Peculiar Relationship Chapter 8

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28 Responses

  1. Quevivacandy says:

    I guess roots will grow under my chair until something happen between them… lol… But I know, I know… 😀

    I really love the chapter and they way Albert told everything to Candy. You know what? lately I’ve pondering about the stowaway escene. I’ve read TF say that Candy only could say that to Terry because he had no idea how she returned to America and if she lived and shared everything with Albert, she must had told him that back in the Magnolia House. However, since CCFS just says (paraphrasing) “One time when I told Anohito how I…”, we have not idea when that happened. It could be happened in the Magnolia House or even much later but we have to pay attention very carefully to another thing, Anohito didn’t apology to her… why? as you said, it was because her reason to get back to America wasn’t him so he didn’t feel guilty, just worried… 🙂

    Spanish flue! weee, lol… Definitely, great minds think alike! 😉

    Now, regards Mrs Watts, I loved her in this chapter! lol… so thank you so much for had given them a chance. I guess people around them could see their love for each other but not C&A. *sigh* I guess it happens all time, specially when in a couple, they don’t know or are not sure about the other person feelings.

    So now, I’m just wondering about what Albert wanted to speak with Sister Lane and Miss Pony… I guess I will find out until they are finally together… lol…

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hahaha, QuevivaCandy! Your comments are always funny!

      Yes, I have read something about their arguments supporting Terry as Anohito. They said Candy should have told Albert while living together, and back then, Albert wouldn’t have held her tight in his arms.

      I don’t know if that’s valid though because Albert and Candy had shared embraces many times, so why couldn’t he take the initiative to hug her?

      On the other hand, Candy might be afraid (perhaps ashamed) to tell anyone. After all, she had been impulsive and reckless. I have a feeling she wouldn’t tell unless someone asked her. 😮

      Exactly, great minds think alike! Yeah! Anohito’s response was crucial. He could laugh at first but later became worried. But no guilty feelings whatsoever — Candy had rushed back to America NOT because of him. 😉

      Yes, Mrs. Watts had essentially given them her blessings. She knew their love was pure, and she liked Candy, so that’s why. 🙂

      You bet, please be patient about what Albert had told Candy’s foster mothers. 😉 😀

  2. Vera García says:

    An affectionate greeting Ms. Puddle
    En verdad la paciencia tiene su recompensa, y en este caso se cumple con tan hermoso y emotivo capítulo que Usted presenta, gracias en lo personal es muy grato y reconfortante leer este capítulo.
    Al describirnos como la señora Watts percibe el amor tan sincero y puro de Candy y Albert, es indiscutible que lo que algunas personas habían dicho y las recomendaciones de la tía Elroy referente a la relación de Candy y Albert no concuerda con lo que ella percibió durante el viaje, por lo cuál ella decide no ser un obstáculo. ¡ Bien por la señora Watts!
    Es muy emotivo como describe la reflexión de Albert, sobre donde se encuentra su hogar y por lo que Usted escribe en su capítulo de cómo fueron recibidos en el hogar de Pony, y la platica que solicito a la señorita Pony y hermana Lane, creo que Albert ya había tomado una decisión al respecto.
    Considero que la intromisión sin querer de George esta vez es justificable, no solamente es su mano derecha en los negocios, también es su amigo, confidente y una persona significativa como un padre, por lo tanto es lógico la preocupación de Albert por su salud.

    En cuanto a la idea que Usted tomo prestada de CCFS de la pregunta de Anohito a Candy de cómo fue que cruzó el Atlántico, yo concuerdo totalmente con Usted de que no se puede considerar que fue Terry quien lo pregunto por las razones que expuso. Y desde mi punto de vista el único que pudo hacerle esa pregunta es Albert, porque el sabia por medio de George que Candy no contaba con dinero para salir de Londres.

    En espera paciente del siguiente capítulo su amiga Vera.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Vera mi amiga! Muchas gracias por leer! ❤

      Glad you understand Mrs. Watts’ feelings, and yes, she decided not to get in their way. 😉

      I see that Albert not only had a lonely childhood, he was still lonely as an adult except he had good friends like George and Candy.

      I’m relieved that you ‘forgave’ George for his ‘interruption’. Yes indeed he was essentially Albert’s family, and Albert was truly concerned about his loyal friend.

      Terry wouldn’t have asked Candy about how to cross the Atlantic. He probably would assume Candy had traveled the proper way. 😉 😛


  3. antlay31 says:

    Bonjour Ms Puddle

    C’est un chapitre très émouvant et très bien écrit. On ressent la tristesse d’Albert quand il se demande où est véritablement sa maison. Hormis sa soeur Rosemary, la seule personne avec laquelle il se sentait vivant et aimé c’était Candy. Il réalise alors que sa maison était l’appartement de Chicago qu’il partageait avec Candy. Là se trouvait son bonheur.
    Concernant Anohito, je suis entièrement d’accord avec vous, seul Albert pouvait réagir de cette façon. Il était toujours présent lorsque Candy se trouvait en danger, le jour où elle est montée sur une barque il l’a sauvé de la noyade, le jour où elle a été emmener vers le Mexique, il a fait intervenir George, lors de l’attaque du lion il était encore présent. Mais il se trouvait en Afrique quand elle a embarqué clandestinement, alors peut-être avait-il des remords de ne pas avoir pû intervenir, il s’en voulait peut-être de l’avoir laissé pensant que Terry vieillerait sur elle. Sûrement pour cette raison qu’il lui dit qu’heureusement rien ne lui était arrivée. Il était le seul à savoir qu’elle s’est retrouvée plus d’une fois en danger.
    J’ai hâte de lire la suite, que se sont dit Melle Pony, Soeur Lane et Albert, je me le demande ?

