Birthday present!

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40 Responses

  1. Oliver says:

    Can you explain to me if Candy is allowed to marry Albert ? because he is his adoptive father.. I do believe that they finally ended up together.But what about the adoption..

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hi Oliver, nice to meet you. The novel did not specify but many believe the adoption did not really take place, so it was not legally binding. Because the law would not have allowed it — he was single and only roughly 10 years older than the girl.

  2. Quevivacandy says:

    oh my, my dear friend! and Look what I have missed for SEVERAL DAYS! My poor eyes almost bugged-out of my head… lol…

    And yes, I remember very well that scene of your story… 😀

    Just love it! and Happy be-lated Birthday, Dear Albert!

    Thank you so much my friend for sharing with us your talent! <3

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola dear QuevivaCandy! Thank you so much for your encouraging words! You made me laugh, mi amiga! 😉 Thanks for remembering that scene. It’s one of my favorites actually. 😛

  3. CKati says:

    That is some birthday present.
    This is good! I love it.

  4. Vera García says:

    Un saludo cordial Ms. Puddle
    Felicidades por tan hermosa obra, yo soy un poco tímida y solamente diré que hermosos ojos azules tiene Albert, Usted a captado toda la belleza de su alma en ellos, ahora comprendo porque Candy estaba desesperada por encontrarlo en Roswtook.


    • Ms Puddle says:

      Muchas gracias, Vera!! Warm greetings to you! 🙂 Glad you like Albert’s blue eyes in the drawing. I’m sure he had a pair of captivating eyes that drew people to him effortlessly. 🙂 But I think Candy felt attached to him not just because of his good looks, but also because he could give her the sense of security that nobody else could. He had truly cared about her after all. Sigh! 😉

  5. Mariel says:

    Happy bday my sweetheart!! Omg is perfect!!

  6. Criss Cerón says:

    Y algo que solo puedo decir en mi idioma natal y creo no tiene traducción… “Felíz cumpleaños papasote… apachurro!!!!!!!!! muack!!!!!!!!!

    Puddle You just made me very happy in this moment!!!!!!!!! <3

  7. Criss Cerón says:

    OMgoshhhhhhhhh!!!!!! really is he???? I´m dead… for love to him!!!!!!
    He looks very hot, sexy… mmmm, Puddle!!!!!! I can´t be in this moment with my husband, and then you show us this… this…. awwwwwwww very handsome man, indeed he is my platonic love…

    Happy bday my love!!!!!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Criss, to me, Albert was hot and sexy, the best male character in CC, don’t you think?

      Wish you a wonderful time with your husband later! Sometimes a bit of waiting helps boost your love life! 😉 🙂 For now, you can always come back here to take a look at shirtless Albert 😉 🙂 ❤❤❤❤

  1. June 28, 2018

    […] knows? Maybe one day I will. 🙂 Regrettably, due to lack of time and energy, I could only modify an old drawing (back in 2015). Some of you might recognize that I did it for my long fanfic “Love Never Fails”. […]

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