we published on the same day again! LOL! I must say you’re a prolific writer indeed. Amazing! 😀

      I meant to write a short chapter, but as I began writing, I realized I should have included a little more in this chapter, so it took me longer to write. 😉 Thank you for your kind words, my friend!

      Like you, I think Albert’s late father was a good man, and Albert must have inherited his trait of generosity and kindness. 🙂

      I think it was easier for Candy to sneak out to ‘check’ Albert, not the other way around. Glad you find it cute. 😛 They both had longed to spend some time alone but the circumstances didn’t allow them.
      Yes, Albert realized Candy still carried his badge, not knowing it belonged to him. I wonder how he felt whenever Candy mentioned her Prince to him… 😆

      About Terry’s note, now that I can read the Japanese text, the fact that he used あれ “a-re” speaks volumes! I’m even more convinced than ever Terry meant something they both knew. 😉 As you have written in your brilliant fic, that Terry went to Rockstown because he received no reply from Candy! 🙂

      You have a wonderful week too, mon amie!!

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