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonsoir Antlay! Thanks for your kind words!

      I agree with you that Albert had always been there for Candy whenever she was upset or in need of him, except the time when he had gone to Africa. Candy was indeed fortunate not to have run into real danger, and the people she met had been nice to her, the stowaway. 😉 🙂

      About what Albert said to Miss Pony and Sister Lane in private, you will know soon 🙂 😀

      Have a good night, mon amie!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Thank you, Ms Puddle! I’ve read Love Never Fails! Now I’m awaiting for your next chapters for A Peculiar Relationship. Thank you for making me fall in love again with Candy Candy! Please don’t stop and you are surely inspiring a whole lot of us!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I’m so glad my stories have inspired you! See you around 🙂 😀

  5. Tiny12 says:

    I love it i been waitting for this chapter thanks for writting it!!! I was about to cry when candy and albert was saying goodbye!!!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Tiny12! Gracias! I didn’t mean to make you cry. A lot of times we only see Candy missing Albert, but I want to show that he was only human, and he missed her too when they were apart. Sigh…

  6. Reeka says:

    YESSSS … that Anohito must be Albert! 🙂 LOL. A great author, she/he could build a character with such personality, attitude, habits, and characteristics that even their name is not told clearly, readers could see who was the one described. And Mizuki is one great author. Her characters are very rich in their own personality. Thus, in this case, sure it was Albert’s personality. At the beginning, he could still laugh because he himself was an adventurer. However, when the story’s unfolded further, he became really worried and he told her that he couldn’t imagine if something happened to her. Like you said, my friend, if it was Terry, he must be feeling guilty, and Mizuki could easily put a line “I’m sorry Candy … I’m sorry” to give favour to Terry ( not necessarily obvious that it’s because of him she was being stowaway … but if it’s Terry, Anohito supposedly said sorry, don’t you think?). Or else, Mizuki could add some Terry’s character on that scene. Like you said, … scold her for her recklessness, maybe?

    Likewise with several other scenes. Anohito fixed the music box with no sweat; Anohito whose smile was gentle came home and smile to her with outstretch arms. They’re all Albert.

    Now … your story! 🙂

    Thank you, Mrs. Watts. I’m glad she could understand the situation. 🙂 . This chapter is entertaining as usual. You’re good in putting some explanation about Albert’s disappearance and Uncle William’s revelation in this chapter. I see it as Candy tried her luck on fishing some hints from Albert as she had many questions regarding his feeling to her, and since when it’s all started. As a woman, I can feel her. We women are always thirst for information, more over if it’s about our love interest. However, Albert was typical men in general. Mysterious and thinking some things are better unsaid or unexplained. He did tell her about his side of story, but he kept some parts for himself, and let his eyes talked to Candy. And me as reader … all I want is HE KISSES HER! Please .. I’ve been waiting too long for this Albert eventually kiss Candy! 🙂

    Btw, I’m intrigued. What did Albert talk to Candy’s mothers? Is it about the purchase of the land or his intention to their daughter?

    Well, I;m not worried about George because we know in CCFS that he got nothing too serious. But this George was upsetting me … Could his flu come later? Why he was always timely in interrupting good moments? 🙁

    Thank you for this chapter, my friend. I know you’re busy, thus I highly appreciate it. Kisses!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Oh yes, dear Reeka, that Anohito’s reactions were so Albert… I totally agree with you that if it was Terry who listened to the adventure for the first time, his reactions would have been entirely different! It’s implausible that he didn’t feel guilty at all. 😆

      You read my mind, my friend, that Candy was trying to fish something out of Albert in spite of having limited time with him. Yes, women like hearing their men spelling things out in words whereas men prefer to show their feelings through their actions. 😉 🙂

      You will know what Albert had told Miss Pony and Sister Lane… Please stay tuned. 😀

      About George, his role was to interrupt… 😆 Nah, both Candy and Albert were grateful to him. Without him, the CC story would have a different ending. 😛

  7. Luna says:

    Dear Ms Puddle,

    I’m speechless ! I really felt here all emotions lived by Candy and Albert. It seems we’re getting more and more familiar with Albert’s inner world. I found that he is actually very sensitive , kind and full with love….It is very sad that he was so lonely in Lakewood and I can’t stop myself thinking that being a chef of that clan or whatever called is a sacrifice of everything. Having money, power isn’t bad of course. But after losing his parents, his sister actually he lost the meaning of his life or the feeling of home and he understood money is nothing. Hopefully,with Candy, he found where he belongs, and how much is important to be loved as he is (not for his money or social status).Probably, he was living like a homeless in the past because he was searching for his soulmate or his real home….

    I don’t know if he has already some feelings for Candy when they were in London or before…I assume not and if so what he was looking for actually always was in front of his eyes.. Just we needed an accident:). I think he learnt a lot about Candy ‘ s personality after the accident….and in my opinion ,what Albert knew about her in the past before the accident it seems was not enough being in love with Candy for him. So we could say he didn’t know her deeply or sufficiently in the past.

    Concerning George, I would say he is “the all seeing eye”. It seems in this story he is the person who knows everything from all sides;). From the beginning, I like this character a lot. Maybe not his family but his soul is very noble…

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour chérie Luna, merci de tout coeur!!

      It was a difficult chapter for me. First, I could only do a bit every time, and sometimes I couldn’t quite get myself in the right mood. 🙁 Therefore, I’m so happy you found this chapter emotional. I feel very encouraged, and that my efforts weren’t wasted. Thank you again!

      Yes, I meant to show Albert’s inner world. You can tell from his letters to Candy that he had grown up very lonely, having lost his immediate family and been isolated from peers. The only relative he had, his aunt, was always strict and stoic. Sigh…

      Like you, Luna, that I also feel that Albert wanted to search for meaning in life by living like a homeless. He wanted to meet someone who loved him as he was, not for his money and status. When he told young Candy by the waterfall that he had no shelter, I think he was actually telling the truth. 😉

      But I think he had no romantic feelings for young Candy yet, or else he wouldn’t have adopted her into the family. He could have easily supported her financially without going through adoption. Why would he create a trouble for himself if he had special feelings for her back then? 😛

      You’re absolutely right, Luna, that all Albert needed was an accident that made him forget everything in his past and get to know older Candy from scratch as her friend. 🙂

      About George, I like him a lot too. He was like a seer, an observer. I’ve always believed he could read Albert like a book, knowing him inside out. After all, he had been Albert’s loyal companion for many years. A reader once told me that George could easily send a telegram to inform Albert of the forced engagement, right? But George opted to disobey his young boss’s order by leading Candy to Lakewood. 😉 😛

  8. 陳以琳 says:

    I have been waiting for this new chapter for a long time. Thank you.

  9. Candy Bert says:

    Hello Ms Puddle!

    Aww! Such emotional chapter, and so well written, you’ve made me cry at the end! :’( The poor Candy and Albert who had to be separated again, I see the Spanish flu had hit again! 😉
    I’m on a hurry and I can’t elaborate right now, but I’ll do later… Just a few words about the reaction of Anohito to Candy’s trip as a stowaway, your analysis is brilliant and quite insightful. I don’t see Terry reacting like that, indeed! It wasn’t his character.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Candy Bert!!

      Awww… I didn’t mean to make you cry, but that’s a big compliment to me! 😀 🙂

      Yes… The deadly Spanish flu… But no steamy scenes like your romantic fic 😉

      Glad you found my analysis of Anohito’s reactions insightful and convincing! I’ve longed to share my thoughts about this little passage in CCFS, but I opted to discuss it here in my fic instead. 🙂

    • Candy Bert says:

      Well, in precipitation I use Candy Bert 😆 perhaps I will continue like this!

      I couldn’t believe Mrs Watts has realized their struggles and she has let them alone! She remembered her own history and Rosemary’s one and I suppose she melted to see our golden couple, how much they deserved happiness, and then she wanted to let them some privacy. It was unexpected, and I was saying myself, yes, yes, yes, thank you Mrs Watts, Albert will be able to confess Candy! … but no, so frustrating! Poor George even far and ill, he was the one who “came” at the wrong moment! 😆

      I really like the description of inner thoughts of Albert who was wondering what his home was to discover his home was Candy, it is so beautiful and touching! ❤
      I wonder what Albert have said to her Miss Pony and sister Lane? Perhaps he wanted to dig about Candy’s happiness with them, to have their opinion, how she was since she was living at Pony’s Home… to find where her happiness lies? 😉

      The concern of Albert about George is so touching too, Albert has already lost so many people around him (how I understand him, sigh…) and he was so afraid to lost the only one person who has always been able to read him like a book since he was a child. And Candy who was very comprehensive! Sigh again…

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Good idea to use your pen name instead 🙂

        I guess some readers disliked Mrs Watts the chaperone, especially after her interruption last chapter. 😮 But she had befriended Candy and had pity on her. Yes, Candy Bert, I plan to surprise you all 😉

        About George, what you said made me laugh 😆 Anyway, to Albert, George was his only ‘family’. Their relationship was very close, and George was possibly a ‘father figure’ to Albert.

        Merci, Candy Bert, for your encouraging words about Albert realizing that Candy was his home. That’s the impression I got from reading his letters in CCFS. 🙂

        About Albert’s talk to Miss Pony and Sister Lane, please be patient. You will know sooner or later. Thanks again for taking the time to read! ❤❤

  10. Delia Diaz says:

    Felicidades. Esta bella

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